General Discussion

General Discussionwtf is that it ?

wtf is that it ? in General Discussion

    Yeah the biggest issue outside bloodseekers terrible farming, fragility, and lack of damage was his mana. I mean the half the "buffs" bloodseeker has received have all been around reducing the cool down of the spell to encourage it being spammed.

    The only thing his aghs upgrade does is allowing casting rupture twice in fights - putting even further strain on his mana. The stats and mana an aghs provides barely cover the cost of the spell. It upgrades it in no other way. Terrible aghs imo.

    He already had significant mana issues before with that. Now he gets picked a few times at TI (first time in 2 years since he absolutely trashed him with the thirst nerf) to a terrible showing mind you, and what does he do? Fuck over the one part of the hero had been buffing. What an idiot. The hero is dead. Never playing it again.

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      Anyone having a brain understands that the hero, who need a nerf is KOTL.

      Also more nerfs to Sven/Shaker pls.


        so riki got nerfed direct or indirect something like 7th time in a row, why there is so much hate for him :(
        im pretty sure that i would still fuck up others with him, but if you do not like hero so much, just delete him, dont make parody out of him

        ILC - Lethal Ninja

          Already no one want to pick riki in TI, there are only 4 games in TI7 with Riki and a 25% winning rate..
          Look at the direct counter for riki, all top 10 winning rate for 5k and above. We have SB sitting at the top of the winning rate. Then we have BH and zeus not far below the top.... Diffusal blade first big nerf was done when they roll out patch 7.00. Inablity to cast onself and own teammates is the biggest neft.. And it used to debuff a lot of spell, now it no longer can.. So what now..

          meteor hammer

            fissure manacost 170 all levels pls

            aftershock damage scaling changed to 10/20/30/150


              why isn't Sven nerfed to nothingness.....


                Well from my experience only sb is riki counter, if enemy picjs heroes like bh im just happy, its good food for riki. But as far as i remember, riki received - starting damage debuff, 3x cloud nerfs, 2x movement speed nerfs, and now 12,5 dmg per hit with diffusal nerf, this is actually very very lot. And since i like this hero its really sad to see it being put in trash can


                  ^ it just says how op he is

                  valve nerf him cause of FRANK THE RIKI SPAMER GOD HAIL FRANK


                    Diffu nerf also shouts for a ranged meta

                    meteor hammer

                      Diffu nerf also shouts for a ranged meta


                      a lot of good diffu carriers are ranged. weaver, mirana, arc, ta, tb, clinkz


                        My hero has fucking 40%winrate in 5k+ and did Not get any buffs? Pls icefrog just +10 ms and Bit higher agi gain.?


                          Oh yeah diffusal nerf is yet another PL nerf. Don't worry I'm sure he'll get another +1 base regen buff or something equally useless to make up for it in 7.07.

                          It honestly seems like a deso would make his illusions hit for more than what a diffusal would.

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                          ILC - Lethal Ninja

                            kormoranas, BH is a good food for you at your level.. anything that reveals riki is a counter. the strongest counter is bara
                            and zeus. followed by slandar and lastly BH.


                              No bro, i always first pick riki, you cant counter him with vision. Not in the mid game.
                              But i do not agree thst the hero is op, he has great skill invisibility, it allows you to have vision, initiate when you need, pick off supports, but its not close to op hero. Its same as batrider, both are being nerfed and nerfed, but they are strong by design, not because something is op. Simple bloodthorn silence and you are fucked even in your own cloud.
                              But even now i see riki win rate drop by 2%, what is huge nerf for hero who was picked in TI only 4 times. I am sure the number would be 0 if TI would start now, but as it will not, we will have this nerfed riki for a long time...


                                Where exactly did RIKI itself got nerf?


                                  His core item now does 12.5 damage less from behind. This is huge.
                                  Riki starting damage is 40, and without items it remains pure shit, so any nerf on riki's items is huge nerf tor him also.


                                    Super disappointed
                                    Cancer heroes like nyx necro got so minimal nerfs


                                      So stop spreading bulshit information. Riki got no nerf, item that riki and many other agi hero uses got nerf. Geez people...


                                        I dont see invoker buff


                                          i never seen am buff or nerf pls change him lttle


                                            You just seem like idiot. When diffysal was changed for not being able to use on self it was also solely for riki only. Other heroes have diffusal as situational at most, riki as core n1 item

                                            Erase Humanity

                                              Fuck Pudge and Sandking and IO. I'm gonna nerf Spirit Breaker and Luna and Riki out of nowhere. And buff Winter. Because I feels bad man for EG.

                                              white boy summer

                                                guys calm the fuck down, its just a minipatch before hero release just like last year
                                                not a big fan of diffusal nerf tho, but it had more value for money than dlance in 7.00

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                                                  I would see no problem in diffusal nerf, but then increase riki damage, of course, that will not be done :(

                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                    buff riki ms plx


                                                      ^^y but he stabs from aside so hard any carry


                                                        Give riki some love boys


                                                          Give riki some love boys


                                                            diffusal still being nerfed, icefrog wanna nerf it to the ground


                                                              Mirana agh buff plz

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                Huskar buff pls


                                                                  Necro got hit hard, but not hard enough to stop being strong af.

                                                                  hood sceptre dagger gg.


                                                                    They did this last year too.


                                                                      The whole patch could be just the Lycan nerf and it would be of the same value.


                                                                        Can't wait to crush some pubs with 300 mana cost Mystic Flare instead of 350.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Necro nerf is not insignificant, makes you rush aghs now and it may not be worth blowing ult on a support you know is going to die just to add respawn time. Earthshaker nerf doesn't seem that bad. Lich nerf is awful, no way to cancel tp's, channeled spells, and slow loss is a lot.

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            Diffusal nerf seems about right. Makes yasha much more on par.


                                                                              they nerfed all my heroes xD


                                                                                yes plox gief lobh to riki


                                                                                  "Necro nerf is not insignificant, makes you rush aghs now and it may not be worth blowing ult on a support you know is going to die just to add respawn time. Earthshaker nerf doesn't seem that bad. Lich nerf is awful, no way to cancel tp's, channeled spells, and slow loss is a lot."

                                                                                  @Direwolf: Yea that lich nerf is kind of like the Jugg nerf where omnislash no longer applies mini-stun. But somehow Jugg crawled back into the meta so Lich might still find a way.

                                                                                  Necro is still strong. The 30 seconds additional CD on ult or the +5% dmg taken in ghost shroud doesn't change the fact that:

                                                                                  1. Necro is still hard af to kill in lane
                                                                                  2. Necro is still a healing/dmging machine with AOE
                                                                                  3. Heartstopper aura is basically a free radiance (which stacks with actual radiance). When you get rad, you're dealing about 120 dmg/sec to a 3k hp Axe or Centaur in total with rad.
                                                                                  4. Ult is still able to take down any hero late game that has half hp at the time of cast.

                                                                                  Most players get Sceptre on Necro anyways. Now it's just a bit more mandatory than before. I don't see it being a problem.

                                                                                  Finally, hood is often necessary on Necro, so big whoop they increased the magic dmg from 20% to 25%.


                                                                                    An actual nerf on Necro would be something that reduces the dmg on his ult, and/or tweaks the hp regen from killing something (hero or creep).

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!