General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win as a spectre

how to win as a spectre in General Discussion

    Hey i'm just a normal 2k player who trynna reach archon playing solo lol, I'm thinking about playing spec again, last time I seriously play spec really good was back at 6.86 where spec was a broken hero and I read many things in this forums and I see a lot of people said spec is decent right now back in 6.86 I always build phase urn yasha diffusal manta vanguard and then radiance I get tarras a lot too if necessary or bm but last time I pick spec I think its really hard to win with that build any tips?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Tvrtko I

      boots aquila vangard radiance manta/heart/bf/ac is ez mmr


        just farm 15 min radiance. lol


          Ask someone to pick warlock. WARLOCK x spec

          PRAISE THE SUN!

            Vanguard is core because it works with dispersion should not be skipped.

            Typical build phase vanguard radiance.
            Against nukers phase Aquila wand vanguard blade mail radiance.

            Only pick the hero if enemies are low hp nukers or usually are solo.

            Usually if enemy has no counters its gg.

            Enemy counters for spec undying necro juggernaut lifestealer am dragon knight timbersaw broodmother bristleback or silver edge users.

            unbreakable spirit

              Get treads/phase, Aquila into vanguard/urn/hood into radiance, then the items are really flexible, u can go like manta diffusal, heart basher skadi butterfly etc..

              блядская натура

                follow qSnake build


                  @never yielding spirit; CK counters pretty good... even lose lane as ck; if you ult>reality - spec should die.

                  in this match, i solo kill level 25 spectre as CK

                  in this match, the enemy was too greedy, so no dramas spec v ck


                    Go phase aquila vanguard radiance diffusal heart

                    you can win as soon as you have radiance

                    also ban / pick undying every game, he is only hero with >50% winrate vs. spectre.

                    Aka if you ban him, even as the most average player ever, you will still gain MMR.

                    If you actually get good at the hero you will skyrocket


                      Vanguard is not 'Core' btw.

                      Boots of choice + Aquilla... Then you have a choice of 1 of 4 items.. Drums - Hood - Vguard - Blademail -> Radiance

                      Drums if you needa mufasa- (against Dooms, Imbasaws).. Spam daggers, to farm.. Hood if you're against alot of wizards, Vguard if you're against alota 'first pick dual lane Sniper PA's' which i assume is alot in 2k. Blademail if they have buttons they can't turn off, EG. Twin headed floors lava, pointy hat guy's meatballs etc.

                      Hero is excellent because he outscales people, In general there is two builds for skillbuilds. 1-4-1-1 or 4-1-1-1 If you're hitting the guy alot with ye old sythe, max desolate it's stronger against the pesky 700hp support heros that wonder the map. If you're not feeling great about right clicking the axe or clockwork etc, Maxing your dagger is the standard, in a standard spectre game, i'd probably buy about 55 clarities, If you're not pressured... Keep them running, you can throw daggers a tinker and farm with it or 2 camps and farm in the highground so the kobolds haven't got a chance lad.

                      Now you have the basics down.. Urn is a pretty rad item, its good if you're gettin kills, it's essentially a 'win more item'. I personally dislike when my spectre buys the urn, because usually that item is better on your Pos 4 hero, because pos 4 heros like slaying heros, spec likes hitting creeps and pressing R when shit goes down.

                      Okay, so you've been hittin creeps, the game is 48mins long, you are 1 rax down and the enemies are knocking at your front door.
                      You've farmed yourself a Heart, a vanguard, Blademail, Skadi and a radiance plus ye old 'buyback'.. you essentially have 2 plays here, You can run down a sidelane hit creeps and hope your team holds/sets up for your Kill button. OR you can sit in base and spam daggers.

                      The Goodplay, is too hope your 'initiator' does 'initation things' and you use your first life to deal as much damage as possible, You spend your gold on the instant resurect button and press the 'Kill all the 40% hp heros' button. IF you haven't won the game here, you're doing it wrong.

                      The badplay - Is to splitpush, Watch your team get initated on or initate on them use your ulti - Deal 60% damage to everything, buyback and watch the 40% hp heros walk away because you used your killbutton.

                      Only draft ye ol spectre if you know you can Lane it, don't first pick it or you're going to have a bad time. GLHF

                      Potato Marshal

                        I've been leaning more towards treads over phase since they keep buffing haunt illusions.

                        michael sassbender

                          play safe and play the opposite side of the map to people who can kill you. Show in lane when you know where the enemies that can kill you are, and when they disappear then tp to the opposite side of the map. Avoid fights until you have rad unless you're definitely gonna clean up some kills.


                            I think treads much better than phase otherwise you have mana issues until quite late into the game (especially with manta)


                              Just don't lose and you will win by default

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                ignore anyone who said vg is core

                                only times u want to get it is when u got buttfucked on lane rly hard and needed that RoH or against low dmg rightclicks like illusions

                                also just go 4111 on 99% of ur game u rightclick like a snail and there's nothing u can soak even with maxed dispersion without huge chunk of hp which u wont have until mid-late game

                                chicken spook,,,,


                                  treads much better than phase


                                    idk why im not using PT always phase so i can chase enemy


                                      you don't need phase to chase enemies if you are maxing dagger. the only time I go phase is when I've been forced to get an early vanguard.


                                        Treads and spirit vessel is core. Surprised no one suggested it

                                        Robin Chwaaaaan <3

                                          HANYOLO NOOB CANCER


                                            Just survive and farm radiance the game basically over if you have radiance


                                              What. You are the noob

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