General Discussion

General DiscussionI went from 700mmr to 1kmmr in a week

I went from 700mmr to 1kmmr in a week in General Discussion

    Some people in this forum already know my story, so I'm not going to repeat it so i don't get boring.

    Everything im going to say is only true for the shit tier, I love cheese and im slapping it on every game, i'm going to abuse the fuck**g cheese. I AM THE CHEESE.

    Most important factor: TILT THE ENEMY. I had succes with heroes like Spectre, I was good at turning around the game, but it felt 1v9 and it was exhausting.

    People in this forums taught me a really important thing: It's not about kills, it's about objectives. Bonus: If 20min in, you took down all their T1 and some T2, and you still have your T1, you won. Watch enemy team start saying shit like: "ez mid gg", "commend if you report X". People tilt really easy in this shit tier.

    If at least 3 enemy's already picked: Riki. He does rely on snowballing though.

    If they have a lot of mobility: Bloodseeker.

    If they don't have mobility (which is usually never the case): Sniper. (He can push towers like a motherf**ker)

    If I have to first pick, WINDRANGER.

    She is so underrated in my opinion..

    No supports? You have an amazing stun, you are not that dependant on items, so you can ward yourself (if you don't like warding that is your problem, I ward even while playing pos 1. If you want to climb, you have to do this).

    You have supports? Awesome, you can be a midgame carry.

    Offlane? Just spam that motherf**king powershot ftw.

    Safelane? Stun, Stun, Stun, feed your safelane well and he will grow healthy and strong. Bonus: After the 3rd stun in the row, enemy will start tilting (in shit tier at least)

    Oh yeah, and you also have an awesome escape, even better with linkens. What? you also turn into weaver at lvl 20? people don't buy dust? You got that right. Plus, ultimate is bassically a free tower.

    PD: WARD. No matter your hero or your position. You know how you are always complaining about your team not pushing? Guess what, PEOPLE ARE AFRAID OF THE DARK. F*ck yeah. That means they will gravitate towards where you ward, that's right. Go from MOBA to RTS with just a 80 gold item. Command them and Conquer the enemy ancient motherf**ker. Dpn't say push, just ward their jungle and your team will push that T2 like if they actually know how to play.


      Good job! Congratulations.

      Story Time

        nice nice


          Let's party. You still have much to learn.


            Get rekt by HanYolo


              Sure. Where are you from? What are your gaming hours? Im from Argentina and have a 12-hour day work schedule. I have my day job, and I mantain my private practice from 17hs onwards (Im a psychologist). Plus I have a wife!! So yeah, I only play in crazy shit hours like 12am to 2am (and hate myself in the morning).

              Weekends are the exceptions, sometimes I just tell my wife "Honey, Im sorry, but today im going to play all day" As long as I don't over do it, she gets it and is really cool with it.

              I have a f*ckton to learn, I just want to grind this shitty bracket so I can go back to play my favorite heroes, guys like Puck.


                U can climb with anything, if those heroes work for u then keep it going


                  wan to trade informations? i'm pretty interested in psychology,you tell me those stuffs i'll coach you on doto

                  edit:i'm from sea but i can be flexible on your time btw

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    I love talking about psychology in general, you don't have to coach me. Thx anyway! What do you want to know? Is there a way to private message in this site?


                      I have a tight schedule as well. Totally understand your situation. But seems like we are in opposite time zones.


                        Yo fea let's trade.


                          i dun think you would love teaching someone lol,i'll be just like "oh" "i see" "yes" "wat". that's why i want to do somestuff since that's definitely not a conversation,just one way around
                          and yes,i dun even know the basic terms,so dunno wat i want to know
                          probably everything?
                          i want to try coaching anyways so i'm fine about it,only ever tried coach someone on mabinogi duel

                          @hanyolo wat you wan to trade?


                            The most basic concept is this:

                            People study and analyse things by measuring them, quantitative data. But how can you measure the human psyche? You can't put a ruler and say "oh yeah ok I get it, this guy is 15cm depressed and 7cm happy".

                            Every school of psychology tackles this problem in a different way, and it's really a amazing journey. Im at work now, but let me try to find a video for begginers or something.

                            Story Time

                              ^cant you start looking at the brain itself for this type of information?

                              LIKE A SOMEBODEE

                                holy shit man.. I'm also very interested in psychology and would like to learn from you!

                                I think psychology has a lot of application in Dota 2. Especially greediness. I like it when I try to smoke gank as a support, I don't just go in and stun the mid laner, instead I wait for my ally creep to go below 50% hp so the enemy midlaner will focus his attention to getting that last hit, and when he's about to go for the last hit I go in and throw my stun! LUL. I'm just not sure if what I'm talking about is Psychology though. Is it?

                                Banana Cat

                                  congrats man!


                                    what a joke


                                      @story time, you are talking about the brain, it's really interesting! but the brain is not the same as the mind.

                                      @like a somebodee, well of course! Psychology studies the cognitive function of attention. you are exploiting a weakness of the mind, mainly, it's more difficult to pay attention to 2 things than to 1 :)

                                      @mangDe, thx!

                                      @Ilen, I thought you would be playing PUBG by now. I stood up for you in that thread, guess it doesn't work both ways.


                                        I feel like i'm diagnosed by top level psychiatrist


                                          I'm gonna be dead honest and maybe you won't like it, but...

                                          700 MMR in sub 1k and low 1k range could be dumb luck. I know it sounds retarded but it could be true.

                                          Another thing is, gaining 700 MMR in sub 1k and 1k range is not an improvment, because it's literally the same players with the same MMR-Skill, just a bit higher medal/number.

                                          Once you reach at least 2k, you can say you actually gained something.

