General Discussion

General DiscussionEnding a game fast with storm

Ending a game fast with storm in General Discussion

    How do you end a game as fast as possible using this hero?? I find this hero start to fall off late game and cant hit tower that much

    For example this game

    Im really struggling in the laning phase because because lion roam actively before i reach lvl 6 and i lost my tower before 15 minute mark. So i went to the jungle and farm my kaya. During mid game i went on killing streak a few times. After i got my bloodstone i told void to come and help us at clash, but he decided to keep farming. So i went to pickoff enemy hero while my void still farm. After their pl got fat and they start to stick, i no longer able to kill them 1 by 1. And void cant really land a good chrono. So what should i do if the game reached this point, i cant push and cant pickoff enemy either.

    Btw its unranked game, do you think im ready to win ranked game if i play like this?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      your link is broken. one [url]too much in the end[/url]


        Storms one of the best late gamers tho


          Storm is absurd late game.
          Also don't just pick him into pl lion.
          Just go nullifier bloodthorn against PL and keep killing him.
          U basically just become unkillable and make supports unable to free up the map because if they leave the safety of their cores they die.
          Then u take aegis and murder them all then win.
          Storm is bad at hitting buildings but he can make it work if they're all dead.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            get rosh at which point u have 3 lives and can suicide into their cores or kotls/wws/omnis


              get a bkb and aegis and kill kotl/invoker
              is gg

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                Nullifier + Bloodthorn is a must for Storm in the late game. I would consider MKB vs kotl, even though you have Bloodthorn. Why do u still have eul & not BKB? In this game my 6 slots would be:

                Bloodthorn, Nullifier, Bloodstone, Linken, BKB, Shiva/MKB. I wouldn't go hex. You can solo kill pretty much anyone with Bloodthorn + Nullifier.

                no incoming chat

                  It could be also a great aghanim game. I think i would get it instead shiva/MKB.

                  no incoming chat

                    I also disagree about his sieging. You go as a team to one lane & zip to another & hit tower/rax while the enemy prepares to fight your team. His tower dmg in the late game is good. If it's not Lich/Treant in the enemy team I don't ser a problem ratting with him.


                      Meteor hammer kappa


                        U don't need mkb if u have both bkb and bloodthorn
                        If u rlly have trouble sieging u can honestly get ac.
                        Idk it shudnt be too much of a problem to have to resort to that tho.

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