General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 Update

7.00 Update in General Discussion

    Do you guys think the game has improved in a good way since the 7.00 update ?

    Do you prefer the new map or the old one ?

    Talents were a good idea ?

    I need your thoughts.

    Potato Marshal

      I honestly don't even remember what the map was like before 7.00.


        Nah f*ck 7.00, lost 400 mmr ever since 7.0 now i cant regain that, still stuck in 4400


          I start play after 7.00


            the whole game became so much better.

            +RIP junglers
            +better roshan location
            +roaming more valuable with 4 bounty runes

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              talents is the thing i liked a lot
              everything else, not so much, game would've been betterwithout shrines and backpack and the new rune system

              Potato Marshal

                The backpacks are my favorite addition, I don't know why anyone would dislike it. Was annoying as hell only having like 3 slots as a support for personal items. Also annoying how you always had to fiddle with the courier if you wanted to build something like AC or a heart late game when you were nearly full slotted.


                  I duno I only just started playing in 7.05. I'm still new to the game

                  Pale Mannie

                    when i watch videos before 7.00 i realize that the old HUD was blocking all the vision i had

                    Pale Mannie

                      i still want the map to be a bit darker


                        I like:

                        - talents
                        - rosh location


                        - shrines and bigger map - hard to push HG (it was nerver easy anyway, now even with big advantage you can ez lose with bad decisions)
                        - nerf to creeps - RIP Chen

                        Mostly I dislike those 2 things mentioned above and I have a feeling that this patch is easier for heros that dont really require much skill and like to fight a lot. Eg. Ta, Necro, Bloodseeker, Sven, Sniper etc.

                        What's the point of picking Chen now ? This hero was never easy to play with. Now creeps are weaker, map is bigger and its almost impossible to go HG 10 min mark now, like it used to be (that was main Chen strenght). This hero was picked 0 times in Kiev Majors.


                          jungle nerf was good.

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            -WTF they nerf jungle so badly WUHAA
                            -They killing the game by changing the map WUHAA
                            -All old player gonna leave Dota is a death game WUHAA
                            -Cry baby

                            Meanwhile I hit 5K by only jungle and TI price pool gonna be greatest of record this year.

                            IMO I it's good.
                            Shrine,R3 location,map control ect make the game more complex then b4.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              Yeah, Im not sure if its because Im out of 3k but the number of LC junglers used to be so gosh darn high! Now LC is almost always played in the offlane


                                LC offlane is OP. Great MMR grinder too.

                                Pale Mannie

                                  be happy that the abomination called cliff jungling got removed

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I like having more jungle camps, ability for offlane to jungle is cool, runes for supports to grab is cool. Map's better overall.

                                    Talents I actually think are quite stupid on the one hand cus one is usually so drastically superior to the other that it's always taken, or else they're like so similar in value you just flip a coin. There's not a lot of logical decision making going into it, it's not like purchasing items. From that perspective talents is a failure.

                                    BUT what talents does do and does really well is it allows nerfs/buffs to heroes without fucking with their base stats or core abilities. Oh slark is too strong? Drop his 15 agi talent to 10 if needed. Oh viper sucks? bump up his agility talent and armor talents. It's a good concept for balancing in that way.

                                    Overall I'm not sure if that was the reason for them but it's a sneaky good one if it was. They don't make the game more interesting or anything but they do allow for balanced adjustments more easily.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      You say talents are a failure for the same reason dota item builds would be a failure - there is always the perfect, preferred item build you'd want to go for, but you can't because you have to accomodate. Even if one talent was better in just 10% of the games, it's still worth having the option.

                                      Talents for mana/hp regen can let you skip tranquils/arcanes early in the game, while sacrificing something for it, damage talents are often the other side of hp talents (and you may want to take hp talents against heroes like necro and damage and armor against lifestealer, etc).

                                      Having the talent choices lets you slightly adjust your hero to the game better so there's still thinking involved.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        I think in theory they do that but in actual use it's very, very rare. When's last time you saw anyone take move speed over stats on spec? If you look at most talents they are like 75% to 25% pick rates and some are as high as 85% like sniper's first one.

                                        I think items are a lot more diversified than that, maybe you build one particular item on a hero every time, especially stuff like boot choices, but items aren't exclusive or's where if I build s&y I can't build daedulus. So it's not exactly the same thing.

                                        Anyway failure is too harsh, I just think if the purpose was hey let's spice up dota but providing these unique talent builds it didn't really work since most of the time you pick the same ones. Valve could buff the crap out of the lesser picked ones to get them closer to 50/50 if they really wanted to though.


                                          ^lets look at your most played hero troll warlord.

                                          lvl 15 he has either +15 mov speed or +7 armour. winrate is +0.7% for movement speed. so its very legit to take the 7 armour

                                          lvl 25 he has 20% magic restistance or -7 whirling axes. also very small higher winrate on whirling axes. there are games where magic res is better.
                                          you just dont see the oppurtunities becaue you are one of my fellow low 3k noobs

                                          think about CW or brewmaster or pudge. first talent is mana regen which you normall get. but when you have a cm you can skip it.

                                          Talents reward players that use their brain instead of using 1 preset build every game

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                                          Yung Beethoven

                                            Well i think it changed dota in a good way. Talent trees are an easy weak to nerf/buff heroes and they really do change the playstyle of some heroes depending on the talents you skill.
                                            the shrines are imo a great addition, since they make team coordination easier. Grouping up is easier etc.
                                            Only thing that bugs me is that the jungle is (in the early game) extremly bad. I think they need to leave the respawns at every minute, but they gotta reduce the camps in general. or maybe putting a 2nd small camp instead of a big one.

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              but the camps spawn every minute since 7.06 though


                                                +rosh location
                                                +interface change
                                                +reduced jungle camps gold
                                                +Rip illu meta
                                                -kinda dislike the map
                                                AND BIG THANKS FOR THE OPTION TO Q FOR REAL SOLO Q

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  I pick magic resist sometimes.

                                                  But you cherry picked the two that you might actually flip the most. Look at 7str vs 10agi, agi is picked 78.5% and has 5.2% advantage. Dmg vs 350 hp seems like it should be closer but dmg is picked 81.9% and a 5% win rate advantage.

                                                  I'm just saying people who are like oh man I love talents so much variety, it's not as much as you think it is. That's my point. I like the talents, more interesting than old stat levels, but they can still be an overrated change.

                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                    + Talent make game interesting , and stats only benefit carry , now lvls much more benefit to every hero
                                                    + rosh location is gud
                                                    + bounty runes keep the poor heroes in the game



                                                      -Map's too bright, they kinda lost the feeling
                                                      +Mostly everything else
                                                      +especially jungling, though for chen it's his life

                                                      Should have some buff to early HG siege, I know general populace prefer teamfight over games that ended before 20 mins mark, but some hero just dont have life over 20 min.