General Discussion

General DiscussionIo Tips? :D

Io Tips? :D in General Discussion
ma-ku hemburger country

    Io players, any tips for being a good io (supp)? I just tried it out for the first time in a match and I'm really interested in learning this hero :D
    This is the match if you need reference or anything btw.

    low prio master

      Prepare yourself for long but fun race,watch some pro io players,it will help best,focus on practice spirits its a key to get higher winrate,in 50m game you need to be dealing much more dmg than you did...dont be afraid do relocates moves with your carry,use mic is necessary,be friendly lovely io and you might be getting 4 comments per won game.
      You can check my profile and hybrid build io,but i wouldn't recommend to play this till you not mastering io support

      ma-ku hemburger country

        Oh I see. Thank you! What item build would you recommend for supp io? I've seen people go bottle as first item; what do you think of that? Or would it be better to start off with the normal tango/clarity/salve/ward?


          Soul ring is fun if the hero your main tether bitch is just dump trucking mana, (tiny basically)

          It also lets you skip arcanes if you want to get tranquils.

          ma-ku hemburger country

            Oh okay. How do I improve on my damage dealt? I feel like I deal a measly amount of damage as io ._.

            chicken spook,,,,

              Hit spirits? It's not io's job to deal damage anyway

              Mode Idiot

                Can u not post here 1 k player. Noob


                  Easier to shoot self in the skull than to learn io at low mmr in solo queue. .....however if you really insist on learning a hero
                  1-go to opendota/dotabuff hero ranking
                  2-pick one of the top io players
                  3-go to gh replays
                  4-download any of those
                  5-copy whatever he does while trying to understand why he does whatever he does
                  6-have a paper and a pen next to u
                  7-right down what u learnt to feel better about urself
                  realise what you've written down is related to getting better at the game in general and has nothing to do with the hero and know ur a shit player
                  8-decide to quit playing ranked and start only trolling with friends in party unranked
                  tl;dr....noone will help u learn a hero in this forum 'cept cuki god analyze replays and git gud on ur own...

                  ma-ku hemburger country

                    I don't play ranked and am not planning to anytime soon. I'm just trying to know more heroes better in general atm to get better. I just find it helpful to know the pov of other people since you all have more experience than me and probably can see/point out things I didn't notice. I'm at this point where I'm just trying to learn more and soak up more info to improve myself.

                    in 50m game you need to be dealing much more dmg than you did

                    When I asked about improving my damage dealt, I really meant this. I know io(supp) is not a big damage dealer but I was just wondering how I could work on this.
                    But anyway, appreciate the advice.

                    low prio master

                      Bottle,trang,soul ring,urn - all you can pretty much win games only with this sometimes,glimmer is very good,mek was always thing on io.

                      Dmg you deal only with spirits master them hit them fast,in first round if possible,they deal a lot of dmg and its important for especially relo ganks when you need kill fast and literary deliver some dmg.

                      ma-ku hemburger country

                        Oh okay I see. I usually hit most of the spirits but come to think of it maybe I don't use spirits often enough. It's been a really fun hero to play so far though :D


                          Urn is good
                          Arcanes is good
                          Bottle is super good
                          Greaves when u need purge
                          Mek when u r pushing
                          Heart when ur super rich
                          Glimmer for saves
                          Vlads/pipe accordingly
                          Only overcharge when ur Target is getting focused or is hitting something
                          Try to use the tether slow
                          Keep an eye on ur positioning
                          Know where u shud be, sometimes as io u can pair urself with the offlaner to destroy the safelane, like bristle, legion, clock, necro, etc however sometimes u want to just play less aggressive and pull for ur safelaner
                          Always carry a tp, don't tp from base, because if anyone is getting dived u r their saving grace.
                          Io works well with heroes like Sven, legion, bristle, tiny, ck, and generally heroes who benefit a lot from the movespeed and who r already inherently tanky, work well with overcharge.
                          Most of what I say is common sense, but some is from a d2bowie vid I saw, u shud search it on youtube.

                          ma-ku hemburger country

                            Omg I watch d2bowie too. I think I learned a lot from it, though when I first started out it was pretty hard comprehending stuff cos I didn't have enough basics. I think the only skill I'm not too sure of atm is when to overcharge.


