General Discussion

General Discussionhow to deal with a ranged carry

how to deal with a ranged carry in General Discussion

    i think ive figured out how to deal with a meele safelaner....but i still dont understand how to play against a ranged one.... are there certain offlaners that are good against heroes like luna and sniper etc.. i mean i can simply keep splitting the wave and stacking jungle camps to clear later on... but are there heroes that can go ham on these heroes heroes that can make them scared and go offensively against them....maybe timber or bristle?


      Huskar fucks up Luna in lane. Especially if it's solo. Against Sniper though there's not much that defeats him 1 v 1. You can just get a roaming support and gank him continuously I guess.

      chicken spook,,,,



          huskar offlane?????????!!!!111!1!?!

          chicken spook,,,,

            Just pick a gap closer or analyze high mmr replays


              Huskar offlane can fuck shit up if he gets consistent help from a roamer or has a support.


                ffs xf i said i can split the wave and play like a pu$$y
                but what if i want to shut him down ?


                  i wouldnt consider luna as ranged carry before dragon lance...

                  tide can sustain pretty well with 2-3 points in W
                  legion with poormans shield, buy raindrop/clarities and spam Q from the treelines
                  roaming supports

                  in case of afk jungler you could just blame him, pick lich and eat them offlane ranged creeps.

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