General Discussion

General DiscussionA sincere request

A sincere request in General Discussion

    Queuing for the siltbreaker campaign and playing with 3 random players nowadays either results in someone dying to the first creep camp, abandoning in the first zone, people going completely wrong heroes and item/ability builds or just walking into and drawing aggro from 3 camps at once resulting in the entire team chain feeding in a matter of seconds.

    I cannot even begin to explain how frustrating it is trying to play this game mode when people cant even get through the first zone, when I am already planning for the road to Kalabor and the desert stages. There are people who still are playing this for the first time, can't follow human instincts to dodge enemy attacks and don't even do things properly when explained step-by-step.

    I just have one request, asking anyone playing on the SEA server to queue with me and help me get 3 stars on the first zone, nothing more. It won't take long and you can just quit the game after it is complete. I don't expect anyone willing enough to fight and finish till the end. I have 3 stars on the 5 following zones, just not on the first one.

    Add me, if interested.


      Ain't playin dat shit again . Fuk


        @Ken Lol, not gonna ask you anyway! You're terrible at it!




            lol go fvck yourslef IDIOt


              I already got 3 stars on first zone and trap zone, but I couldn't get 3 stars on lucius longclaw zone because of DAT f*cking timer or DAT one teammate who always die just before the zone will be completed.


                lmao venz so salty


                  I would rather play with ano than with fx


                    we lost?