General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with Juggernaut in lane?

How to deal with Juggernaut in lane? in General Discussion

    His spin does so much damage especially when you don't have some form of escape from it, e.g if you're offlaner if you get out of position or close to the creep wave he just spins on you, in mid if you try to fight him, he spins on you and most mids use spells. What can you do? Keep him low?


      Rush boots and get a casual wind lace


        Pick heroes with escapes


          Dont be a retard

          Push the waves

            get good nukers... and always keep his hp low... e.g bb, clockwerk, tide, phoenix, lich... are good nukers...

            i always win jugger playing lich offlane...


              Kotl plus jug is actually completely unlaneable as a solo offlaner. Seriously hate kotl.

              Jörg Kachelmann

                on 1on1 in lane PA works pretty well if played right.. if it's safe lane tell your support to fuck off and idle mid, gank lanes or stack stuff.

                >> jugg can't deny all farm cause of dagger
                >> can escape via "w" from spin and ultimate
                >> can casually dodge auto hits with one value point in dodge.
                >> on 6 you can easily harass him out of lane via dagger, cause of his shhtty stat gain.

                positioning and wave timings are key for this.

                This is 3k MMR. LUL

                STE 8-1-8

                  Slarder can escape his blade fury with sprint and is tanky enough to stay in lane, dark seer can run away with serge, Timber can escape with timber chain, void can get away from him while time walking off the damage, mirana can leap, underlord can root him through blade fury, brisstleback is just very tanky, natures prophet don't need to be near the creep wave to last hit if you can micro well.

                  mid: puck or queen of pain can escape, od can avoid damage and reduce his mana pool, magnus can escape, timber and mirana can escape, windranger, sand king etc

                  Take regen, try bait out blade fury, don't be to aggressive until he uses it.

                  Position yourself so you do get caught out.

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