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    Still fucking hate the hero




        third lul?


            No mention of the stupidly long root of stasis traps?


              "It's a welcome change for Techies players, but also for everyone else in the game."

              Not really a welcome change for everyone else; Most op shit since es at its release


                Fuck this hero.


                  Waiting Brock Hall to comment about this news lol

                  🔰OБЫЧHAЯ ДEBOЧKA ДAУH

                    have 450 plays, god hero)))

                    Brünk Hüll


                      Haha thanks for the shoutout. I won't say i have a lot of experience with he hero (read none), but it doesn't always take firsthand experience to see the potential in the changes made. The two things I see about this hero are as follows:

                      This is one of the few times I think a respawn talent is good in a losing OR winning situation. Being alive before and after a fight is beneficial to Techies to give them time to set up or reset, and to a point they can still do pretty well with minimal items, so the talent gels really well with the overall design of Techies rather than feeling tacked on.

                      The second thing is that Blast Off now feels like an aoe Doom, and probably should be switched with remote mines. I think the cooldown might be a bit too low as is, but it still does a ton of damage to Techies so there is a trade off. Techies might be the better pick over Doom as the silence is about half a doom in a 400 aoe with a minor damage difference to any single target, and can potentially engage from almost a BLINK DAGGER distance away without items. With a DS or Enigma, you're looking at a very dead opponent, and picking those two heroes doesn't limit you nearly as much as Tiny Techies does.

                      Really, this didn't change the hero up all that drastically, but instead put the past gimmicks (toss squad) to the forefront of the hero and made the rest of the spells feel like side benefits, like surge, diabolic edict, or return.

                      Soggy Bottom Boy

                        Cancer hero

                        Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                          The only reason i play techies is to piss off the enemy team

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                            Love the stasis traps, especially when people are escaping and they just have to look at their hero paralyzed


                              I still report anyone who picks techies in a ranked game on either team. The funny thing is that I get 2 reports back in over 50% of the cases.

                              Natasha (#1 CaitVi fan)

                                The hero you pick when you have 300 ping but are addicted to dota.

                                Erase Humanity

                                  I think what makes dota beautiful is epic team fights and ganks and stuff but planting some mines and blasting yourself off like terrorists isn't something desirable or fun or skill dependent at all. Just delete techies from dota.


                                    @purdurabu so you reveal your true self here but bitch about unrelated stuff in my post about techies.


                                      I love this hero so much


                                        Hate this

                                        Guile ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

                                          I still hate this piece of trash.
                                          He still delays games.Still has good defense.I almost always have 1 hour long borefests with techies in the game.In the end my team just lets them end due to exhaustion
                                          Screw this hero

                                          Beg Lee
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                                            Beg Lee
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                                              Beg Lee

                                                Sometimes I play this hero against other cancer heroes like monkey or slark. I am not good at Techies but i like this hero. And it's Ok to me to play against techies.

                                                Sgt Steiner

                                                  Lol. So right after reading this, i decided to take Techies out for a spin. I know that in the past, if I ran a BOT game as techies, my fellow bot-mates would eventually just push up a lane and win the game. It might take upwards of an hour for the game to finish.

                                                  Not this time. With the skill tree build suggested by this article, and a couple of Bloodstones in my inventory as well as a heart, an octarine core, aghs and a pair of boots of travel, I literally had my way with all the heros (except Chaos which destroyed me at each encounter), while relearning the hero.

                                                  Almost 2 hrs later, we marched up the middle of the map and took glory for ourselves.


                                                  Have fun out there!


                                                    With the current meta that many heros relies on trees like treant ,MK , brood to hide in/on them techies is realy good against these guys. This rework made techies extermly good in team fights and using blast off aggresivly is now a good option since you will not die at end !
                                                    A position 4 techies can now be very deadly specialy against a squishy team


                                                      ez reports


                                                        my new personal favorite hero.

                                                        seriously though I m waiting for a nerf in the future.

                                                        2016 chicago cubs

                                                          Why was this article made


                                                            but i thought techies is less cancer

                                                            Ave with an internet pfp

                                                              Alice, Where are you???

                                                                Free Hong Kong

                                                                  Is a person who has only played one game of techies (with a loss) really qualified to analyze this stuff?


                                                                    Techies is actually playable and fun now. Yeah he can be a pain in the ass in some games but I've played games where I got completely shit on. You just need to play against him properly.


                                                                      Бесит этот герой

                                                                      a kitten

                                                                        My SO and I have a rule of thumb: is techies in the game yes/no? If yes, we'll just want to get onto the next game ASAP but can't push so the game will take forever. If no, thank nitwibble it's not a Techies game.

                                                                        Near Haven

                                                                          I love this hero. I used to hate him but the rework has made him amazing, and I have no issues going against him.

                                                                          I find it hilarious that people keep pushing a lane that has the mine field sign. Whenever I'm against one, I make sure we switch lanes immediately after we see the sign.

                                                                          I think I won 80% of my games vs a techies, and have won 65% when I play him.

                                                                          Change lanes. Ez win. Good hero and good changes.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                          fuck u gaben

                                                                            Report Techies please mute and report steam


                                                                              "С начала нерфов Land Mines в патче 6.85, герой имел около 25% винрейта. На сегодняшний день, в патче 7.01, это значение возросло почти на 7%, и приблизилось к отметке в 53%"
                                                                              Что с процентами?


                                                                                Techies is a great hero.
                                                                                Remember the good old days in DotA 1. There was no Minefield Sign, and Aghs would just increase the range and the damage of Remote Mines.

                                                                                This changes just make the hero more interesting, and less frustrating in case of failure. Before 7.00, you had to stack the Land Mines, and if an enemy pulled a neutral creep over there: BOOM, you lost your time. Also there was a limit in the amount of Land Mines you could have simultaneously, like TA's traps.
                                                                                Also, as the note says, it gives the Hero more fight-ability. It's not reduced to planting Stasis Trap in their faces anymore, now you can get in seriously.

                                                                                Yes, it still plays differently from other heroes. But playing mind games and making the game a horror to the enemy team can be more funny than playing Pudge. The key is not being predictably. You can easily take over the other team's jungle if careful enough.

                                                                                Everyone who hates him or say the game is 5v4, just don't know how to counter it, or never had the pleasure of detonating 80 remote mines making a triple kill.

                                                                                I love this update, but a big nerf is on it's way.


                                                                                  Loves this. Thank you dotabuff

                                                                                  D e b a t e

                                                                                    Techies jungle ?


                                                                                      Techies could probably turn a fight with strong nukes and disables.
                                                                                      Take note that root effect has been buffed significantly since 7.00


                                                                                        Techies is an amazing heroe, should be made immune to reports if he did well in a game. Can't have trash like the guys above me report me for doing well against them because of their own stupidity.

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                                                                                        aryaford #TeamOnodera

                                                                                          annoying hero of all time .

                                                                                          Guardian of the Light

                                                                                            Techies are back on the menu lads! prepare for some mind-cracking!