General Discussion

General Discussionwell i posted earlierdd

well i posted earlierdd in General Discussion

    I had a previous post sayin how the mmr system was broken

    IDK what to say

    I got real drunk today and have lost 4 ranked games in a row

    they where all my fault

    But how do i never get people like me on my team

    All the time pooepl like what im doin in 1.5k throwing matches out of porportion


      now 5 in a row


        but the system accounts for people getting drunk and ruining the game for everyone else right


          if im not 14-4 then we loose but the system knows that i should be 1.5k


            yea in a team based game your skill should be based off weather your team lost or won... it dont matter how you played

            i could be paseed out from xanax, it dont mattter my team won, i gain mmr

            ok seems legit

            i could have be zoomin on aderal with 900xpm and someone is complete garbage... well they gain mmr seems legi=t

            the system is broken

            LIL KASALANAN

              r u ok?




                  i want a 6k player on my team to try and carry my drunk ass


                    when i loose i want to laugh and tell him 1.5k games are randomly f'd and yea in the long run you wont be f'd but if your a 2k player good luck gettin out the shit hole


                      First off, you hardly have any experience on this game. 800 matches is not a lot, keep in mind that is only 25 days of in-game time. Do you think people become professionals at something by pouring 25 days of their life into it? Let's stop with this delusion that you are special and it's just the system that's working against you.

                      You just really, really suck at the game. You're inexperienced, nothing special, and on top of it you just admitted that you lost 125 MMR by using drugs. What makes you think it's just your team's fault, and that you're an amazing player being held back?

                      LIL KASALANAN

                        Guy with 6000+ games played just dropped you a knowledge bomb. Gudstufboiz


                          Special, lol

                          NO I work hard, anyone can do that

                          In sports it pays

                          I dont see that in dota


                            Im white, and ran a 4.6 fourty and benched 225 for 12 weighing 185lbs

                            that doesnt just happen

                            Now im 31, i work hard in dota

                            Im 1.6k, enough said


                              Maybe because you barely started playing the game a few months ago and are still merely beginning to understand the fundamental basics of the game? (e.g. you struggle to get 4 - 5 cs/min when you should be getting 9 to 11 on carries)

                              You don't see it because you're literally incapable of it and unaware of what IT is.


                                >>>>Im white, and ran a 4.6 fourty and benched 225 for 12 weighing 185lbs

                                My point exactly. You, along with the majority of low MMR players seem to believe that you are transcendent, not human but more, SPECIAL, smarter and better than the average human being. Your mom may have told you you're special, but you're just another human being, dude. I don't care how smart you are, if you suck at dota, you suck at dota. What's there not to get?

                                High MMR isn't gonna fall from the heavens and into your lap because mommy said you're really special.. hate to break it to you, but it takes lots of time to gain skill in almost anything you do.

                                Do you understand yet? Also do you understand that you've only spent 25 days of your life on this game, and you seem to have the ego of Miracle-? You think that you're so special that you will quickly become skilled at anything you do? The thing about skill is you make things that look almost impossible to lower skilled people look easy.


                                  mmm, my cs is low

                                  A fair critisism

                                  It doesnt explain how the work I put in doesnt pay


                                    if you first start training

                                    say with lifting on the bench or squat, or running the 40 or shuttle... Improvements are huge, like absolutely fukin huge, you will never see gains like when you start without "Cheating"

                                    The gains you see in dota when you start, mmr wise are nota

                                    dota is tryign to sell itself as a sport

                                    All Im saying is if you put in work, and begin to have a better understanding of the game you should gain mmr

                                    I dont see it


                                      Dont argue with me and say i dont undersatnd anything more than i did

                                      Its just not true, its been months

                                      I have watched purge and ECKO44, AND COUNTLESS miracle and countelss other videos on dota

                                      Your arguments are false, i am a far better player than i was, yet my mmr doesnt reflect it


                                        Now 6 losses in a row while playing drunk, so the system seems to be accurate when i suck


                                          No reasonable arguements?


                                            Im here to tell you from a perspective of a normal guy... who works hard, this game does not pay like everything else i have worked at in my life


                                              So you want it to be easier than it is?

                                              And again, 25 days of time spent on something is not a lot.

                                              What's your point?? You get 172 cs in 45 minutes on a mid hero, when you should have at least 300 - 450.. you're not playing well at all.


