General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to climb through MMR ladder?

How to climb through MMR ladder? in General Discussion

    Hello guys,
    I can't really understand how to climb throw the ladder. Maybe putting more time in game or playing only on meta heroes?
    What is suggestions and advice?


      You cant climb the ladder, after every winstreak mmr assasins come for you.

      Pepper & Salt

        MMR assassins are real, just find a tree and pray to doto god


          Nice joke, but still...?


            What serious reply do you expect ? Dota is so complex that even picking the right carry can be explained by high mmr coach in a wall of text.


              You have to ask more detailed questions if you want to improve at certain aspect you feel bad at.


                Ok lemmi explain a bit with an example

                U start playing football/soccer on the street. (This is equivalent of casually playing dota)
                Now u wanna play competitively so u ask "how can i play on more advanced and quality leagues?"

                The answer isnt just play more football, or infiltrate the league system and enter it by paying money or tricking the system (same can happen in dota with boosters). The answer is look at how everyone gets to higher brackets at everything!

                Work ur ass off. Learn stuff. Apply to urself. Suck. See why u suck. Go watch how pros do it. Model them. Learn. Get better. Get better results cuz u got better. Get what u set as ur goal (the bracket or league)

                In football it'll be working physically and mentally on urself and getting better at playing the game itself (micro) and the strategies (macro) and the psychology.
                In dota it's the same. How to play the game mechanically aka pressing buttons aka micro. How to play the game objectively aka strategy aka macro. And how not to tilt. How to not lose by either winning or learning and so on aka psychology




                    A little bit tips from me (1.2k to 3.1k aka Legend 1)
                    1. Never afraid to spam heroes. Your verastility might be low, but spamming heroes might increase your chance to win in Lower Bracket. However in higher mmr, you have to diverse your pick to make yourself unpredictable.
                    2. Even with tittle such as coreplayer or support only, there are times where you must abandon that tittle (although i played about 50~ game straight supporting). Like i said in previous advice, diverse pick will be crucial for your progress in higher bracket.
                    3. Communication is the key. When the enemy lacks of crowd control hero, you might want to pick CK and Shadow Demon combo. Or if you saw AM as enemy, tell your friend to use BS and Tusk/Pudge combo. Picking the right combo might be your key to win
                    4. Effeciency. Win the game as effecient as you can BUT NOT as fast as you can. I will explain later
                    Tips as core
                    1. Understand your carry. There are many types of carry. Hard carry, Semi carry, Tempo carry, Ganker carry, non AD carry, Sacrificial Carry, etc. Let us take a little theory
                    A. Hard carry : Carries who are the strongest at late game. Usually an illusion hero, high crit hero or right click crowd control hero. (Such as Medusa, Terrorblade, Luna, etc.)
                    This type of carries usually farm at early mid game and came to fight at late game

                    B. Semi Carry : Carries who are the strongest at early-mid game. Usually has high magic damage burst or a midlane hero. (Such as Mirana, Lina and Invoker)
                    This type of heroes usually has some farming helper item (Hand of Midas mostly) for early game.

                    C. Tempo Carry : Carries who are the strongest at pushing lane during early mid game. Usually has at least spamable small crowd control ability, disable or pushing spell. (Such as Razor, Gyro and Venomancer This type of heroes don't really much item however really need to end the game fast (except gyro, as he can keep his power at later game).

                    D. Ganker Carry : Carries who prefer ganking heroes with other teammate rather than farming. Usually heroes with unreliable disable (slow, root, etc) or escape. (Such as, slark, lifestealer and tiny). This type of heroes prefer more innitiating or escape item (such as blink dagger, shadow blade and sange and yasha)

                    E. Non Attack Damage Carry : Carries who are the strongest at mid-late game. This type of heroes usually have strong spamable burst damage to the point even outclasses hard carries. However they are one of the hardest to play with (such as Timbersaw, Visage and Morphling). This type of heroes might need some of their signature item (Aghanim, Bloodstone, EB, etc).

