General Discussion

General Discussionhelp me with mistakes

help me with mistakes in General Discussion
never seen sun rises

    please can sm1 tell me what i did wrong in this match?
    i am definitely sure that some 5+k voker would win this very ez despite on the pick and whatever
    i just really can't get by myself what should i have done in this match to win, but feeling that only i lost it
    offtop: sry for bad english
    i know its probably one more trash topic, but i need help much

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Just download the replay and watch it on different perspectives, then you'll accurately see where or when you went wrong


        It's hard to tell u without watching replay. Try asking more specific questions about specific things that happened in the match that u felt lost u the game


          I'm a shit invoker and haven't played him since like 6.89 but isnt that skill build not good if you are gonna get a euls?

          Hatrið mun sigra

            Your team destroyed the offlane Slark, who had to get a 19 min midas, Axe was jungling, PA was solo vs Magnus and what did you do instead of exploiting the huge advantage? You farmed all game long, while waiting for your team's long cd ulties to be available and look for the greatest combo of all times, once the fights were over it was time to go farm again. Why end the game fast and make them pay for their greed, am I right? You went late game with no carry vs a Slark, PA and WR. No matter how well the game goes 'till mid game, carries will always come back in the late game, it's basic knowledge. In fact you had a pretty good advantage and then boom, towards the end they won a huge fight and turned the game. They got their defensive items, bkb on carries and lotus orb on Axe, their disables, Vyse and Abyssal, and WR her Aghs. Ez fights = ez push = ez win. You dealt around 2k dmg to buildings, they dealt 18k dmg, this is not acceptable, especially in this case since it was in your own interest to end the game as fast as possible. Or were you expecting for your MK to carry the game? After min 25 he was literally a creep. This is the main reason why people lose games in <5k brackets, please learn to read drafts. It's about game sense, not about this or that hero specifically. Use logic, analyze the big picture, the entire game and their team as a whole before focusing on one specific hero. You need to know exactly what to do and what your plans as a team are at min 0.00. Plus you had a BoT quas-exort Voker, wtf were you doing instead of taking towers, sunstriking ancients? Gooo

            Ah of course you need to communicate game plans to your teammates and discuss them together, explaining why you wanna proceed that way. Don't do things without saying anything and then get disappointed if no one follows you.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            never seen sun rises

              ye you are surely right about farming part, i really fucked up with split push, but the reason was high lvl mid wr with invis and blade mail axe
              i have a really nice lh at min 10-15, i asked my team to wait my ags a bit and just start taking buildings, but when i got it, i faced two problems
              first one was offlane magnus with midas and than he went dagger, octarine core
              second one is always afk carry bristle, he just disconect so much and lich start tilting whole team for our bad carry(they all were in bad mood cos of bristle pick, i think bristle was really good here, problem was magnus offlane, i think he is a bit greddy one)
              but despite this mistakes, was the main one that i bought arcan boots and eul delaying my aga to 26-27 mins??

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Arcane boots invoker? Wait, what?


                  26 min aghs definitely
                  Lost you the game bro


                    17k net in a 43 min game

                    Hatrið mun sigra

                      @no pressure I understand especially some heroes can be a pain in the ass for split pushers, I have 560+ games as Axe myself, but what you do in these situations is you get offensive wards near the objective you're about to take and constantly check the map, to see if they're split, if they're all missing etc. Split pushing forces you to improve your map awareness. And you could have pushed as a team too, in case Axe or WR showed up. And why arcanes on Voker man? You wasted 900 gold, don't ever get them. Also you want your aghs by min 14-17, at min 27 it's really late. But in this game, this is just my opinion tho, getting eul before aghs isn't necessarily bad, with eul you could disable Axe in case he blink-called your team, or avoid Slark or disable WR, thing is it could have been somehow acceptable to delay aghs and get eul first only if you had grouped up and pushed with your team. Otherwise why get it if your plan is to jungle and nothing more.


                        No offend, try practicing easy to play heroes first. Once you get the basic knowledge of the game, you can then start practicing heroes that require high individual skill. I have said it before, I don't recommend anyone below 4k to play heroes like invoker. I'm not trying to put you down but I believe it's the fastest way to improve your gameplay if you have a solid foundation.



                          it's easier to master an easy hero so you can work on non-hero related issues

                          those are the things that are actually keeping you in your mmr bracket

                          Mlada i Luda

                            for fuck sake i have to agre with cuki for the first time for it. its unbelieviable how big is the number of the players in lower brackets trying to learn invoker, and they suck so much in the game of dota in general. i understand mostly of them are some little kids inspired from miracle w33ha and other pro-se, but seriosly stop that shit, if your below 5 k at least , dont try to master difficult heroes as invoker, you can learn how to play the hero( you never master it ) but you will still suck at dota cause of other non-hero related issues, cause you focusing to much only in your hero , i know mostly of you think that if you play a high skill cap hero will get you higher mmr, but thats is wrong way, you first get the high mmr than learn high skill cap heroes, you fucking dumbas little kids.

                            Mlada i Luda

                              actually i think dota is a game of overfreedom, maybe some heroes should be only avaliable to pick depending from your mmr, game experience or some shit. it jsut camme in my midn right now its not that i analised such a thing , maybe is not the best idea jsut saying


                                early game with emp on axe every clash.
                                i already exprienced it, i cant do anything without mana with axe.
                                axe is just stupid tankiness hero without berserk call.

                                u can disabled the other with defending blast.
                                i think this is good draft, the game is winable.

                                and solo support lich is hard, mk should help him get sentry/obs.

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                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!