General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports I should be playing?

Supports I should be playing? in General Discussion

    Who should I practice?

    Give me 3 I should master to gain mmr?


      sd kunkka oracle

      casual gamer

        oracle WW SD

        casual gamer

          kunkka is the best but fuck that hero

          remember to drink water

            Vengeful Spirit, Lich, and Ogre.





                Président® Salted Butter

                  In your bracket, Abaddon Omni Bh


                    kunkka sd venge
                    fuck oracle.

                    casual gamer

                      don't listen to people saying vs, lion etc just pick oracle and sd



                        venge is strong in drow lineups.
                        oracle is just worse version of dazzle, whos doing more atm with his weave/aoe instagib than this sub 20% wr alien
                        sd is universal one w/e.


                          Don't pick supports that can save teammates. It's the easiest way to end your life in low priority.

                          casual gamer

                            ^^ wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong

                            mister russia has no clue how oracle works and its hilarious

                            casual gamer

                              this is what happens when you play oracle and ur not a paint-eater


                                It has nothing to do with how Oracle works. It's psychology.

                                Your teammates will always make mistakes and die. Shit happens... Not everyone is perfect... But then they notice YOU! Yes YOU! Savior support with zero reaction time, infinite manapool and global cast range on all spells. Just by looking at YOU, it becomes clear that YOU are the reason of ALL their deaths. And of course such a trash that pull whole team to the bottom like a 10 tons anchor deserves a report. Actually - 4 reports.

                                This is how it works... more or less...

                                casual gamer

                                  not you, завариваю дошик в молоке. idk why ur getting reported for playing a defensive support usually people are glad when they don't die and when they do die I ping false promise cd


                                    rofl im so ashamed that he lives in my country


                                      this hero doesnt work unless you start playing like a god.

                                      and if you start to do it - yeah, you might feel better because wow, you're out of your mind now woo
                                      but the result is all the same.

                                      this hero doesn't work in pubs.
                                      but this hero is insane on scrims/cms.


                                        give me that acc i give u 3200 mmr i would like to play on 900 mmr


                                          Oracle is a better version of dazzle, unless you have some burst physical damage dealer, or heroes with inbuilt minus armor(sf, slardar, vs, weaver, razor…), then dazzle might be better, but oracle still offers much more utility.


                                            @peeping Tom, I would love to play morphing or invoker in 900 mmr, I'll probably go something silly, like 50-0


                                              Johno send me your mail here and give me that acc i give u 3200 mmr or this 4 k if u want


                                                @Kindergarten Cool Kid
                                                Dazzle is better version of Oracle.


                                                  have you ever played a scrim or a cm

                                                  if not then please stop typing thank u


                                                    Pretty sure oracle and sd are bad in lower mmr games. Look at all these blue stars giving bad advice lul. Anyway is kunka really played as a support? What about elder Titan?


                                                      Look at all these blue stars giving bad advice lul.

                                                      All 2 of them lul


                                                        Their advice are off the mark, because there are no "blue stars" with #5 Oracle, SD and Kunkka in most played heroes list.

                                                        casual gamer


                                                          oh look its me playing pos 5 WW, the hero that I personally recommended

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          casual gamer

                                                            here's me playing oracle, there's less games because I usually just pick WW for a free win


                                                              33 matches! Holy crap! Thats some dedication here!

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                i'm only including matches in this patch because theyre the only relevant ones

                                                                but hey, you don't have >15 matches played as ANY support this patch

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  I shouldn't even have a blue star anyway I'm a dumpster player, just pretend it isn't there



                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      and kunkka support gets first picked every other game, it is completely cancer and one of the strongest supports heroes ATM


                                                                        Pretty sure wisp is broken too. Let's recommend normal skill players play more wisp for free games. Lul


                                                                          Recently, I had few games as #1 Terrorblade in unranked.

                                                                          1 game as #2 Jakiro

                                                                          3 games as #3 Tide and Spectre

                                                                          1 jungling Axe

                                                                          Everything else - I play support.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            I mean kunkka is pretty simple to execute. max x, chase people with it, use it to initiate with torrent boat combo and soak ur whole team in 50% damage reduction. surely with a little practice you can execute that combo reliably enough to climb mmr with it. after all, this thread is about what supports this person should play consistently to climb

                                                                            oracle is slightly harder to execute, but after 10-20 games the thought process should be very simple. the hero is extremely strong at level 1-3 and i'm sure e -> q -> e is not too complex for you jacked, nor is r -> w -> e -> e. obviously purging debuffs like amp damage and orchid are slightly more niche circumstances but even that is fairly straightforward

                                                                            i'm not telling you to play arc warden or meepo, after some practice it's pretty simple stuff

                                                                            casual gamer

                                                                              oh god I just realized all those sniper games ur playing support how do you not spend all day in LPQ


                                                                                ^IDK, may be because I have high impact in all of my sniper games.


                                                                                  Well being strong from level 1-3 usually doesn't dictate the outcome in 1k. But I see your point. I mean oracle isn't hard to execute. But his spells typically don't accomplish much in lower skill games.


                                                                                    Dazzle, Omniknight and Undying.. I play undying as support.. F*ck me right?


                                                                                      I would recommend omni

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Oracle actually deals a ridiculous amount of damage with the right build, so much that most people (even pros) used to understimate him for months after he had just made it into CM. Even if you aren't going to save every stupid person from death, you can output a ridiculous amount of damage for a support. Not saying that dazzle and omni can't, but with oracle it's much easier since it doesn't depend on your team dealing the damage or positioning well for purification or whatever.

                                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                          how can in 900 mmr games you play oracle. you just ping enemy and go release all your disable and auto atk versus dual offlaner and die while your carry is farming creep (not farming at all, it just auto atk creep with no sense)


                                                                                            if u were good in ur 3k games and actually won with the heros u say are so good and that u spam ud be 6k already stop typing out of ur ass


                                                                                              also please nevre pick winter wyvern the heros absurdly good but has negative game impact in the hands of a retard