General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some quality of life features you would like to see?

What are some quality of life features you would like to see? in General Discussion

    Personally, as a support player, I wish I could see my teams HP & MP bar at the top of my screen or the tab screen.

    Some other things that I find useful are skill cooldowns of your allies. Usually what I do is click on my allies and if I see it's 6s to a stun I count 6s by myself so I can follow up on time. But I can't do this for all 5 of my teammates at once.

    What are your thoughts?


      Thrones should be shrines too

      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        Enable advance hotkey settings for invoker to each spells. I want my alacrity and sunstrike quickcast disable so that I can just double tap to use it to myself. Pressing alt + hotkey is top complicated for me.


          I agree 100% about the hp and mp bars at the top of the screen. When you look at a replay, you can see that under each hero's portrait. If that was enabled only for allies during actual games, it would be wonderful. There is already a function to tell if your allies' ult is ready or not, I don't know how adding other skills would work. Personally, I think you should have an option to make the general settings hero specific. (For example, I would want the 'auto-select summoned units' option off for someone like phantom lancer, but on for other heroes, but right now you have to change it manually each time.) I also think you should be able to add more items to the tab that shows it throughout the game (Usually it's a tp scroll at the bottom right of your screen. You can replace the item, but as far as I know, you cant add more than one.) Those two things would be my biggest suggestions.


            The ult cooldown is at the top under hero icons. Blue if they're out of mana, black if it's on cooldown. Mouseover for cooldown timings.

            Also speaking of options there are a ton of hidden option tweaks that are not in the game & you actually have to go into the game files to change them. What's with that?


              Wards pocket


                if u press ALT u can see HP and MP bars of ur allies

                Lruce Bee

                  Why should you need to press alt to see Mana bars honestly?

                  Why should u need to click on an enemy hero to see mana ? I mean it's public info but it requires you to complete a superfluous action to see it. The game would be much better if info is presented better.

                  There was an interesting post on skill caps skill floors that talked about this on Reddit I believe. Improves the games without taking away from the complexity.


                    But pressing alt is so damn easy....
                    And you only need the info for 1-2 sec most of the time, it's annoying if the bar always up, same with creep spawn block and skill/tower range


                      One huge thing i forgot about is that ready check doesnt work while youre in demo mode. I dont know why, this seems like such a simple thing, but if youre in demo and someone ready checks, you wont get the notification.

                      Lruce Bee

                        whys mana bar annoying to have up? lmao. lets just remove hp bars too then.


                          Better path-finding. Getting blocked by other units in stupid situations like Lycan in True Form is very frustrating.

                          Remove Blink Dagger penalty.

                          Dragon Knight automatically attacks who he stuns rather than immediately switching target.

                          PL's body be more obvious. In hectic fights, I can't see the bar to know if he is dead or not.

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            Press alt to see enemy team item queue and gold


                              better shop hotkeys


                                The key is "always". It is needed occasionally. But I prefer to not have all information in my face by default. I prefer playing mmorpg in that case thank you

                                It's cluttering the monitor hard and isn't pleasing in the eye

                                Machado98 #xatubaking

                                  Skill range for the jungle creeps by pressing alt. Unbelievable that it's 2018 and I still don't know the exact range of centaur stomp and DTS ensnare, only by feeling and experience

                                  boni top fan

                                    ^this, as a chen player its actually useful to know the exact range of the creeps’ spells rather than estimating it


                                      everything you asked is already in the game.. u stupid

                                      Sorry grills, I'm gey ☺

                                        Make sentries to be able to see smoked units. Smoke 2 OP plz nerf volvo.

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          custom hero grid

                                          Sir Gareth SouthGOAT

                                            queue for legacy players that knows their shit


                                              extra slot for ward smoke and dust,
                                              9 slot isnt enough,
                                              also why we need to buy cour ? other moba let u buy anywhere


                                                also tp scroll is bullshit,