General Discussion

General DiscussionTrying to add chaos knight to my hero pool

Trying to add chaos knight to my hero pool in General Discussion

    so what's the basic item / skill build for him and i been trying to play him around versus bots from what i see he's super slow on farm so should i get midas as first item on him or what


      Battlefury into aghs into octarine
      Ask the seatards


        ty. llama i see that u rush heart before manta why do you do that (when should i go for heart instead of manta)

        Riguma Borusu

          Manta Illusions do jack shit without heavy str. It is even debatable whether you get manta at all, actually.


            sorry for being annoying but can u also list wish hero chaos struggle against / good against (i dont trust dotabuff best / worst)


              good to know ty rpq


                aoe dmg hurts. invoker etc are good counter. plus he has low mana pool and he strugles agaisnt emp


                  axe is dangerous in early and mid game.


                    ^ so far axe counters my hole hero pool lmao, (AM,PL,Slark, Sven mid game with his BM)


                      sven, dusa, ember, gyro (if he was good LUL), magnus, kotl (ironically), timbersaw


                        well he is melle counter. im not a ck spammer but i won my 6 game and most were easy.
                        except for invoker i didnt find anyone anoying.

                        axe can be handled. i skip armlet as i m not good in armlet switching(i dont advise it though it very good item and you can make it agaisnt axe too) and went sny. it worked really fine for me. also i waited for axe to intiate then i joined the fight.



                          when i go manta i can't have my mana sustained too

                          Riguma Borusu

                            CK is AMAZING against sniper if he jumps on him. Terrible against sniper if he cant get to him.


                              ^ isn't that the problem in the first place?

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Yeah, but I am saying, if you have IO for example, you might have a jump on sniper when pushing HG, so you are good against sniper, but if you cannot get to him you're terrible. OP asked about counters and heroes CK is good against, so I am putting sniper out there as a "depends" scenario.


                                  Battlefury into aghs into octarine
                                  Ask the seatards

                                  Can confirm

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    You can jump with anyone if you have Io, CK loses to Sniper most of the time, unless you buy a super niche Blink Dagger, but then he might Shadow Blade away. So fighting sniper comes down as a team problem, which cannot be solved. Well you can solve it by rekting early game but his highground is good.

                                    Oh you got the immortal thing didn't you?

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      CK is one of my best heroes, stay in lane with support, I always get Armlet on CK as it makes him very powerful. I play him either with Manta or SnY depending on the situation as manta can dispell any silence but if you feel there is just too much stun and AOE get SnY then get bkb. By this time you should be able to 1shot supports and even some carries. If you are playing bots I suggest you play unfair bots with him, they will contest your farm in lane and if you fail you will mostlikely lose the game.


                                        Armlet, tarras for sure


                                          you haven't mastered a single hero, you don't have a hero pool.


                                            @cheap no i didnt get the immortal thing, i wish LOL


                                              cookie i think i did lol :3


                                                @barachiel yes i tried vs unfair bots and they were ez af that's why i moved to real player and it was such a good game :3
                                       all my 4 deaths was cuz of my bad positioning :(


                                                  1600 mmr dafuq is wrong with you ? and u mastered a hero ? 1200 games ?

                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                    Max rift over bolt first, there's still debate over this even amongst high MMR players, but the 6 second cooldown allows you to rift bolt, and rift someone again. Get ult at 11 and 12. I still prefer echo over drums, get armlet afterwards, heart is still core, skadi is also very underrated. BKB if necessary, SnY or halberd if you're behind and struggling to finish heart, AC is also very good ever since illusions started benefiting from attack speed. Get manta as a late game item after heart unless you desperately need the dispel.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      @xdd i play mostly pub games 1ranked game each day cuz am running on data plans and cant risk lossing internet in middle of game.
                                                      also here take a look at how the ping is like over here
                                                      i already got 60% ranked winrate and am sure i can get up to 3k if i had the time this month...
                                                      also i play aloooot vs unfair bots trying to get better at farming / LH cuz i dont have internet most of the time 3rd world <3

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!