General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get back to mid role?

How to get back to mid role? in General Discussion

    I used to play mid quite often in 3-3.5k (legend up to 3) and did quite decently.

    But last few months (2018) I moved to positions 4/5/3 And have quite hard time matching the skill I used to have mid and as well skill my opponents have.

    Any suggestions how to re-learn mid? Especially since my WR is back in meta.


      play 1v1 practice :/


        Add me then we can play in a 1v1 lobby


          My issue Is not that much with laning, i usually end Up winning or at least drawing mid lane.

          The issue Is the decision making after 10 minutes, as i am used to do rotations And go for kills instead of farming And I fall off later in game. And when i go farming i dont have the influence as invoker in late game anyway.

          So i would call IT decision making in mid late game Is quite bad. And just saw my 11 games losing streak :)


            But good idea, Will be practicing 1x1 as well.


              You can start by watching and observing pro mid players play 1-3 heroes. Watch so many that u can start seeing patterns in their movements. Play the hero, try the pattern, see when it doesnt work, watch ur replay, see what u'r doing differently, change


                Btw 1x1 mid sux anyway.
                1) People get much more regen (mangos/salves) all the time, so you cant even try builds, as only thing you need to ship is regen and some basic shit.
                2) No involvement of other players or threath - winning player sitting on HG of enemy player to keep him away
                3) You can use courier 24/7, while in real game you need to think about it.
                4) You shouldnt use runes
                5) You cant rotate

                All these are just making 1x1 mid quite useless for real play, only think it allows you is learning how to lasthit and maybe basic trading, but after lvl 3 doesnt really matter.


                  Ur logic of getting to that conclusion of it being useless is ...

                  It's like saying football drills or bullshit u gotta play a 90 min game to get good. Free kick practice is stupid and useless cuz:
                  1)u arent moving
                  2)there are no other players involved
                  3)u arent working with a ball in move, it's stable unlike most of the game

                  It adds some things to u. Wanna reverse engineer? Who are the best mid 1v1ers? The best midlaners in the world. Is it because of their 1v1 skill only that they're good at mid? No. But is being good at mid not being good at doing all these different stuff that mixed tgt make them good? Yes. So u need to learn all those stuff, a lot of em can be practiced in a 1v1 lobby

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