General Discussion

General Discussionhelp pls

help pls in General Discussion

    hello everyone, any tips to boost my win rate??? my common lane is mid. invoker i am 2k player and 2k is pretty easy for me cuz i use to play before high/very high skill gaming with friends. my kda is pretty good at 2k for me is very easy to play. sometimes borring. there no chelange, but in late sometimes still lose even if i play 15-0, its cuz of team, non push after teamfight they going to forest or back to base. what should i do to boost my winrate? should i go play support? ( WHAT IS MORE USEFUL GOOD MIDDER OR GOOD SUPPORT) i never pick carry cuz in 2k gaming always 2 or more players start fight who want to play carry.


      u not even archon mate u have lots to learn. Crusaders have a very hard time ending games. Just split push more and u will see ur wr go up. Invokers actually a pretty good splitnpusher.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        learn to offlane, force the enemy carry to either buy tons of regen or walk base every other minute. theres no support rotatinos in 2k.
        enemy carry never coming online = you win once your carry thinks hes ready to fight.

        thats how i climbed from 2k to 3k


          STOP PICK INVOKER well thats all

          POP LOH

            simple: learn to communicate with your team and cut down on your ego.

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