General Discussion

General DiscussionEcho sabre for ursa with mom?

Echo sabre for ursa with mom? in General Discussion

    So guys who spam ursa i wanna know if u ever build echo sabre for him and what lifesteal medium do u get vlads or mom
    I am trying mom for 2 games and its quite good...
    Just want advice if echo sabre is good or bad with a reason :)


      good 2 hit at once and slow mana wow that just scream made for this hero


        It's garbage.

        peak performance

          i personally don't think its that good considering ursa is slot starved. On the other hand, it may be a good or even better alternative for a wind lace, as despite the pricier tag that comes along with it, you get a handful of stats, and the slow on hit is pretty good for ursa as well!


            You have a slow
            You have attack speed increasing spell AND item (considering if you buy MoM)
            Ursa isn't also a hit and run hero, nor that mana starved like slark, CK, sven or other decent echo carrier
            Don't think it's good, think about it like a daedalus on jugg, it's not efficient, there are way better items for efficiency


              ^ ursa is EXTREMELY mana starved compared to slark. But I wouldn't buy echo just for mana. Generally you can survive with mangos/fountain/mana boots from team. But if you really want more mana just buy Aquila or raindrops.

              Late game you'll eventually get sheep if it's applicable and then you'll have infinite mana.

              Echo is still garbage. Literally no reason to buy it.


                Why have I never seen RoA on ursa ever? Is it because people are too retarded and folloe the volvo build 24/7 or there are any reason behind it?

                Ayaneru   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Early items:
                  Orb of Venom
                  Phase Boots
                  Morbid Mask

                  At lvl7, try to RS. Buy SOD before going. My skillbuild is always 1/1/4/1 at lvl7.

                  After RS, DO NOT buy vladimirs. Earn dagger first before vlads.

                  Core Items:
                  Phase Boots


                    Dont buy vlads at all unless you want a uam like deso.


                      Listen boi. U can rosh at lvl 4 and no one will expect it then. With only morbid mask. Also echo hits wastes overpower hits

                      this goes hard

                        I almost always get MoM over Vlads because you can rosh very easily with it and the bonus movement speed is needed if ur chasing people. It also synergises very well with your ulti since you take no dmg anyway

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                          La Lumière

                            Um no. He already has an "echo-saber." It's called his w. If there are hard nukes/disables, I wouldn't go MoM. I would rather not upgrade to vlads from morbid. Keep morbid.


                              Hmm nice advice by all but @marlan
                              I have noticed rain drops is just lasting for about 2 mins or so on me coz i get spammed alot with nukes always and thus 225 gold gone in a small time then again mana probs so what to do when such nukes are present against u?


                                Lmao ok don't trust my advice I'm bad at ursa I promise.

                                Dont buy raindrops ever they are a bad item too. Lul.


                                  ^lmao, the sarcasm is strong


                                    Hmm spunki says maybe ur English is just bad so I'm gonna assume you didn't mean to break that sentence.

                                    So the serious answer: raindrops are great. They stop damage that's the point. You get them to counter early game nukes when they hurt the most.

                                    Now personally I wouldnt buy it in ursa because I would just use my ulti to avoid their nukes but it was just an example of a much better item to buy if you want mana instead of buying echo.

                                    But I just survive somehow with mangos and arcane from teammates.


                                      Ursa have earthshock for slow, overpower for atk speed. Why in the fuck would you need anything echo sabre gives you? It literally overlaps with everything your kit already provides.

                                      like god fuck use your fucking brains. Buy basher.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        @Marlan: I saw some guys stream solo queue Ursa and they'd get soul ring. And they weren't really retards, it was like 5.5k+ guys going for it. What are your thoughts on it?


                                          Idk I haven't tried it but actually seems interesting because you could spam your earthshock to jungle quickly. I find ursa is a slow farmer so maybe that would help.

                                          I feel like I should try out a mana build like Aquila soul ring might be interesting. Earthshock spam every camp


                                            Interesting for sure dont listen ppl who just "think" and didnt try it, i love those boys here saying you have slow you have att.speed so wtf get echo?i have fast car but why the fuck i should get faster one?


                                              "i have fast car but why the fuck i should get faster one?"

                                              you're retarded. Comparing cars and human nature to dota mechanics.


