General Discussion

General DiscussionTough question

Tough question in General Discussion

    What would u prefer to end up with in your solo rmm if you could choose:

    1) dogshit mid but good carry


    2) good mid but dogshit carry

    (All in terms of skill only)

    What altetnative is less harmful in the long run in your opinion?


      Wow either one of those is better than having idiot carry and mid and offlane at the same time, well if i had to choose, i prefer the first option since we could just gank mid and kill the enemy mid laner


        Wait if our mid laner was an invoker/meepo/arc warden and is extremely idiotic, but the carry is good, i would still abandon


          I'd rather have the good mid , could either rotate some ganks his way to snow ball him harder or run dual lanes and hope your off lane is decent .


            Midland is too impt rn

            1-IceTea 🌟

              Depending on enemies offlane/mid hero.
              But generally dog shit carry is better choice because farmed offlaner is easier to deal with compare to farmed midlaner

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                  Dogs hit carry more forgiving. That's why I don't play mid

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    As long as they nice and trying atleast I don't care

                    Not all the people on the same level, and a dogshit for you will be a god for other people

                    You queue with different people, and the system tries to balance teams power, so it's inevitable to get players which are better and worse than you, and what bad in that? How can they or you get better else?


                      It depends but maybe I prefer dogshit mid but good carry, I don't really know atleast it won't be both.


                        i prefer both being crap so i can win the game as offlaner


                          I prefer jungler rather than retard support


                            Would you rather have a team full of noobs but listens to each other or a team full of players that are skilled but are all toxic?

                            주 롄양

                              bad executed plan also sounds horrible dude

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                Abyss Watcher absolutely the former, with no second thought

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