General Discussion

General DiscussionFriendzoned

Friendzoned in General Discussion

    That moment when you talk to the most beautiful girl on planet, her face, as white as the snow, that hazel, slanted eyes like a cat, and ears as pointed as the elves. It's been so long that you have met, and you could only talk for a moment, but that moment felt like it last forever, you could only think about her and forget about everything else. When it finish, you know you will never be with her, because to her, you're only an old friend, not more than that. Sigh. Now, only Dota can relieve my misery.


      3d girls

      L U L


        You should turn gay!


          and watch anime

          Potato Marshal

            Girls only want guys in the very high skill bracket.


              ^^ lmfao


                Where's that post of the bronce guy when you need it? Or the rampage story? xD


                  Tell me about it, my dude


                    ey bro what happened


                      Ask her nice to have sex with her, or do a rim job for her, maybe a kiss if you are a nerd like most people.


                        ask her about her opinion on bidets

                        chicken spook,,,,



                            go workout everyday, wear nice clothes and overall get "more attractive".
                            pretty girls friendzone boys
                            become a handsome boy and you will be friendzoning them instead.

                            I had a crush on a girl ages ago who I knew would turn me down if i asked out. couple of years later I got "more attractive" (and a few successes in life) and she was the one trying to get too close to me. oddly enough I felt like she wasn't in my level anymore so i friendzoned her.

                            True story


                              ^ pogchamp i like how you cuck her
                              Dont worry boi gitgud at irl and you will find a better one :)

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                pretty girls friendzone boys
                                so don't be a boy
                                be a man


                                  Just be like me
                                  Can't get friend zoned if u don't have any friends (who are girls)


                                    get rich and you can have all the girls u want.

                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                      You have lack of confidence, can you tell me how it is your friendship with her? are you a close friend? do you consider yourself ugly?

                                      Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                        ^killua had spoken the truth anyways xD

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        basement :)

                                          Is it just me, or are 99.999% of girls ugly? I probably see 2 attractive girls a year, and I go to a massive university.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            its probably cuz ure a clopper

                                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                              ^thats why you dont live in argentina almost every girl is hot as fuck


                                                @+25 for me:
                                                It's definitely your taste in women. It's ..... Unique..... you will probably end up not loving any girl you're with because of it. lower your expectations xd


                                                  Here in murica u get everyone thicc
                                                  so much thiccness

                                                  basement :)

                                                    I do not mind being alone. If I find someone attractive, good for me. If not, oh well.


                                                      ^ i am sure 90% of forum is like that


                                                        This is +25 for me in real life


                                                          ^^^^ LOL that photo is funny.

                                                          Also OP needs to get a blue star, then that girl will want him

                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                            U're a sissy, ofc she doesn't want you. She wants a man, not some little girl in a barely male body.


                                                              just abandon and go next


                                                                Damn ^Danishblunt u actually decribe me perfectly. I know that i need some confidence, but i dont have the balls to do it (even though i actually have some if u know what i mean)


                                                                  Btw i actually forgot about this post. Thanks guys for the supportive feedbacks, its still a long way for me

                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                    Who need 3d girls when you can have unlimited waifu

                                                                    Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                      I see many girls dating with ugly guys, attitude and confidence is everything

                                                                      Hardy Boy Kels

                                                                        listen to darude sandstorm , it transformed me into a man

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          work out, ull feel good and gain confidence. confidence shows a lot, and is just as attractive as being ripped af to a lot of people

                                                                          practice ur ability to talk to people, try to understand what theyre thinking about and how they feel. 99% of being a good talker is being a good listener

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            Then get a grip you fool. Stop being a sissy and go for it. Girls like men, looks etc. don't matter as much as u think, it's about being manly but no macho.


                                                                              99% like seriously? Then i am that 1% who is a good listener but not a good talker. Thats just demoralize me more dude

                                                                                Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                  How do u describe manly ^Danishblunt. I get the rough idea but just want to hear your opinion about it.


                                                                                    I loled at that pic xD

                                                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                                                      Being ripped doesn't help at all. It's your presentation that matters. I'm sure u guys have often seen avg or even bad looking guys having a really hot chick in their arms and asked the question "Why?" It's because those people present themself properly.

                                                                                      If you want to make a women yours, then make sure she gets the vibe that u're a man that knows what he wants. If u want that girl then start doing something, you're already giving up like a retard.

                                                                                      My gf is insanely beautiful, plays video games, has good sense of humor, is able to get along with you no problem and is insanely cute. I'm just an avg looking guy who is insanely confident while trolling people nonstop out of boredom. If u'd see us on the street u'd ask urself how the hell did she get together with me, the answer: "Because I give her the security she needs".

                                                                                      So stop whining on the forums and go get her you fool.

                                                                                      EDIT: Great example, look at the guy who posted my Pic for instance. He's insecure and literally braindead, he has 0 control of his life and is basicially a fool, easy trolltarget. He's the type of guy who is ashamed of himself. He's basicially posting My picture and tries to ridicule my posts I do on instagram because he would be way to scared to do so himself.

                                                                                      I don't give a fuck what a child behind his monitor thinks of me. I am confident and show my love to my girlfriend to the internet because I couldn't give less of a fuck what other people think, that's what makes women fall for me, they know they got someone who knows what he wants.

                                                                                      The guy is probably single as, which is a result of being like you, a sissy.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        Man you just stab my heart so hard. Its true really. I should just stop this and go get her... do i need to do this... i just want to play dota tho...

                                                                                        Mlada i Luda

                                                                                          wtf danish blunt is a girl????

                                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                                            U cant just go get her, females need longer to actually accept u. You already got a reputation in her mind, you need to slowly work away from that reputation first. You can't just walk up to her and ask her to be ur gf without any signs or warnings. Try to be more confident and be urself, don't act like ur someone else, do what you like to do and don't restrict urself. If you like something unusual then make sure people know it.

                                                                                            For example, there are people who hide the fact that they like anime, while I have anime backgrounds and shit which causes a lot of people to ask if I like anime, where I will shamelessly asnwer "anime is life bruh". There is no reason to be ashamed of anything u like or do, infact u should show people ur passion, that way you will understand that people will accept you and gain more confidence.


                                                                                              I liked the fact that you told me to go slow. U really talk from experienced. Some people will just tell me to go and i will probably got flat out rejected. U just earn my respect. From now on i will try to be a man. That anime stuff, my friends already know them so... I LIKE ANIMEEEE TOO DOTA COMMUNITIES!!! Yeah my first giant leap.


                                                                                                and Dota too of course

                                                                                                Mlada i Luda

                                                                                                  hello guys , is that girl in the picture danish blunt . ?!!!!!! wtf!


                                                                                                    hahaha the cringe in this thread is too strong

                                                                                                      Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                                                                                                        Haha still going at it

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