General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy the LoL Influence?

Why the LoL Influence? in General Discussion

    Matchmaking system is done in "tiers" or "seasons," similar to LoL's divisions.
    Also, I played in the test client, and feel as though Dark Willow is a character STRAIGHT OUT OF LEAGUE. The hero uses an ability with a timer that appears over a target - this timer looks as though it was photoshopped right out of a cartoonier game. I get the same vibe from both of these characters in-game portraits (on top screen).

    Is DotA being influenced by League in hopes of attracting more audience? Does DotA not know that what makes DotA so great, is how little it has in common with league, aside from being a MOBA?
    I feel like they are slowly taking out the entire concept of denying and pulling creeps, in the hopes of eventually vanquishing it completely. Is this to dumb down the game for new players? Or a desperate attempt to revive its older crowds?
    Active items that can be bought on any hero (linkens, lotus orb) are now held up against items with passive abilities to trigger out of things.

    I have so many questions. I don't quite know how feel about the patch, all around, but I am not too hopeful about where it will lead within another year.


      next patch no more denying creeps.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        they have some HoN stuffs going on too
        anything to keep the game alive. It has to be done


          Why do you know about LOL in the first place? Glad we don't know about LOL so we can enjoy Dota in peace without getting triggered


            probably its because its straight up better for the game. season mmr allows perspective players to climb faster, while dumpstering account buyers/failed smurfs.


              Seasonal matchmaking is really good on paper. You can weed some account booster and smurfer. It's not like your MMR is completely trashed, the new MMR will be recalibrated based on previous MMR.
              Denying is even more important, now that you got exp (although it's reduced) and just gives 25% xp to enemies. 25%/25% is better than previous split of 0%/50% or 30%/70%.
              For pulling, apparently IF just want you to pull either from easy camps or 1 hard camp closest to sidelane and just disable the other ( mainly midlane pulling bug ).

              Have you really analyze the patch notes or.

              white boy summer

                kids like to throw "its lol now" around so much not realizing nearly every game has a similar ranking system, only dota had this simplified as fuck ranking system. how can u say random numbers going -25 25 is better than actual tiers/refreshes? also, i cant really imagine better heroes being done since all the dota-ish skillsets are already in the game. pretty sure if u tried lol and came back u would still see a completely different game.
                also "slowly taking out the entire concept of denying" rofl denying gets more and more important patch to patch. now u get xp for denying, enemy gets 25%. is it really that useless compared to denying giving 50% exp to enemy and none to u? if something, this is the most punishing deny system yet since the 0% of wc3


                  history of dota(wc3 dota allstars) would answer your question about why there are so much similarities.

                  Things to google:
                  DotA Allstars
                  Guinsoo(Steve Feak)

                  They just have different ideas on the same moba game (Dota as in "dota 1") and turned it on a different engine into 2 games.
                  Every person in their team is influenced by what they see in moba games so far so you can't expect them to reinvent the wheel every single time.

                  I am saying that as someone who didn't play lol for a long time(since it is pay2play in a way and the absence of denies is just blowing my mind) and I don't know what the new heroes do(technically speaking only the developers know).

                  Riguma Borusu

                    there are some things that LoL straight up did better before, and dota wants a piece of that cake which is understandable

                    no incoming chat

                      Only thing that is trash about this patch is standard Valve-shit - overbuffing & overnerfing. MK needed a slight nerf, but they dumpstered him. Arc was perfectly balanced, even needed a buff & now is totally unplayable. All because low mmr shits cried when they got stomped by boosters playing those heroes (good boosting heroes). Every hero that requires skill is bascially dumpstered right now & we keep buffing brain-dead shit like WK, Viper.

                      Story Time

                        i think they introduce too much, i can not learn all this until christmas, i also have a life to do as well. With so much changes i might just wait for 7.08 patch when they will revert or opposite - re-do things again and i dont have to learn those focking new receipies again!


