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    Monkey king? Haha, everytime someone on my enemy team picks up MK and lane it on mid i feel sorry for them...

    I'm not supping

      This whole situation heavily reminds me of the good ol' Heroes of Newerth days. Back then, a huge patch (was it HoN 2.0 or 3.0, can't remember) was followed by a flood of new heroes (new one each 2 weeks) and the first one was Monkey King.

      While his spells were all different, he was similar in terms of having scaling physical DPS abilities and was even more annoying to deal with, trust me. He was, however, only one of many other heroes that preceeded or followed him in terms of being typical HoN-style semi-carries. A typical mid pick in HoN was mostly about heavy ganking and creating space for the safelaner, and many of these heroes had scaling physical skills, which were great for snowballing in the early/mid game, but ultimately were falling off in the late game when facing off against a 6-slotted hard carry. The most common early item for these heroes was helm of the black legion (Vanguard), and among these heroes was also one of my favourites, Corrupted Diciple (Razor).

      So, I have a feeling that this might only be the beginning of a significant gameplay change in DOTA, a new path that will somehow remind me of my HoN days, where I proclaimed myself as the best Deadwood player ever (sickest ganker ever, was OP in my hands for sure). In short, be prepared for more heavy-ganking, semicarry mid heroes that will only require earlygame sustain items to deal lots of physical damage. The times of afk farming mid might soon be gone (except for Invoker, but f*** that hero).

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      Cat vs The World

        MK is not OP in my opinion. If you think MK is OP. try to spam with that hero in ranked, and see what happens. If that hero OP he must have good winrate. lul.

        CLEETUS McFarland

          Ive seen 2 MK Rampage in 8 games.


            honestly peeps i think monkey king is one of the weakest heroes right now i have seen him in 9 games 3 on my team 6 on the other teams all games were lost by the monkey king he is easy to counter with disable and magic similarly to terrorblade.


              no lich mention in the DPS section? Think this is definitely the most noteworthy +damage... 150 at level 20


                monkey king has one main problem, and this is the only unbalanced thing about him, he has too much range, the 300 range he has is enough to push his abilities over the edge, a right click carry that can chase as well as he does while also having that much utility is helped out more by that range than any other hero, the more flat out power you have with right click and the more mobile you are the better range is, which is why ranged heroes never get great mobility and flat out power. some melee carries get that, but monkey king happens to have those qualities plus more range than he should. that makes him too good. he is not exactly op but the potential on him is too high, mostly because he has too much range, if they want him to keep that they will have to nerf him in all his other stuff, but it would be easiest and most sensible to just give him melee range.


                  MK was almost in every match I've had recently, and it is not that difficult to counter him, as long as we don't let him leaping through the trees undetected. Observer wards uphill are mandatory, or go Bounty Hunter, track him, gank him. The happiest moment was when I Force-Staff-ed an MK down, and we beat him to death. MONKEY KING IS NOT OVERPOWERED.

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                  *FarizTampan99 2nd

                    dude , win rate matter
                    ok we take the Io case

                    Io (wisp) has 40% winrate on dotabuff , and stil picked sometimes in pro scene
                    but its not OP , his winrate isnt that high , even in the hand of Alliance member
                    at Major , and TI 6 , Io winrate is not high too , even in the hand of 8k , 9k mmr ish

                    talking about MK
                    0 mmr - 3000 mmr
                    3000 mmr - 5000 mmr
                    5000 mmr++ , in all bracket , his winrate is around 50% , not even 51% , its not OP

                    even 0 mmr - 4000 mmr can handle him, u know right , under 3500 mmr ish dont has brain

                    try Centa , he is OP now , i find out in this 7 00 patch his winrate increasing drastically
                    he is Str but he hit hard and fast like a carry

                    later i find out in this 7 01 patch he got nerfed
                    its coz the developer find this Centa has a very high winrate in 7 00 patch

                    btw my opinion about MK
                    he is very strong
                    or u can call him OP in "some situation"

                    even his winrate not too much high

                    SF +2 damage soul talent is OP
                    Lycan OP
                    Visage OP
                    my handsome face it OP too

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                      Btw monkey king was intact in dota 1, in wc3 u had to do a secretive quest where u collect items from around the map which would eventually spawn him


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