General Discussion

General DiscussionQ: Itemising according to power spikes

Q: Itemising according to power spikes in General Discussion
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    Recently BSJ posted a video about how one should itemise and play in a certain way relative to the enemy heroes as different games have different win conditions. For example, in a Terrorblade v Luna matchup, he mentions how instead of playing a split-pushing manta + dragon lance playstyle, the Luna should build items like SnY + Pike and play with a sense of urgency to prevent the inevitable fact that TB outscales Luna. This makes perfect sense. However, on TB's perspective, if the luna plays this way, he can no longer trade farm and win late game. Tb will have to split push and hope the enemy team doesnt five man and end. How does the TB respond to this in terms of items and playstyle? Attempt to fight or splitpush constantly?


      The faq is he talking about why the faq u should go S&Y on luna? Manta is built primarily for it's dispel and wtf is he talking about luna is a snowball hero anyway of course she should farm faster and end game before TB could beat her

      And if ure TB u have no choice but to defend and farm till u reach a point u can fight probably which BTW is the style TB should be played anyway as his a late game hero


        Random 3.2k poster appears to be better qualified than BSJ.

        OP, the TB thus has two choices - ram all six towers with his team, get Roshan and go HG, or deliberately delay the game by split pushing and telling your mid to do the same.

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          it is not just two heroes that determine powerspikes, its the lineups.


            Well yes, but 2 heroes is a simpler example

            Muhammad Sumbul

              When TB presses q Luna will kill her own team


                TB Q has -10sec cooldown, so it make sense to just split push with her manta, SnY is for attackspeed, ms so can outrun in case enemy responded to her splitpush. TB can stick to his team to push, he can push tower effectively while on metamorphosis is on. TB is strong in all game phases. with his +health talent difficult to burst down during teamfight, he got sunder as well. depending on the team composition, but i feel TB has the advantage.

                ♂Dungeon Master♂

                  Bsj giving tips to ppl not in his mmr bracket is like the ceo of burger king telling someone working the fryer hey work hard and you can have my job one day.

                  avada kedavra

                    I suppose the idea behind it is that if youre stronger late, do whatever you can to get there but if youre stronger early, instead of building farming items, end asap.

                    Would you say this advice is useful for low 3k mmr or should i play my hero the same way every game till i hit a higher bracket?

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!