                                                didnt see your other comment till now

                                                Ok, well physical things have always come ez to me

                                                Im 31 now and not a kid anymore, its not like i think Im just a beast

                                                I tend to obsess over things

                                                Dota is no different to me, the fact is I have an excellent ability to flow.. strategy and brains, meh... but my flow is great

                                                Dota to me, i admit a beginner who loves to compete seems to be alot about how i can flow. I work hard at it

                                                When I started and calibrated i didnt know shit.... Now I am vastly superior to where i was yet i see no "gains"



                                                  Because you have a low amount of experience. You only have 400 ranked games. Progress is VERY slow, it doesn't come fast at all trust me. I have 6,000 games and I'm only 4.3k right now. There's a reason why high MMR is so revered, because it's VERY hard and time consuming to achieve the skill required.

                                                  If you want faster gains, hire a dota coach who is 5K+ (costs like $30 or $10). You will see you have LOTS to improve on.


                                                    off topic: are you still drunk spamming your own thread?


                                                      yea and about to loose 7 in a row

                                                      you would think there would be one person who knows how to carry a game




                                                          but no if im not dominating i loose


                                                            have you tried dominating then?


                                                              lol pint of jauger and some silver patron

                                                              I tried alot

                                                              Not on at all, but 7 loss streak... I guess if im not dominating i loose


                                                                Yea its this simple, if i dont dominate I loose

                                                                It dont matter if im support or carry or mid

                                                                If i dont play like above my skill level i loose

                                                                I play drunk and far below my skill level I loose 7 in a row


                                                                  tbh I bet I could get drunk and still stomp in your mmr. I've done it in 4K..


                                                                    All those people who lost mmr though, the system calculated a shittty ass drunk guy on there team....

                                                                    I know, I know Stats is about a huge scale blah, blah, but 1.6k there is a never ending stream of people playing like i just was and if your not far beyond it, well good luck getting out of it


                                                                      It isnt about how Much You work its about how do you work.


                                                                        blah blah, yea your right. If your not paying attention to your work then its pointless. but thats not work, its like goin through the motions.

                                                                        You have to try hard, duh


                                                                          with all do respect your not goin to make me reconsider my work ethic, lol


                                                                            Im an old man, not some highschool kid who is still learnign the ropes of getting good at shit

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              i'm 100% sure he's still drunk


                                                                                And You're not going to improve, lol.


                                                                                  and yes i do still try to learn about how to learn, with youtube vids and books... Well i havnet read a book about that in a few years but, the process of learning about learning is never ending


                                                                                    Are you an oldman who sucked at School then ?


                                                                                      i know cookie remember my last thread about the broken system and how he was trolling


                                                                                        meh sucked... didnt try and got what i needed to get, but still make good money with hard work now


                                                                                          You shouldnt Read too Much about it, pretty sure you think its harder than it really is.


                                                                                            well thats what im gettin at

                                                                                            I havent made any progression in mmr at all

                                                                                            I calibrated 1.6k, and im below that now... but im so much better, like its not even close


                                                                                              seriously, b4 i would spam pa and push lane into enemy jungle all the way to tier 2 with no regard to enemy pos... that is just one example, its so low skill.... seriously imagine that, being so unaware and thinking its the right play....

                                                                                              I look back and am like wtf was that, and yet i have seen no progression in mmr... I have to ask the q why, is it broken... does it not care about the people who suck so bad, or what.... what is goin on with that?




                                                                                                  well ill direct you to my last thread and say this

                                                                                                  The system is broke

                                                                                                  why does my drunk ass loose the same amount of mmr as someone who played good.... there is no reasonable argument to that... this isnt pro, we dont cooridante and when we play like shit we should be punished... when we play good rewarded....

                                                                                                  If someone quits on my team and we win i still get the same mmr for a 4-5 match(although the levels get all f"d)

                                                                                                  Its not right

                                                                                                  It might work for you old timers who are vhs, and can destroy but im here to say that the newbs comin up are getting f'd by the system

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    just do my godamn challenges you'll get to 3k in a week if you even do the advanced ones.

                                                                                                    they're failproof on low mmr, get 6 slotted and end game- low mmr's can't work against that.


                                                                                                      the system is fair, there's no way dota 2 can detect if you're drunk.

                                                                                                      dunning kruger strikes all the players, but some of them get stricken harder than others

                                                                                                      if you're good, you'll gain mmr. it doesn't screw up noobs because they're not good and they won't get mmr.

                                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                        i dont know what your talking bout

                                                                                                        but a few games ago I was on role with sven, (while sober) had shitty lane, but didnt miss ancient stack with helm for like 8 mins... might be exaggerating, but was stacking better than i ever have.... and just started to jungle eficently... for me a least and something like 32 mins into game i was 6 levels ahead of everyone and walked down mid lane to end

                                                                                                        Most the 1.6k people i imagine had no idea of what just happend.... for me it was the first time i executed like that..... but the thing is my mmr... its the same.

                                                                                                        I casually pushed lane as pa to their tier 2 without a care in the world, and my mmr.......... its the same

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!