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    TL, DR: Don't talk about it, or you will die a virgin

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    Story Time

      but losing can also be fun on its own


        it's about flame and burn a newcomers in a game


          Great article, actually. Good read.


            This is a great article, my dad always wondered why I had such an interest in this game and I had no idea how to explain it to him. This really helps.

            Eat Soup With A Fork

              AS:LK CK:
              ASBCNIOBA UWBUIOWCVuoviwe'j KHARsuawo

              WHAT IS THIS "fun" CRAP ABOUT!!!!!!!! ITS DOTA 2 NOOBZ

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                Beautifully written article, it's really hard to put all that beauty and thrill of Dota into words, but you did a really great job.


                  Dota is not hard. Pick PA and rampage or pick Terrorblade and melt down towers. You can also pick Sven and cleave your way to an enemy teamwipe. This is what happens in my SEA 2k pubs anyway xP


                    And always advice that he will found a ocean of toxicity. First lesson: how to mute your team!


                      so more people buy staff for valve ? no ty this game is cancer


                        just tell people it's like street fighter but top-down


                          just say Tower Defense theyll get it

                          Sleight of My Fist In You...

                            yea no the best way to learn dota is to play it pretty much like any other game only experience is going to help learn the game s aimple. any new comer should follow the difficulty level set in game...they can play bots first going thru the motions and then play limited heroes thats the way to go

                            then after they've got an understanding of the items and gameplay they can go for all pick and try out new heroes or atleast understand what every hero is capable of.

                            will they get rekt by riki bounty and weaver of course, but they'll learn about dust and wards. first time they encounter a new hero they'll have no idea but thru the game they'll understand what that hero does

                            so the best advice is - just play the game.



                              zen moment

                                all new potential player has been gone playing mobile moba

                                Belu double b

                                  VIVA LA PERU HIJOS DE TODA SU PUTA MADRE


                                    I actually taught my dad to play Dota 1. Of course he has never played against real people but only bots but still he picks Traxex and rekts easy bots.


                                      I actually taught my dad to play Dota 1. Of course he has never played against real people but only bots but still he picks Traxex and rekts easy bots.

                                      ебал маму славы

                                        дота - первая моба) спустя год имею 4к ммр )очень быстро учусь

                                        Mac Beud

                                          there's no fun in losing.

                                          aikyu3 SuBi ♪

                                            play for fun? nope, play to win.


                                              Question: "How to talk about Dota to complete outsiders?"

                                              Answer: "Don't".


                                              Palestine 4EVER

                                                trying to make a parallel between Dota 2 and basketball?

                                                yeah, it's 5v5 in an arena like basketball, but everyone only plays center or forwards; no one wants to play guard


                                                  Wait, people play Dota because it's fun? I thought it was just because everyone else was hopelessly addicted like me...