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88 komentářů
martini blue

    Huh. Makes sense.


      if they increased his cast point for the heal bomb and/or GA I reckon he'd be way more fun to play.


        That's pretty much why I usually don't play Skywrath, Slark, Lich, Mirana, Sniper, Storm and Witch Doctor. God, even Timber and Techies' voices are better than those.

        Impervious to Nailguns

          They already buffed Purification's cast point, now it's actually really fast. A little more range, plus make him look, sound, and feel better. That's it. The hero is basically fine, it's as they said. Nobody wants to support, and nobody wants to play a hero that doesn't seem cool or interesting.


            no more hounds please my wallet is empty enough as it is


              What is a blademaster?

              Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

                I can confirm-NO LOVE FOR SUPPORT PLAYERS

                I am a full time support (90% + of my games) and have taken up the role over the last two years because i simply know no one wants to do it.

                I have come across players that recognize the strife and give me positive reinforcement, then there are the players that act entitled to my constant warding, pulling, smoking, rune control, rosh timer, courier-management, rotations etc.

                Life is hard for a support player, even once you hit the 4-5k bracket, everyone is too busy trying to be the next Miracle and Sumail.

                There needs to be more public support and recognition from the professional scene for the most demanding role


                  A single change would transform the hero into a monster overnight -- attack range 128 > 500 -- instantly becomes the best support in game.


                    Honestly, fuck everyone on my team who picks four cores. If I'm going to support, I want another one with me. Better to spread the utility that way. Otherwise, fuck y'all I'm picking Techies.


                      Please no I don't want to play against omni fuck that hero

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                      ddos attack sufferer (MUTED)

                        PLEASE do not aestheticize this hero, or add an arcana for it. I can not stand playing against this hero, and it has the potential to ruin games just as much as Techies used to for the enemy team. I fully support nerfing Omni into oblivion, as I'm sure most other pub players would.


                          Regarding the Sounds section, DotA is just WAY too behind in how great it could be. Imagine that every time you land a heal bomb on multiple enemies, you actually hear a BOMB sound effect for each enemy hit. Imagine if the sound made by Treant Protector attacking a unit actually sounded like a 2 ton tree hitting something. One of the reasons Jugg is very popular is because his attack sounds are crisp and very pleasing to the ear. It sounds like you're actually playing an action game in a grand fantasy battleground.

                          Immersion is a huge part of the player experience. The reason why WC3 DotA was so great was because the heroes were badass as hell, sounded badass as hell, and felt badass to play. They were true heroes, legendary characters that you respected and awed. Valve DotA is just... lightyears behind. Slardar's model makes everyone want to puke. Half the heroes hit with sounds like wet noodles. There are no GREAT characters like Illidan Stormrage or Rexxar the John Cena of fantasy heroes.

                          I hate to bring up LoL because I don't even play it but I've seen some of the production and I believe one of the main reasons they are doing better is because their characters are actually well developed. Lore, personality, hit sounds, they all titillate your interest and make you want to play them.

                          In a game where 90% of your time is spent controlling 1 hero on a single map, wouldn't you want the majority of the development to happen on that front? I'd much rather revert back to the old UI if it meant a few extra design enhancements to the heroes and the map.

                          TL;DR Dota 2 is an empty shell of a game with no heart and soul, only hats.

                          Kapitan Bamboe

                            Because omni is not an easy hero which make the player who used omni means they know how to play this hero. meanwhile most pub player try to imitate the meta. SF mekans meta, Alche meta even they dont know how to play that hero.

                            Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                              a good omni almost guarantees victory from what ive seen


                                I used to only play support but, by chance really, most of the guys i pub with are support players and avoid playing core roles by choice. I attribute any early to mid game success to them and probably drive the other cores mad with completely biased praise.
                                But that's fine. Their numbers look bad, their efforts are unnoticed yet they set the game up completely for the cores.

                                And saying 'Thank you' requires nothing.


                                  Tbh I really like Omniknights attack sound? Juggernaut's attack sound and Nightstalker's are favorites too. The hero needs nothing, he's great as he is, no buffs needed. I don't play him a lot because it feels like cheap wins for me, there is not much challenge to him. I have a 81.82% winrate with him over 15 games.

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                                    About the sounds, the fact that a Rampage gets you a huge sound (and text) that everybody hears, when a perfectly landed support job (e.g. Shallow Grave with the perfect timing) will be ignored by the game itself… so, of course, it gets ignored by your teammates :'(


                                      Biggest problem in games, When you need a support no one wants to pick support, When you need carry everyone picks support. Has this happened to anyone else?


                                        no, if you play 2k mmr that was so many noob player like all carry team.


                                          huh, i just want to hit 6k and fuck this 3k bracket. ARGHGHGH


                                            Clicked on Blademaster, was scared of the noise. But thanks for the article, interesting and makes sense:)


                                              In low skill bracket, there are almost no one know how to counter omniknight


                                                I LOVE OMNIKNIGHT!!!!! DAGGER AND OCTARINE SO FUN TO PLAY


                                                  I -FUCKING LOVE- to kill a god damn void with purification when he chronospheres anyone in my team with madness on. lol, best thing in the world right there.


                                                    True, in my skill bracket people seems only know physical damage and most dont prioritize targeting the support first

                                                    Derp's missing tax files

                                                      Currently the Enchanted Mango only has a 34.43% win rate. Together, we as a community, have the ability to fix this problem and end this horrific tragedy. Please help. It is our duty as gamers to give this item the respect it is due.


