General Discussion

General DiscussionGrinding MMR mindsets

Grinding MMR mindsets in General Discussion

    Background - Been fluxuating between low 4k and mid 3k for eternity, - Have used smurfs and grinded 4k5 -> 5.3k (highest i've ever been Pre calibration nerf)

    Playing in lower brackets (3k5 -> 4k) i seem too struggle alot and find it significantly easier too understand the playstyle of *higher skilled* players, Ganks become successful, people communicate abit more and overall game play feels smoother.

    (TL:DR) - Higher bracket games are alot easier than lower bracket games (imo)

    For example, I will almost never play Safelane carry in 3k5-4k because it relies so heavily on supports during the earlygame.

    I enjoy 2/3/4 the most as i feel those lanes are the 'least' reliant on your team to win the game.

    Position 3 eg. - Darkseer, requires you too have a solo lane level 1 because assuming no creeps are denied in the first wave you can get your lvl 2 and surge past the tower and start cutting creeps.. This becomes increasingly harder when you get a 'roaming pudge' leaching xp till he is lvl 2 and makes the lane almost impossible if he saps xp.

    What is your mindset in dealing with games when players 'hinder' your 'strategies'?

    Do you 'last pick too fill the need?' or do you 'first pick too make sure you get your position'

    Do you fight fire with fire, or do you always try and keep PMA.. I was playing a nieche chen offlane strat and was dominating, always keeping PMA and got 4 games/6 that players 'trolled me on purpose' - invoker sunstriking my hero etc, denying my creeps, blocking my camps etc, dropping wards in our fountain etc.

    I get that Toxic players come for both teams, but it's starting too become really difficult playing 1v9, using a mic and attempting too captain my Max cold embrace wyvern becomes taxing 'Just leave bot, lets push top, as he proceeds too defend and die and spam ping GG'.

    TL:DR - I like to 'think' that i am a 'better' player than my MMR states, Abandoners, trolls in the 3k5 range (standard calibration) makes this bracket extremely difficult too climb.

    Whats the play? Mute entire team and play solo? or continue too try and PMA captain?.. PMA captain when players are organised wins you significantly more games, but when players say 'fuck you and start messing up your game in order too get a reaction' it becomes disheartening.

    eg. I had a guy use his mic from min 0 and say 'this guy talks too much, i want too lose and chain fed mid' when the only thing i said was 'can i please get a ward for offlane please'.

    TL:DR - Ranting 'My team holds me back'

    Drowning in 'high' skill. PLS HELP

    unbreakable spirit

      3.7k ranked matches with 49% win rate, I'm pretty sure your teammates are holding you back


        @deleted.. situationally..

        eg. last game, Divine meepo flames entire team, i say well played when he died, bought back and killed his items.

        casual gamer

          i guess someone had a gun to your head and forced you to provoke the mentally unstable guy instead of muting him

          nothing you can do! climbing out of 3k is impossible despite your far superior brain

            Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

              Listen to the blue stars kids,they are superior in every single way,dota or real life.Why would you say well played if you know hes tilted ? Its all your fault,being 2k or being 8k,its all about you.

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                how can people claim they try to win/climb if they cant even control themselves enough to not write shit in chat

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  just mute entire chat (there is a checkbox under the chat in a match, not in pick phase) check mark the box and focus.

                  i just lost it my last game, and tomorrow and Friday when i play i am just going mute all and get back to 4k, 3k bores me now.

                  gl on the grind, op. it takes time. just focus, rest, and eat well.


                    get that behavior to normal first i guess,i seriously rarely saw anyone wanting to flame each other except too much demand in safelane and midlane
                    for me,i dont mute anyone until he's being annoying/using mic it's pretty good to be able to communicate with them sometimes
                    i rarely talk tho,just making calls like pls push top/lets go rs now guys trust me/dont kill the cart/smoke this smoke that or trying to calm down who's tilting
                    also i don't play when i'm extremely unstable like angry/tired/lazy,will always try to play when feeling focused.repeating a game just for +25 again is seriously annoying
                    like what meka said,pick a strong hero or an op hero.especially a lane bully,most 3-4ks doesnt even know how to comeback from what i see or just literally bad playing from behind,if you are winning don't lose your advantage,get that towers,ward their jungle,get that roshan,suffocate them etc etc
                    yes and well just keep trying,game doesn't really end until it's over try to think of what to do
                    if nothing else can be done,well there's an abandon button for instant give up

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!