General Discussion

General Discussion[HELP]Offlane mechanics

[HELP]Offlane mechanics in General Discussion

    Can you guys give me some advice playing as offlane? Like how to deal tri lane as an offlane and some offlane mechanics


      Know your heroes limitations, try your best to let the range creep go first in the first wave to ensure you get exp and try to agro enemy creeps to kill your range creep. Your primary goal in the offlane is to just get exp and farm if you can. if you are totally screwed and not getting exp go iron talon jungle (may not work for most heroes). Try also to keep the enemy supports in your lane, so that they cant rotate and screw around with your other lanes, and if they do, go annoy the enemy carry.

      just a noob

        Just try not to die.



            Pick Nyx

            Forget me not

              Pick NS lul haha, jk
              Try to get as much exp and farm as you can from Lane, if possible try to pull the side camp to deny your creep and getting exp from the neutral, if the support is making rotation to other Lane try to make enemy carrry Lane like hell by harassing him by using creep agro so he will miss the timing for lh and deny. go for kill if it's seem possible, try to check the rune if you got a good rune like invid or haste try to make rotation to midlane to ki enemy midlaner.


                Buy Tangos + Iron Talon,

                Aggro and back + Aggro and back + Aggro and back, repeat every time...

                keep the enemy creeps the most near of your tower possible.

                casual gamer

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Don't stand around the bounty rune pre-game if getting a kill is low% chance.
                    Instead practice blocking creeps on your favourite heroes because getting the first wave in the offlane is very important.
                    Get a feeling for when you should rotate (they pulled/lane is stalled near their tier 1 so getting xp/farm is impossible for ~1 minute)

                    In pubs against tri-lanes you can get away with hiding in trees to gain xp, it's risky at higher mmr though.