                              Only pick Io when your team already have a hard support, because Io cannot ward all the time


                                You can buy necrobook to increase your damage
                                Tether to the melee minion then overcharge
                                The melee minion will hit like a truck to heroes and towers


                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Can u not post here 1 k player. Noob

                                  If every single person in SEA like you die, the region wouldn't be filled with shithole countries


                                    look at GH. buy a ton of salves. only use it at the really last minute.


                                      Miracle likes to buy armlet on io, i guess its a free hp drain for you + hp regen for your tethered ally at the push of 1 button. This is under hybrid builds so don't try this @ home kids

                                      ma-ku hemburger country

                                        Yea I love watching GH play, even more than miracle maybe. I think a couple of weeks ago I saw the video where d2bowie broke down his io saves in detail it was so enlightening

                                        Sadly I'm pretty shit at armlet. Like a week after I started dota I became obsessed with the idea of mastering armlet on huskar. I spammed hours of armlet/huskar in demo mode and obviously failed epicly because I barely knew the game. Rip haven't touched armlet or huskar since HAHAH

                                        meteor hammer

                                          old armlet on huskar with ghost was some real shit


                                            From my low Io experience, never pick it if you have a squishy draft or when you'll be the only one supporting (pos 5).

                                            If your teammates are squishy, its extremely difficult to relocate-save. Also heros like jugger or naix are both not very good to pair with, cos you cant tether them due to magic immunity.

                                            Also relocating with blinking heros is a bit tricky. If they blink too far, tether will be cancelled. Sometimes tether cd will make you unable to bring your partner back, so mic is a must.

                                            The biggest problem with playing Io is when your carry is a piece of trash, such games are a nightmare. Youl will find yourself useless.

                                            ma-ku hemburger country

                                              Also relocating with blinking heros is a bit tricky. If they blink too far, tether will be cancelled. Sometimes tether cd will make you unable to bring your partner back, so mic is a must.

                                              I came across that problem when my friend and I tried to io-sven combo. Even tho we were using mic he blinked away from my tether when I was channelling my ult -_- But we still won that game in the end so I suppose all's good

                                              The biggest problem with playing Io is when your carry is a piece of trash, such games are a nightmare. Youl will find yourself useless.

                                              Ifkr! Tmw my carries bought bkb and the pa decided it would be a good idea to jump into the middle of 5 enemies with the bkb on and without backup, then proceeded to flame me for not saving him when he died. Literally the epitome of sea server cancer.

                                              KitKat -.^

                                       i can help you with your Io, just add me then we talk, maybe a free coaching sesion for me to practice coaching


                                                  Armlet is my favorite item in dota 2
                                                  I remember the one time I toggled thru Frostbite
                                                  It was orgasmic no Kappa
                                                  Also whenever I get a rampage my bpm goes thru the roof

                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                    io is a dogshit hero



                                                      sadly that is the basic reality. The heros isn't very good right now. Too easy to jump right on it and burst IO down.

                                                      ma-ku hemburger country

                                                        Yea a lot of times even tho I tried to stay at the edge of fights I got picked off before anythign :/

                                                        Story Time

                                                          can i play huskar +IO? is that viable?


                                                            Only if you're miracle and io is gh

                                                            low prio master

                                                              Dazzle and Oracle are best supports for Huskar,its work with Io of course but not that well as these two

                                                              To the blue star,io wasn't rly good for all the time sitting on lowest winrate in game so i just wouldn't say io is not good right now couse i feel like it was always like that,few last patchs io getting nerfs even have lowest winrate,the thing with io is use his full potencial,on each k of mmr could work different kind of playstyle,build etc,
                                                              In my opinion till propably at least 4k mmr its very hard to find player worth to support with io in your solo games.
                                                              In low mmr games is super frustrating and demotivating to play supp io.One thing is you have to explain every singl game how io works,in 98% of games you forced to play pos.5. I manage to have winrate on support io in 2k games around 46% and i was proud of it couse after like 100 games i was sitting on 36%.
                                                              But i learn to master him and found my own way how to play io jungle now im on nearly double global wr on io and i having incredible fun every game 😍

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