General Discussion

General DiscussionItemization on Lich and overall the hero

Itemization on Lich and overall the hero in General Discussion
Retnuh Flim

    To those Lich pros out there. If the game's not going your teams way and its really difficult to have money (not enough to complete your primary item glimmer or force), do you consider to buy bracers just to be more tanky? or force yourself to solely rush ghost scepter or invest on a midas? Given i already have boots (tranquil), windlace, and wand.

    My go to item is Glimmers and Force. Situationally builds: Meka, Atos, Urn; Seldom builds Aether, Euls, Dagger given the circumstances.

    Also feel free to point out my mistakes that i can capitalize and learn from. Really want to get better

    Thank you senpais :D


      Get dual null as it gives you damage boost to last hit better during laning stage then get midas before treads make sure sacrafice is maxed out at lv7 so you can get that juicy damage talent earlier . After treads you can get maelstorm or sb depends on how do you want to play him in mid game , deso is also one of a good choice and synergy well with his famage talent. As for late game skadi and your lvl25 talent is stackable and its super good together . Mjollnir is a must in late game paired with deadalus


        Oh shit i totally forgot to mention that pike is core on him too

        Pointy Shoes

          ^ Did you even read the question?


            Yes ITEMIZATION ON LICH AND OVERALL THE HERO , you can't read?

            Pointy Shoes

              Okay, fair, it looks like a nice lich core build.
              Anyway, I think that guardian greaves should be standard on any support as first big item in pubs. It's just so good but often neglected by supports who wants to build aghs.


                Maelstorm daedalus lich offlane

                Story Time

                  ^are you guys aware that mealstrom does not give attack speed anymore??


                    Yes but you get attack speed from midas , treads and mjollnir later


                      as a support i just go tranquil eul windlace drums sangeyasha everytime as lich

                      (i'm serious)

                      well maybe not sny now since its more expensive,but usually i go sny+mom at the end and a deso or deso+mom

                      i forgot if drums is actually even needed too

                      eul can be swapped into vessel

                      wait or is it drums frist before eul/vessel

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        silver edge is also good againts op passives. oh, and dont forget butterfly so their cores cant hit you


                          just buy hex lol or solar


                            Anyway, I think that guardian greaves should be standard on any support as first big item in pubs. It's just so good but often neglected by supports who wants to build aghs.

                            That is sooo wrong. Both mek and greaves are extremely situational items and buying them fits only a few fast-farming offlaners like underlord, tide or darkseer. Buying them on a support is a complete waste of gold and if you're playing a support properly you won't ever have gold to buy greaves in a timing where they could be impactful.

                            No offense, but with opinions like those no wonder you're barely 2k mmr after 4000 games.

                            Story Time

                              ^no offense, but here is an offense :D

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