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91 komentářů
Koirien suojelija

    This is really cool!


      Works and looks nice on my android. Wonder where are those hero dmg stats now ?

      The Dead

        pretty nice, probably I dont like reborn-design, but this one is rly great


          > That just happened


            Nice job on redesign guys, looking much better now.
            The only thing I don't like is the top submenu appearing on mouseover. Say I want to click "Players > Highest win rate". Firsh I have to mouseover "Players" so the correct submenu appears, then I should move my mouse (it's even worse with touchpad) bottom and left. Often I just move it straight left-bottom so the "Items" menu becomes hovered and I have to hover "Players" again. Dunno how to improve it, maybe change the horizontal padding of main menu links from 12px to 20px.

            [MDS] THIS KISS MEP

              ggwp :D


                good stuff
                well played!


                  awesomeness increased.


                    just love Old graph smaller..


                      @Lawliepop can you read my previous message and see if there's any way to change that?


                        looks bad on opera mini


                          My personal gratitude for simplifying the shitposting process.

                          Also, the new design looks much better than the old one, and I like the colours of the text and background we have now.

                          The AFK GUY:D:D:D

                            The hero healing, hero damage and tower damage stats are missing. Bring that back and then it would be perfect

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                good, a new fancy way to look at my matches and realize i have 30k+ hero damage while my teammates are all 5/20/5 with 2 items at 50 min


                                  now this is probably the biggest yet best update made on dotabuff's website. Great job! Keep it up :D


                                    When can we expect Truesight for Reborn games?

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        I like this new design than the old one.


                                          Thanks everyone for the feedback, we're reading all of it

                                          sllǝq ǝlƃuᴉſ

                                            can't search the match ID now, gg


                                              rating a match in your matches menu, leads you to the match page and not save the rating.


                                                Well playeed!


                                                  IZI Katka

                                                  тильта в томате (tilt aut...

                                                    "Most importantly, shitposting on the forums from your phone has never been easier."

                                                    Kappa Kreygasm EleGiggle


                                                      can we have in settings option for your dotabuff interface language and have it on dotabuff pages ???

                                                      Master Of The Plebs

                                                        This is a great update. Looks good and feels good. I wish more websites would get updates like this.

                                                        A S TA R I

                                                          This color scheme kreygasm. My eyeballs doh


                                                            Anyway to see an overview of all 10 players stats when clicking on a match? Using iphone 6 and chrome and I can only see the stats for like one person at a time. I just want to see all 10 players like before :(


                                                              I preferred the color scheme of the last. There should be an option which allows you to change the background colors!


                                                                Page scales well dynamically and looks great on my iPhone 6 plus. I know it can take a lot of work to totally rework a large site like that.

                                                                Looks like bootstrap but I could be wrong...

                                                                Great job guys, must have been working hard!

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                  Раньше было лучше, базарю.


                                                                    Why cant i find a match from search bar ?
                                                                    Did you guys already disable that feature ?


                                                                      really well done

                                                                      ./. Vavle

                                                                        Where is hero damage? Hero healing? Is that stat for dotabuff plus only now?

                                                                        Old Geezer

                                                                          looks incredible!! I love this new design :D :D

                                                                          Piku @ JGF16

                                                                            next go dotabuff mobile app


                                                                              looking rly nice. thx for the amazing update- looks better as reborn lel xD


                                                                                Well done. But still need a consumed moonshard / aghs purchased (for alch) icon!!

                                                                                Swamp Fox

                                                                                  Please give us the ability to switch back to the old site. I hate basically everything about the changes.


                                                                                    Please make profile stats like reborn Stats graph