General Discussion

General DiscussionOpenAI Five vs. Pro Team

OpenAI Five vs. Pro Team in General Discussion

    Last year it was the 1v1 matches.. this time it's 5v5

    #neuralnets #ai #reinforcementlearning #deeplearning

    "Our team of five neural networks, OpenAI Five, has started to defeat amateur human teams at Dota 2. While today we play with restrictions, we aim to beat a team of top professionals at The International in August subject only to a limited set of heroes."

    "To benchmark our progress, we’ll host a match versus top players on July 28th. Follow us on Twitch to view the live broadcast, or request an invite to attend in person!"

    click click

      OpenAI > Allstars


        TI 2020

        teams of bots against teams of bots, all human players kicked


        i have 5 reports to use

          Bots are using macros and calcs they should be banned


            I have no doubt that they will manage it this TI with that specific team match-up. They still have a long way to generalize their bots to master more heroes, but it's only a matter of time.
            Though, BKB-ult cm seems very strong there since they only have Scythe to interrupt it and none of them are gonna get bashers.


              with only 5 heros the AI will have calculeted and memerized the best reaction and order of spells in teamfights when enemy X starts the fight with spell Y. sounds kind of rigged


                im very sure that bots is going to get demolished


                  at least dota 2 bots isnt trash anymore


                    Yea they learn the best way to play one specific lineup against a very restricted set of rules. Basically making the game
                    Of Dota less uncertain and
                    Chess like. So their superior calculation and learning will have a good methodical chance of winning


                      PSA: if bots and pros can repeatedly sacrifice their safelane to pressure enemy safelane, you should too. Stop porting in 3 heroes into 5 to chain feed thanks


                        No invisible, no wards, set heroes. Too much handicap. Come back when bots can win a real game. I feel the bots have a chance under their terms.


                          Pretty sure vp will destroy them by cheesing

                          i have 5 reports to use

                            Heres some food of thought. Open ai learns by brute forcing simulations where it plays against itself. The large amount of hero drafts and builds, plays are too many. It took them one year to make a fixed 5 man draft. The devs secretly know that it won't be possible to make an ai for real dota. They are just marketing the algorithm at this point.

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Elon Musk the world's new overlord monkaGIGA

                              win, win, win

                                I guess drafting is a minor problem for OpenAI, they just need alot of data of all high MMR pubs played in the last 6 months to get sufficient information which drafts have higher win probability.


                                  So much denial about the game being too hard for AI. Any realist can see that it'll be better than 99% of players in the full game in a couple of years.

                                  Most of the missing things like Roshan are just because they haven't had time to code them.

                                  And, regarding draft, it doesn't need to play every draft a million times to optimise it. Strong hero counters/synergies are really obvious in win rate.

                                  Also, don't forget the OpenAI will have a hero pool larger than pro teams as well so drafting against it will be much harder than drafting against a human team.

                                  We could buy ourselves some time if we insisted that 5 different bots had to play the heroes rather than one master bot.


                                    They took a year but the bots essentially learned on 180 years of data. Lol


                                      For those saying it's only a matter of time, it's not. There's still huge amount of variables to be introduced to the game

                                      Story Time

                                        Open AI destroying your dota-pro career RIGHT NOW!

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!