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    my friends told me insane for pick arc

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    Professor Dog

      Deny the 2nd






            Pain-in-the-ass type of hero.

            kid named finger

              the only reason arc warden has a high wr is because a majority of dota players are bad and just play braindead heroes like slark or something and refuse to use their brain and pick a hero which is actually good vs him. Me im enjoying my free mmr against arc warden with picking meepo or centaur

              he also has no escape so just pick an initiator/ assassin and its super easy win


                ez smurf account. check my heroes played plz.


                  Seventh (edit: 8th)

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                    Can any guys confirm that spectre is still decent against arc?


                      Centaur is actually awfull against a good warden. Slark isn't awesome, but at least he isn't bad, unless the arcwarden is paired with a pushing lineup (in which case slark is awefull against it)

                      Kavalactone y Melocotone :3

                        Time to learn how to play AW Xd

                        I <3 lady music

                          10% pickrate in 5k+ is 33rd. being the 33rd most picked hero isn't whopping by any stretch of the imagination...


                            Did you know that 49.999% of dota players are less than average skill?


                              In solo pub game, people just pick want they want to play.
                              That's why I stop play solo pub game.
                              I always play with team and every time arc mid.
                              We just pick PA,PL or tiny and Ez own mid.
                              just pick heroes that can blink, illusion, or blast him down.

                              Techies Player

                                @Dante That would be the median skill.


                                  whether it be split push rapier warden or midlane dominance warden, warden is life. EZ 60%+ winrate kappa


                                    I just like him as a support with the change in pipe, 800 magic absorb for team.

                                    Secretly Silver

                                      He doesnt need another nerf in my opinion


                                        But you also need players who can micro him to his fullest potential


                                          @ickdanny i meant "less that average skill" in that they are in the bottom 50% of players ranked on skill, so yes median is appropriate


                                            can this hero be paired with underlord?

                                            JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                                              just pick that abaddon mid nigga. gg ez


                                                So which one is better on him? Shadow blade or blink? Kinda interested to learn to play him now


                                                  Nerf or remove arc warden? NUP! BUFF ARC WARDEN TILL HE IS MOST PLAYED


                                                    ez mid arc warden

                                                    Mirza Izmaname

                                                      Please do not publicize Arc Warden :(


                                                        @dfc couldn't said it any better myself :)


                                                          @DropDead.EXE you read that brainless noob is thread?


                                                            @Aui_2000MMMR confirmed


                                                              @Non-Toxic this guy get it


                                                                @I <3 lady music yep

                                                                Horace Slughorn

                                                                  1st ban confirmed

                                                                  David Blaine

                                                                    One of the best heroes right now, on a level of Mirana or SD. Midded against an ember and got 6 kills in 8 minutes against him.


                                                                      double midas, double travel, double hex or silence, and infinite salve and mango haha very strong to me, in balance, he doesnt have natural right click abilities and depend only on his farm.. quite well


                                                                        fun and ass hero ;d


                                                                          my Signature


                                                                            This is my build >>>Match 2607849856 Sad Tinker

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              Arc is not op, people are just stupid. the hero is super easy to gank and kill. low movespeed and low armor and no escape


                                                                                "playing him yourself wasn’t that exciting"

                                                                                What? For me, Arc Warden is the most fun hero in the game.

                                                                                But She's A Robot :(

                                                                                  @dfc how about face micro gaming arc warden? It's like you face CK's illu with prolonged hex and silence. (that if you as arc warden able to farm effectively)


                                                                                    What the hell is this article, of course any hero is going to sound OP if he got a rework, and you list only the buffs. With 6.87, he did get nerfed. It's just that it wasn't enough to push him out of the OP tier.


                                                                                      ^Lmao Arc Warden player in normal skill bracket defending the hero. The hero was not nerfed. The word for it is probably reworked. The article is right. The playstyle to Arc Warden has changed and he became an even more dominating hero than before. He can gank, teamfight and split push at ALL STAGES OF THE GAME. Balanced hero lmao


                                                                                        Fuck Arc Warden


                                                                                          DIEDED RIP

                                                                                          Drink H₂O 4 li3f
                                                                                            Tento komentář byl smazán

                                                                                              And now they nerfed him, so he's not. Article writer's curse?


                                                                                                Nerf ! Haha


                                                                                                  RIP hero in 2 min


                                                                                                    I usually played him as a ganking 4. Tranq + Urn, max flux and roam all day. Build up orchid for double silence then slowly transition to ratting semi-carry. I'm shitty at microing so I don't utilize his ult as much to farm but the double skills during gank is so OP. His Q and E is one of the best ganking skills in the game too.

                                                                                                    not racist anymore

                                                                                                      suddenly he got nerfed