General Discussion

General DiscussionVenomancer needs a buff

Venomancer needs a buff in General Discussion

    Am I the only one that thinks this or do I just need to stop playing this hero and uninstall dota?


      Eh. Buff him too much, and he becomes too good of a utility core. Right now he's alright. Kinda a jack of all trades master of none atm.

      casual gamer

        vuck fenomancer





            Forget me not

              Maybe buff his base attack damage a bit. But he is not really bad right now.


                mine is 76.92%
                ok i will try to play him more.



                  lmao at your bracket just max ward first spam it on towers ez win


                    no thanks


                      Venomancer plus spirit vessel = imba


                        Go right click build . Eg



                          👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                            He was in the spotlight for half a year 3 months ago
                            Give the little snake a bit of rest

                            ROAD TO HERALD 0

                              do I just need to stop playing this hero and uninstall dota

                              Nailed it.


                                I was doing pretty good on Venomancer (be it support role or more of a farmer) prior to 7.07, but since 7.07 I am just puzzled what to do with the hero... I don't know what to build on the hero... He was clearly nerfed hard (with the experience boost removed from lvl 10 talents)... That basically removed him from the border line carry territory for good. He is quite fragile as a hero, so blink/shadow blade and aghs days are back for him...

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Do I have to remind u fucks about the green hero patch?

                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    Lich is green?

                                    Story Time

                                      Give the little snake a bit of rest

                                      that is what i am telling myself after 2hours of watching porn :D


                                        Actually all hero are good when you know how to play it.


                                          "screams in alchemist"


                                            Sorry to say this but your mmr is so low you are at no position to talk about buffs/nerfs.