                          @Pickle Rick
                          Have you played WOW? there was a spell in it which was similar to the "timer stun" thing. It's funny how the first reaction of all half-witted idiots is to think of 'LOL' (both games are of the same genre and there will be similarities, learn to live with them) . Sad part is, dota has the highest percentage of hypocritical player base:
                          a. They yell around for changes, but hate every small change that comes outta valve. (they only want select nerfs/buffs so their games get easier ).
                          b. They dont like the MMR system (believe they are highly under-calibrated). dont like changes to the MMR system. OR,They think they are too good, yet dont want to prove it twice a year. Wanna stay at their lucky/outdated calibrations forever without being tested.
                          c. Complain the game is stale, but dont want a thing to change.
                          d. Cry about level 25 talents, that they are OP. not realizing that they are at LEVEL 25. (so if supports get to level 25, the game has run too long and there has to be OP shit to stop the madness. )
                          if you are in any of these categories.
                          ITS NOT THE GAME THAT"S GOT PROBLEMS. ITS YOU.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                          Story Time

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                              @Story Time
                              Wow, so insightful . *NOT

                              Riguma Borusu

                                I am really glad that valve is a lot unlike the dota fanbase. Dota fanbase screams "omg dis game b like LoL!!!!!111 FUCK THIS GAME!" at almost any change that resembles LoL, but valve realizes that there are some things that LoL just did better in general, so valve just copies the concept and then builds upon it. You have to remember that LoL is a more recent game that was bult upon dota foundations, so there were pretty interesting and innovative ideas built into the game, which dota 1 simply didn't or could not have (like vector targeting, oh we got that now as well).

                                The talents are basically built after runes, EXCEPT FOR you choose them during the game, and they aren't behind a paywall.

                                Spell damage scaling (old aether lens and then int giving % spell damage) are inspired by LoL's ability power.

                                Cooldown reduction? Accuracy? Cone cleave? A ton of of other shit? It's basically either from LoL or something that wasn't possible in dota 1 but IceFrog wanted it in the game a long time ago.

                                Thet tier system/seasonal matchmaking is just a lot more relevant than that single number you have on your profile that may or may not represent your skill level. LoL was always better in this aspect.

                                I am not saying Riot came up with those concepts, they too copied them from other games, but valve is trying to incorporate popular concepts from other mobas because they are actually pretty good and those games have a pretty big playerbase. I am really excited to see more mechanics put into dota that were never in there because of wc3 limitations.

                                LoL has some pretty interesting and good mechanics, the issue I have with the game is that it just looks more like an arcade and less like what I think a strategy game should look like, not to mention that it seems to be in the perpetual 6.83 kinda circle where there's a handful of viable heroes and strategies, everything else is utter garbage, and you absolutely lost the game if you don't pick that shit.

                                That's how LoL has always been, as well. Innovation is punished and meta is stale and predictable, you always build the same kinda shit on every hero and there's no flexibility of any sort.

                                If dota can retain its flexibility and strategic direction, while incorporating more mechanics, I find it to be more than welcome.

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                                  Great responses so far, and I am intrigued at the long-term history of DotA (back to DotA 1), and will keep reading up on that.
                                  I honestly misread (misinterpreted) the patch notes about denying - and didn't see that it had been changed in a different way. Now making me wonder if this was an indirect buff to our favorite deny hero of all time - SF.

                                  Great thoughts sama. I didn't complain so much about stat changes in this patch or the last. I didn't quite recognize them as being out of League though.
                                  I thought that the old Ranked MM system was reliable. It was quite simple... if you were better than your peers, your MMR would increase (over time, ofc). The better you are, the quicker you rise. I will have to experience the new system to see if it is better or not. I was expecting a different approach to fixing matchmaking issues (like smurfers and boosters) - but I guess I'll wait to make up my mind 100% :)

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    can someone please explain this to me?
                                    > Denies XP granted to the enemy (the player being denied) reduced from 70% to 25%
                                    Denied XP gained by the denier reduced from 30% to 25%

                                    if i deny my creep i get 25% xp and the enemy that is near me is getting 25%? or i get 25% and he gets 0%xp?

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      you both get 25% but since it is the creep he could've got 100% exp of, he suffers



                                        ty :)