                                          Not trying to burst yoru buble or say you did bad, but keep on grinding and comeback with some better results. Sadly but, even me or any 3k/4k player would wreck in 1k/2k pretty much without much effort.

                                          For example, I own a smurf which was sub 1k, now is 2k and I literally don't even want to go higher because I play there just to enjoy low MMR games, so i throw some games here and there to keep it low.

                                          Got myself over 80% winrate with Meepo, SF and Slark if I'm not mistaken..

                                          the account:

                                          And not to mention I don't even coinsider myself or any player below 5k to be good at this game..

                                          So you do indeed have a lot to learn.


                                            Dude no worries, I know it doesn't mean anything serious, im still a trash player. Im just happy cause I think I "cracked the code" to win in MY bracket. I can't play dota as much as before. 4 years ago, on any given Saturday or Sunday, I would play 12 hours straight. In those days I was at 2.5k. I loved playing heroes like Puck. Then shit happened, and I could play less and less (the shit that happened was that I basically got my degree and became a adult xD). My mmr went all the way down to 600mmr, I didn't really care that much cause I had NO IDEA it would be so hard to climb again.

                                            When I started to take my mmr serious again, it always floated around 800mr (I KNOW this means I suck at dota now). I can only play 2 games a day, tops, and that is only the days I can actually play. This is the first time in a long time I reached 1k, it's shit bracket, but I finally have hope of reaching 2.5k, 3k. I know that is still shit bracket for many, but considering how little I can play, I would consider that an achievment (in my standards, obviously).

                                            The whole cheese joke means that I stopped playing puck and earth spirit, and just started playing heroes who can snowball. If I ever reach 2.5k or 3k (im really not sure I will be able to), I will go back to playing my favorite heroes.

                                            I introduced a friend to dota who is now 5k, we play together sometimes (I feel sory for him) and even though you can easily tell im the runt in the party, when I blink-black hole, guess what? The gyro actually throws the bomb!!! I just want that feeling again, play with people who team up, chain stun, stuff like that.



                                              Love your mindset bro, have fun and congrats


                                                I know that is still shit bracket for many, but considering how little I can play, I would consider that an achievment (in my standards, obviously).

                                                Yes! Every person have their own standard / goals and reaching that goal should be an achievement (at least for you). My goal right now is to get at least 50% win rate for my most played heroes, so I am currently spamming those heroes even if it gets boring sometimes. I don't usually repeat the same hero per day but I need to adjust to achieve my personal goals.

                                                Cheers to playing WR! I play her as support though. Hahaha.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  Guys. Don't actually study psychology unless u want to be a psychologist or some shit which requires a lot of further study and clinical training.

                                                  Psychology is very broad and most of the studies are actually useless. So you have to choose your topics carefully.

                                                  Machado98 #xatubaking

                                                    So you are from Argentina playing in Brazil server? Do you try to speak portuguese or english? Or just mumble your spanish around in a portuguese server?

                                                    Honestly argentinians are amongst the most cocky cancerous players I have had the disgrace to be matched with. Not to mention chileans, peruvians who just insist in speak spanish in a portuguese server. Brazilians are cancerous too, but at least they are speaking the server's language

                                                    Just do me a favour: try to speak portuguese/english or at least don't use any slangs or abreviations in spanish, and for god's sake speak slowly. Never understood why so many spanish speakers don't even try to understand portuguese while brazilians try way too hard to understand spanish


                                                      I speak in English but I did pick up a few words:


                                                      “Muito ruim”


                                                      I think that what you are trying to say is

                                                      “Arg muito ruim. Kkkkk.”

                                                        Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                          Ur 8k ? xD


                                                            You’re a delusional scum, that’s what you are

                                                              Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                                Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                  Easy before you break the keyboard


                                                                    @gl hf, please dont ruin my wonderful thread. It's so obvious you are a account buyer. You have over 80% winrate with 5 different heroes, but you lost most of your recent matches. 8k? That's so cute.


                                                                      Congratulations, It took me a year to go from 612 mmr to 2050 mmr


                                                                        @Zodiac congratulations on ur recent efforts,
                                                                        If you want u can add me, we can catch a few games and i’ll be glad to help you in anyway i can


                                                                          Thx guys :)

                                                                          I sucked yesterday and broke my rule of playing another ranked game as soon as I lost one, I had just heard some terrible news and I was in no state to play Ranked. But I know that If I keep on, slowly I will rise.


                                                                            gratz mate... i am working on going upward myself. I watch pro games and coaching session on youtube and try to at least get the conceptual stuff down while working on the mechanical stuff hero by hero. Also, im having to overcome my humble beginnings winrate wise as im not one for smurf accounts... not to mention id have to leave all my stuff behind :))

                                                                            either way... keep on keeping on ;)


                                                                              Yeah, so many friends told me "there is no way you belong in sub 1k, just make a new account". But I have all my lovely skins and trophies from events like when there was a new chinese year some years back and a beast travelled from ancient to ancient, or the PA/Oracle event, there is no way im leaving that stuff behind! This may be slower, but im way too atached to this account.

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                ^do not worry, you will get to a higher bracket eventually. So enjoy the game and learn things! Dota is only about fun fun fun

                                                                                  Tento komentář byl smazán
                                                                                    Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                      @ gl hf .... hahahahahahaha.... that is all.


                                                                                        This is hilarious

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                            Yes, because of your last 5 matches, you won 1, lost 3 and ABANDONED 1. So I call BS.

                                                                                            Going over more of your matches, you are the one abandoning pretty consistently.

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                                You have one mercy abandon each week, more than that, you get low prio.

                                                                                                IMO it’s perfect that way.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                                    i went 2700 to 3000 in a week... almost 4 years ago

                                                                                                    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                                                      I went from 700 to 1000 mmr in a couple of hours!