General Discussion

General DiscussionBehaviour score matchmaking - Vs MMR Matchmaking

Behaviour score matchmaking - Vs MMR Matchmaking in General Discussion

    Due too the Matchmaking changes, I've experienced a significant drop in quallity games.

    I have a few hardware issues, internet/PC disconnecting which causes a significant amount of abandons.
    I like too think i flame less than your average bloke, but yeah it happens.

    If i create a smurf, i get VHS (Ancient -> Divine) unranked games within 2-3 turbo games (thats an investment of less than an hour)..
    I played against a few (divine 200 or less players) that were messing around in unranked.
    Queues take 2-5mins on that account.

    Queues on this account, Take 20-50mins. It'll find me an Unranked game in Normal skill with players who insta pick cores and play a 30min laning phase.

    I understand the difference in skill, just as if my 4k arse was placed in a 6k game, I'd be essentially a lost cause.
    I litterally can't queue ranked on this account, it takes more than an hour for it to never find a game. The behaviour score is on F.

    This account has 2300 commends, yet still has a score of F.

    Does anyone know how to rectify this score and get me the ability to play a proper game anymore? Commends don't seem to impact it.

    I would love to be able too play Ranked again and have some semi competitive games, Even Low priority has a higher standard than my normal matchmaking, Players will communicate and show play towards thier roles with a more balanced Legend -> Divine ranking rather than Ancient -> Crusader.

    Use chatwhell=mute

      no commends does impact on ur behavior score.go play unranked or u shoudl 5 man party lot.

      Muhammad Sumbul

        Spam solo unranked.


          "I have a few hardware issues, internet/PC disconnecting which causes a significant amount of abandons. "

          Honestly I'm not trolling but I don't want people like you in my games if there is a good chance you're going to abandon. You may not be ruining the game on purpose but you are ruining it nonetheless.

          Chronic abandoners ruin the experience more than flamers/feeders.

          Fix your internet and I'm sure your games will get a lot better because you don't come across as a nob :)


            generally speaking, the dc's will happen during the drafting phase, yet it still gives me an abandon.
            but yes, i get it, its frustrating and unfair for otherplayers.
            I've been playing exclusively unranked for months now, because i can't even find a ranked game.

            Basically, I just want too get back to ranked. or atleast into a pool where the mmr gap is of a similar range, Give or take 500. Instead of something like 2000+ mmr differences that i'm experiencing.

            It essentially ends up, 'hey, tusk maybe get a halberd instead of a deso' and then my 10 kill tusk proceeds too feed 15 times with his 'damage items' and we lose the game.
            But because he magically gets 15kills with his damage items, i'll get reported for not carrying the game, and therefor the cycle continues.
            I'm more than happy too teach somebody who is a newer player about the way i think that role should be played, just as if a Player 2000mmr more than me was too give me tips, i'd take them onboard because in general, he should know better.
            It just gets impossible when they believe they know better.

            The classic example is the No regen invis hero leaching your offlane for 5mins straight.
            That strategy probably does work in 3k or whatever, Because the game is just an endless laning phase and the players aren't as skillful.
            in 4k+ that strat will guarentee you a loss
            in 5k+ you'll get reported for it.
            In these games, I get reported for asking him too rotate somewhere.

            It's like an endless shitfest cycle.

            Does party queue base its matchmaking on behavior score? or mmr.. i rarely party q

            LIKE A SOMEBODEE

              create a new account sir :)

              Livin' Real Good

                Don't play ranked if your behavior score is anything less than " Normal " behavior score.

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!