General Discussion

General Discussionlearning meepo need help

learning meepo need help in General Discussion

    SO i practiced the farming side and thats easy, send double to get bounty runes at 2 4 etc and stack camps,

    what is hard is the combo, earth bind is only 2 seconds, so if you blink and net, it takes 1.5 seconds to poof meaning you have .5 seconds to cast all the poofs with tab w

    is there another way your susposed to do this?


      You cast poof beforehand then, after 1 sec blink to the enemy.


        There is an option called unified order shit which alllows all meepos in a ctr group to use poof but, micro-wise this is bad.


          Blink-poof combo on youtube man


            Unified control doesn't let you use spells together. It's just for moving and attacking.


              practice poof-tab with bots first. kill newbs later.


                What you can do is have all your secondary meepos in the front, and do the following:

                cast poof from main to secondary -> cast poof from secondary to target while main poof is channeling -> blink main to target after poofing to secondaries -> all your secondaries poof to your mains location which was the target location.

                This one is good if you have one meepo farther than the rest, you can use that one meepo to get extra distance on your blink-poof range.


                  poof with number 2, tab, poof number 3, tab, poof number 4, tab, blink with 1 and net and poof, then net with 2, net wih 3, net with 4.

                  if you dont have dagger yet, throw first net to get close, throw second net then fast poof tab poof tab poof..., there will be time

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