                    F. Sacrificial Carry : Carries who sacrifice their farm for more supporting/defensive item due to their own power. (Such as Viper, necrophos and abaddon). This type of heroes is close to never farm and accompanied by hard carry. Most of their item are for their own safety or their team safety (Guardian Greaves, Hurricane Pike and SB).

                    Those are the most common type of carries.
                    2. Effeciency. As tempo core, your goal is not farm but objective. Therefore you should kill and push instead of in junglr for 15 minutes. But as a Hard carry, your goal is to get your item ASAP then push when you have the edge against the enemy.
                    3. Awareness. Your goal is to survive through your laning phase so be ready for any gank (especially sacrificial carries). And help your teammate when in need of 5 vs 5.

                    Tips for offlane
                    1. Understand your offlane. You can be Innitiator, Tanker, Disruptor (not hero but role), Ganker or Utility.
                    A. Innitiator : you start the fight with your ultimate. Most innitiator are tanker too but pure innitiator (Such as Puck, Batrider and Magnus) will prioritize blink dagger, force staff or even shadow blade. Get it ASAP

                    B. Tanker : you start AND take the fight. Absorb as many damage from your enemy. This type of heroes (such as Tidehunter, Axe and Centaur) prefer more durability item first (such as Vanguard, Hood or Blademail).

                    C. Disruptor : you have to disrup the enemy and be as annoying as you can. This type of hero (such as Pangolier, Weaver and Beastmaster) will use their ultimate or signature ability to cause chaos in the area. Item for them usually are blink dagger and aghanim scepter.

                    D. Ganker : hero who try to create space and kill as many as they can (such as LC, NP, and Tusk(earlier in the days)). They usually prefer the same item as the innitiator with more damage included (desolator, armlet and solar crest) or some of them prefer more utility item (like sk, slardar and clockwerk)

                    E. Utility : you will become mostly jack of all trades being all 4 role in 1. This type of heroes (such as underlord, omniknight and abaddon) prefer more supporting and annoying item (mekansm, radiance, blink dagger etc.)

                    2. Eliminates competition and predict your enemy move is the key to win this fight. You can either disable everybody, kill somebody or 2, isolate someone or even win the game by yourself (much like NP and LD job, rats)

                    Tips for support
                    1. Not much of support i can give. There are only Hard support and Semi support.
                    A. Hard support : usually prefer more cheaper and non-luxurious item such as force staff, glimmer cape, and blink dagger. Mostly they have a healing or mana regen benefits to their friends (such as Oracle, KoTL and Dazzle)

                    B. Semi support : they prefer killing enemy and securing spaces for their carries. They have much luxurious item (such as solar crest, spirit vessel and aeon disk) to help their carries or killing the enemy heroes. Mostly this hero (such as BH, Ancient Apparation, and Dark willow) barely have supporting ability because they just don't scale into late game.

                    2. Supports bound into what many people called SmOGaWa (Smoke, Objective (tower or barracks) / Gank (kill enemy) and Ward) those are the very basic of support needs.

                    3. Don't care about your net worth or item (unless its really important such as eul, force staff or ghost scepter). Remember to communicate. Focus on your win and ward

                    4. Wards. Know your team pattern. Ward your own jungle for defensive position (when you have hard carry and enemy ganker carry) and vice versa.

                    Thats it. Good luck on your mmr


                      1. GIT
                      2. GUD
                      3. ?
                      4. profit


                        find decent support friend stack as 2 man, win the lane then win the game

                        Honk Honk Clowns

                          Play on weekdays theres less kid so ez climb


                            Play on weekdays theres less kid so ez climb

                            Weekend dota is literally the worst you can play


                              Btw, thanks for all suggestions. AutoMemoriesDoll Evergarden - you showing just basic tips for newbie, but thanks for your effort, even if i don't need that. sia - yeah, it is true, but if u have such a talent, u don't need to put as much effort as u can (Im not saying it about myself). But the reason i think is because I am not spending too much time on the game, this is the problem I think. Waiting for summer, gl in final exams ( ofc who has them.)


                                Do u think rtz was farming jungle coming out of his mom's womb? There's no world class successful person who isnt working their ass off. Talent the way they say "good genes" is almost irrelevant to success. Every person has a talent for smth, how many make it?

                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!