General Discussion

General DiscussionThe International 2018

The International 2018 in General Discussion

    hi guys, im a pro player and want to know how to find other pro players like me, how to create a team, how to participate in international 2018 and how to win it..
    every reply will be appretiated, love you guys :*


      Idk if 49%wr in normal skill bracket qualifies you to be a pro player


        Europe West
        Europe East

        No point its china's turn in 2018.


          ES wanna play 1v1 with me?


            Let me explain something in the nicest way possible.
            The term "pro" stands for professional what literally means earning a living with the proffesion you are doing.
            The thing that you ask how to gather up a team means you don't have a team and thus you don't have a way to compete in the pro-scene, meaning you are not a pro.

            How to become a pro?
            Play more, play better and create a professional team to compete with or make an already professional team notice you.

            How can they notice you? One way would be raising your mmr. Another might be streaming if you are enjoyable to watch and have some skills to show.
            The last stand could be starting from the bottom and joinding jdl or whatever that thing is called and lead the team you are currently in to victories.

            Until you do that, stop using the phrase pro to describe yourself, at least if you are refering to your casual playing of a video game.


              Dude, not to hurt your feeling, "Pro" players usually have 5.5k+ MMR, you have a plain 50 mmr, need I to say more?


                that's a bait guys
                don't fall for that russian


                  you misspelled 8.5k+ 4head


                    Haha sure I'd love to play a 1v1, I feel like I've been doing worse mid recently, so some 1v1s could refresh that


                      As long as it's not skyrwath 1v1 mid, just let me know

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