General Discussion

General Discussionplayerunknown

playerunknown in General Discussion

    its PUBG really fun to play?


      it does seems fun,but the reviews says the developre is greedy or something
      also not blocking cheaters from chinese



        I play PUBG now and then when I need to cool off from DOTA (I play First Person.. none of this looking round corners in Third rubbish).

        Similar to DOTA, there is a steep learning curve (gun accuracy, when to fire and disclose position, hiding etc.) and is definitely more fun to play with friends in a squad.

        @Feachairu highlights an annoying problem with cheaters HOWEVER you can watch your death-cam and you can report people for cheating/hacking. There is no such thing is "low priority" in PUBG... if you are caught hacking/cheating its an account ban, straight up.
        I think it was about two months ago they banned +500k hackers.

        To be fair, you can normally pick the game up for about £17 and they patch it now and then to rebalance guns and add new ones. All obtainable items in the games are cosmetic and have no advantage (except shoes as running barefooted is quieter)


          Honestly its like Dota, fun with friends aids when you play alone, but its more friendly for you time, for example you cant be stuck and timelocked in a potentially 45min-1 hour game that you know you will lose...


            gonna buy it if you say fun

            Tu tayta

              " (except shoes as running barefooted is quieter)"

              Rofl, so rather than pay2win, they have pay2lose items?


                isn't it some clothing was camofluaging and making you look hard to see? that was the argument for pubg is pay2win/not


                  if pubg is pay2win, what about csgo? you still need to pay if you wanna to play


                    csgo is pay2play lol


                      i agree pubg looks fun though

                      Story Time



                          @ Tu tayta

                          Pay2Lose indeed! Here's another classic from the tutorials on YouTube... It's better to set your GPU setting very low for things like Foliage as it makes it easier to see players #IntelAcceleratorTriumphs

                          However, all-in-all, it is quite fun to beat someone to death with a frying pan because they think picking up a gun and loading it is faster #Panning4Kills.

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            gonna buy it if you say fun

                            Dont do it if you dont have at least 1-2 friends on your steam who play it, if you play alone you gonna get bored pretty fast.

                            GRANT MACDONALD

                              Fun, but steep curve. If you're in a bad dota game, like you're offlane and your mid and carry lose their lanes HARD, you can pretty much bet that you're going to be in a ~45 minute long crap fest of eventual losing.

                              If you lose in Pubg, you can re-queue and be in another game in 2-3 mins.
                              Fun fact: i have won a pubg game once without killing anyone (just hid the whole time and let the circle kill the last guy)


                                pubg is fun for sure, it's nice as a game to play when you have a time constraint or like an unknown time limit. It's definitely a hard game to get real good at but you don't have to be that good. I mean I managed to be in the top 1% of NA third person and I don't even lean, let alone knowing weapon differences.

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