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8 komentářů
Man Blanket

    Frankly I still think Hoodwink was the most uninspired and disappointing hero to release in the history of dota. After such a long spell of nothing valve swoops in and nerfs offlane Bloodseeker, which was the most fun I've ever had playing dota, and they drop this turd on us. "New hero? Idk. I fapped to a R34 fur fan art of Windranger last night. Let's just do that." FFS they already had Aghanim finished! Voice lines, models, animations, everything. He blinks, does a gemmy thing channel thing, does a laser channel thing, throw in a passive, make his aghs steal an ability. There ya go, an int hero that can flex ps 2 or 4. It's like we ordered cherry pie and got a bologna sandwich instead.


      maybe his aghs upgrade or aghs shard could be this, so when hoodwink used acorn shot, it will bounce and will grow a tree on every hero bounced, or maybe scurry could pass through terrains


        I’d like to see a shard that makes the knock back from her ult even bigger, and an aghs that makes her vision reduction from the stun have a lingering effect

        THE WOK

          HW didn't need to spend money for gleipner, You better build maelstorm+linken for a little durable while jumping into trees.


            She's been my main hero since she was released. She's definitely a 4, at a push a 3. She has so much utility, she can deal a lot of aoe damage, has a relatively low cd disable, that is admittedly a bit of a skill shot and an ult that is good for initiating a fight or finishing off a fleeing enemy, particularly invis heroes. Add to that a decent escape and she's ideal as a 4, particularly since with her first 2 abilities she can easily get some farm after the laning stage. I have to say though, I would never buy blink on her, she needs to run around the outskirts of teamfights, not blink into the middle of them


              No Shard
              No Scepter

              With every hero in the game having one, it already puts Hoodwink at a huge disadvantage, it would be the equivalent of having no talents or not being able to use a certain item.
              Valve really needs to complete this hero


                I like to play her as a pos 4. Especially in low mmr (in which I am) it ha a lot of potential due to her Break mechanic, as Nyx got nerfed too. In lower mmr people tend to pick heroes with strong passives (PA, Bristleback etc.) and you get the most valuable person in fights. Rodof atos is a nice item for her statswise as she is squishy. When you already have Maelstrom, a huge waveclearing potential is added; at which you are already strong with your Q and W.

                However, the lack of Aghs Scepterand Shard is a huge disadvantage. Luckily, in lower mmr people still don't recognize the power spikes of these 2 items so it is not a huge loss. In higher ranks or pro levels these items might be the game changing ones and she doesn't have one. We will see what they will add to her with these 2 items; TBH I'm very curious.


                  can we stop with the garbage weeby baby heros and stop acting like LoL