                                                        I just came here to say I love the Omniknight attach sound. Nothing feels better than killing heroes with The Equalizer!


                                                          So the bottom line is he want's more hats...

                                                          Milk Shaker
                                                            Drop High Go High

                                                              Omni the best!

                                                              Great Explosion Murder God

                                                                Well its not always fun to win in some ways. And i play for the fun of it


                                                                  We just need the Omniknight Set that SiractionSlacks made that would make him more cooler :3


                                                                    Bigger problem is nobody supporting, everyone wants to be Miracle and play mid.


                                                                      I support all the time ;)

                                                                      an orangutan with a toupee

                                                                        The big problem with Omni and Dazzle (in my bracket at least ~2K) is that sense of entitlement mentioned above. Players dive and expect you to save them even if you are across the map. Or they run away from you instead of towards you when fleeing pursuit. They die? "GG no heals no angel no grave" After a while you just get tired of carries raging at you because their shitty gameplay/map awareness got them killed. So I switched to more offensive and disabling supports even it means a lower winrate.


                                                                          i can tell you why nobody plays this hero. You cant rack kills and its IMO a quite unsatisfying hero. You mostly cant do shit except hug your teammates. Also; playing a support is like being the anus of a body anyway, since everyone will take a dump on you because "wards were shit" or "support screwed us" and "you arent supposed to take that kill".

                                                                          People dont understand the teamwork that is required but still this hero magically maintains the 60%+. Ranked is a complete shithole for me (1300 mmr, rarely play ranked) and you're dependent on heroes like pudge/bloodseeker/windranger. Games are getting way too standard.

                                                                          I would vouch any time of the day for a setup where the harder the hero is to play, the stronger it is. Currently, the simplest heros like Riki easily rack 10 k/d but harder heroes like oracle or chen are dependent on a knowledgable team


                                                                            So am i the only omni picker in 3k? i went from 900mmr to 3k picking cm, abbadom, omni.. and only supports ^^


                                                                              cookies is best support
                                                                              his supporting on profile stats is 1/1
                                                                              best dazzle/ww/cm/rubik europe
                                                                              chen still pending
                                                                              irrelevant comment

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                                                                                I play supports mostly! Omni is amazing in lower tier bracket (like lower 3k) but in 4K some people get smarter and may have diffussal and have great balance in spells and normal atk which doesn't make Omni flexible in such scenarios.
                                                                                WW, Dazzle, Lion, Tusk on the other hand, now we talking!

                                                                                Crystal Meth Connoisseur

                                                                                  still waiting for a Thor arcana (or just a set) for omniknight...


                                                                                    It's not surprising how little supports are appreciated. It's like that in everything. People that support never get the credit, it's always the people actually doing something to get the credit even if they don't deserve it. When you're getting rampages all over the place people are like wow they're amazing, but when the support has their jungle warded turning you invisible and warding up rosh, it's treated like that's just what they're supposed to do. That is true, but the carries should be doing the killing, it's their job.

                                                                                    [SD] Freyja the Cat

                                                                                      He needs better lines like:
                                                                                      'Get healed you NOOB!'
                                                                                      'I just saved you, now say thanks'
                                                                                      'Once again Omni saves the day'
                                                                                      'My suport carries us to victory'


                                                                                        A E S T H E T I C S

                                                                                        Defense of the Emotions

                                                                                          I have 75% winning using omniknight for 80+ ranked games within 3.5k to 4k MMR... hahaha... Omniknight along with good mid or good hard carry is almost sure win... :))

                                                                                          NEVER NAZAD zaa xd

                                                                                            Omni is not picked because people are stupid lol.

                                                                                            Aside from his lack of mobility and his weak zoning ability as a lane support, and that his inability to gank, he is one of the best late game supports.

                                                                                            Especially with Bkb's going down to 5 seconds duration, Repel gets better. You can cast Repel over and over again, almost 90% of the time making a teammate magic immune (14 sec cd, 12 sec dur). Of course diffisual blade counters repel but first do you really want to spend that much money just to deal with one spell from probably a five position support? And second he can keep casting Repel if you are not quick on killing them.

                                                                                            Guardian Angel also just gets better as game goes late, cause late game more physical damage wins. And by any chance if Omni gets a spectre he can just stay far and hidden, so enemy cannot initiate on him and kill him before he gets off any spell. Then he can time a decent GA. What counter play do you have against GA in pubs? Most of the time, nothing.

                                                                                            He is also not really hard to farm. He has higher armor than average, average attack damage and a really good aeo nuke that also heals yourself, which enables you to kill 4-5 jungle creeps whenever possible.

                                                                                            I am an Omni picker lol love dat hero.

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                                                                                            Betta One

                                                                                              When you talk about Omni, you should mention sven! And we all know that there exist only one sven on Europe servers ... He goes by the name of executioner. He always place it in the bag!


                                                                                                abaddon is actually fun to play. very versatile in terms of team role, even in late game situations.

                                                                                                waku waku

                                                                                                  omniknight isn't boring it's just that it's not that easy to play him

                                                                                                  swag (:

                                                                                                    playing omni is not that boring sometimes omni turn the hole game


                                                                                                      I'm sorry but support not getting the spotlight is no longer the case people these days value support plays almost just as much as carries. There are highlights of expert level wyvern ultis and the 6 million echo should be classified as a support play even though universe is an offlaner (ppd provided the vision plus the iceblast to win them the game)