General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy it takes luck to get into 3k MMR.

Why it takes luck to get into 3k MMR. in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    @Haffy How does my first ranked game being normal skill show that I'm bullshitting? Just because you can't reach 3k, doesn't mean nobody else can.

    It shows that you are bullshitting because apparently you calibbed at 3k before you learned to start using item actives. I don't disagree with reaching 3k being easy, things are winnable here. What I don't like is the act of needless epeen wagging. What realistic purpose does it serve to your point.


      Just git gud I calibrated at 2.2k and I climb like 3000 matchmaking point
      (in sea best server in the world)

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Starting at 2k+ isn't that bad tbh

        doc joferlyn simp

          Try starting at 1k you privileged cun.t. lmfao

          Potato Marshal

            @Haffy It's not epeen wagging because nobody would brag about being in 3k. Even you're saying reaching 3k is easy. All I did was follow the recommended item build guides most of the time when I was calibrating and didn't even remember to use wand or mek most of the times I bought it and still reached 3k.

            All I'm saying is anybody who complains about being unable to calibrate or reach 3k just doesn't know how to play the game and it isn't because of toxic teammates or bad luck. You can just spam your abilities in the laning stage with a few clarities and realistically get kills or at least harass your opponent out of lane most of the time in 2k matches. Anybody who even understands the basics can reach 3k.