                                                Pretty chilled 7k guy cant compere anything with dota, nice behaving bro is it normal in your bracket react like that?Telling ppl use fuckin.g brain when they asking for advice, im sure you really nice guy in real life




                                                    Relax its just a thought about echo sabre -_-
                                                    Ull are comparing it with humanity
                                                    And yes @marlan cookie and JFH8 told me the same about the raindrops and iam not going against u ir saying its bad just iam explaing u what happens when i get raindrops..



                                                        LMFAO #MakeDotabuffGreatAgain #Jænsdoto


                                                          man han der "M(Y)M.$ad!sT™" (trademark XD) HAHAH - overdriv som hælvette. fyfaen så skutt han e i tryne. Haha. menmen. Sånn går no dagan, no ska e spis iskrem me potet og sødmelk.


                                                            iskrem me potet..... e du OK?


                                                              virke d sånn? :facepalm:


                                                                hah sandt ;)


                                                                  this is like getting echo on PA except even worse.


                                                                    2d probably has absolutely no social skills and lacks the very thing required to know how autistic he is.


                                                                      im bad at dota, and i know it. and im still bad.

                                                                      @pippo. u have to think of it in terms of how much more you get out of the extra attack speed. getting a faster car might be good, but at what opportunity cost? to give u a simple example, the marginal benefit u get from that little bit of attack speed (pulling numbers out of my ass) from echo might say give u 5% increased in effectiveness of a hero like ursa. now put echo sabre into the hands of different hero like sven, the same item gives sven a 100% incerase in effectiveness. whats the difference?

                                                                      one makes a fast car faster, the other makes a slow car faster. but the latter is better. carrying on with the analogy, lets say u boost the top speed of a really fast car by 5% in a race track with lots of sharp corners. and the car has poor handling. completely pointless. let's say u have another car (Sven) which has really slow top speed but excellent at taking corners. but because of his slow speed he still loses races. because he is already so slow, the same modification boosts his top speed by 100%, and because he excels in a tight race track, this increases his effectiveness much more than for the first car that has a high top speed.

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                                                                        Nice analogy Jacked

                                                                        Kill yourself in the name...

                                                                          Poorfsh. oh please ursa can chase necrophos with just 3 hits.


                                                                            @marlan, when do u go abyssal and when do u go sheepstick instead? when aghs, and when diffusal?


                                                                              Good question jacked i wanna know too... how situational these items should be?


                                                                                Thanks for the autistic friendly explaination Jacked!


                                                                                  Sadly Ursa is a shit hero


                                                                                    Mom is a dogshit item its bad on almost all heros.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      ^1199 MMR


                                                                                        @1nd worst dota player ever

                                                                                        I thought echo were good on PA,me build it bekus meh tink its e gret snowbor itum


                                                                                          @MYM : ursas kit is very well rounded. The only thing he needs is mobility hence why phase+blink is core.

                                                                                          Everything else is situational so I could go on forever on when to buy what items its all situational and depends on the game.


                                                                                            Let's make it simple.

                                                                                            You're playing PA/Ursa. You have two options. Echo sabre or basher.

                                                                                            What does you hero need-

                                                                                            atk speed? Meh, already got that
                                                                                            slow? Meh, already got that

                                                                                            is Echo sabre a good option? Urghh!! probably not >.<

                                                                                            Both PA and Ursa stays on one target and wanna burst that hero, bashers lets you do that. Discussing buying Echo sabre is so fucking stupid.

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                                                                                                I don't think u noticed the conversation isnt about echo anymore but ursa in general.


                                                                                                  Echo is redundant for ursa. And sheep stick is usually better than abyssal but lotus orb is popular so maybe not anymore? I dunno im a retarded ns fuckboi just call it by game.


                                                                                                    Hey guys 2d here. Because i have 7k mmr i feel entitled to be a douchebag, even though its all i will ever achieve in life. Wow let me brag abt my superior doto to distract me from the crippling depression that encroaches on ny heart day by day. Every second closer and closer to psychological implosion from wallowing in sadness. Next thing you, im at walmart, buying some bleach. I go home. And pour it straight into the laundry machine, bathing it in my tears.


                                                                                                      Thanks for the education. Didn't know "7k mmr" was an achievement. Doing laundry is also an achievement I guess. hahahaha