General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother

Broodmother in General Discussion
Jonas Kahnwald
    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Welcome to 4k

      Jonas Kahnwald

        @Kylextazy : Ty mate, I reached it earlier December :D . Are you playing at SEA?

        Jonas Kahnwald

          Your recent matchs so unreal. haha WP


            broodmother is still zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz to play

            Jonas Kahnwald

              @M.C.T : What you mean "Zzzz" ?

              Sir GueL

                wow. how do u manage to survived the late game? cause broodmother easily outcaried by other carries later. She lacks of dmg later on.
                Cause all i've been through with brood, just can win the game till mid game, around 30-40 ++ its hard to win team fight even though I've destroy 1 of enemies barracks one, sometimes.

                The Medic Guy

                  lol why you want to play late game with broodmother in first place?

                  Kobold Foreman

                    I got mad respect for another brood spammer. She is too good this patch.

                    Sir GueL

                      Maybe because the unwanted condition, unpredicted teammates teamwork, probably can make me jump to the late game even with brood

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        I going to expand my hero pool to 3,Sven will be it and hi nice to meet you.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                        Jonas Kahnwald

                          Jurnero ™ : Lets look at my duration match in my history game of Brood. Yes, I go late game Broodmother sometimes, but main purpose I play Brood just for buying time. I buy time for carry, mid-lane, make enemies busy with Brood, and try to escape. Let see they pop dust, and you moving from web to web, and they dont know fucking where you are ? :D. We're done haha !

                          She is outcarried by another carriers, but at late game or mid-game, you should 6th slotted as Brood.


                            My brood late game look like this: bloodtorn,abbysal,hex,ac,bkb,travels. As you can see it focus on disable and helping team survive .


                              Sometimes the best way to win a game is by ratting. Your team buying space and you rat. Once i had a game who 3 of my team just sat at jungle doing nothing while i solo carried the team and i still lose anyway. Brood player specializes at suffocating enemy farm and never lose the lane except vs sven axe and timber. But you can still win by cutting creep wave and farming jungle.

                              Jonas Kahnwald

                                Thank you, Fx


                                  But how do u jungle Sven?

                                  Jonas Kahnwald

                                    @Jacked (af) : Jungle sven ? what u mean?

                                    casual gamer

                                      spending time afk farming instead of trying to win the game when you have an advantage != better performance


                                        cancer hero

                                        Jonas Kahnwald

                                          @JDF8 : I think Brood just farm until she got orchid, and join to stick with team. All easy from this moment.

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            ^ I think Jacked is asking me.(Because I never lane)
                                            Ya Sven can jungle but need ALOT of time before out,don't think I will ever do that in rank,it's too bad.

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              I even carried my 5K noob teammate from my jungle farm today.
                                              Jungle for life!

                                              casual gamer

                                                you can jungle any hero, farm fast hotd and gank with purge creep xd, at least semi not-terrible

                                                Jonas Kahnwald

                                                  @1IceTea : I dont know what is jungle for life. But jungle like you in ours last game ( almost make us lose. If I dont command you stop farm and go stick, we gg. Haha !

                                                  That`s oblivious fucking EGOCENTRIC !

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  Jonas Kahnwald

                                                    1IceTea : did u carried me, or you give me mad game ? Fuck you, 4k and u play like 1k mmr