General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlock - best position

Warlock - best position in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I have seen this hero played in literally every position over the past few months, so where does he really belong and why?

    And yes, position 1 warlock is something I have seen only once in pro play and it was a really fast push strat.



      Pale Mannie


        Riguma Borusu


          So you're up for some hot oglodi action?

          Dire Wolf

            well let's be realistic, in pubs you may be able to play him mid without too much flaming, otherwise he is support or offlane support. I wouldn't solo offlane him.

            Mid can be really good and with aghs, refresher and maybe that summon golem talent he does scale pretty well into late with 4-5 golems killing stuff.

            Support safe he is good at zoning with bonds and his dot. He can put out a lot of dmg, not burst, but plenty to force someone out of lane any time they come close and kill if your carry has stuns.

            Offlane is same deal, team up with a stunner and push carries out of lane.

            I don't think there's any best spot, hopefully you aren't 5 spot and forced to buy all wards and never get aghs.


              Support in the safe lane. Pretty good at babysitting people due to his strong heal.


                I think he's the next hero to get the Shadow Shaman treatment and get some rightclick buffs.


                  Theres only one way to play this hero that is the roaming max upheaval warlock (futa's way )a.k.a. mango warlock... basically anything else isnt viable

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