General Discussion

General DiscussionSometimes mute all of your teammates is the only way for you to win

Sometimes mute all of your teammates is the only way for you to win in General Discussion

    I was playing as Bloodseeker Support and then

    What to do when your teammates tilt you too hard? Mute them, beyond god like, get level 25 before everyone does and win the game.

    basement :)

      My game is on mute 80% of the time. I only unmute to rage or trash talk.

      Unless the player is 600 mmr higher than me, everything they say is useless.

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      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You sure you support? D:
        Dafuq is this 5k game?
        People still do such greedy drafts?


          See how much support items I bought obs, a lot of sentries, AC, Pipe. I'm just a rich position 5 support.

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          Raining in Manila

            When i TT with enemy , somehow it tilt me inside