We’ve got a chance to watch the Riyadh Masters Group Stage and while the meta in general is in an overall healthier place, there are still some problematic things in it, which are not necessarily hero-related, but rather concept-related. Today we would like to talk about some potential changes that could arguably make the meta even more open.
The Dispel mechanic is very strong and it is one of the reasons why some heroes are either completely out of meta, or look incredibly weak by the 25 minute mark. Heroes like Magnus and
Ursa are not popular in the professional scene because they get hard countered by a ~5000 gold item. Even
Bloodseeker is much weaker than just a couple of months ago simply because since then most players realized how powerful Nullifier is.
The problem we have with it isn’t about how well it works, but that it works through Debuff Immunity. There is just no counterplay to it: you can’t hide behind Black King Bar, even temporarily. Perhaps this could be the thing that changes in the next patch, with the Nullifier effect being suppressed during Debuff Immunity.
It would allow for more counterplay on both sides, will require more strategic BKB and Nullifier usage and will make some heroes once again viable. On top of it, it could theoretically make Nullifier less popular, increasing the survivability of supports, who otherwise can’t get full benefits from their save items.
7.33 introduced one big indirect nerf to Linken's Sphere. It is now possible to break it through Black King Bar, making the item a lot less powerful. It is still pretty good and is still necessary against some big ultimates, but we feel like it could use a small touch up, especially in games with
Rubick. Right now it is close to impossible to protect oneself when using any channeling spell.
Because of it, for example, Enigma has to be overtuned in some of his other aspects. Malefice is now a 165 damage ability for 100 mana, making it the best level one “stun” in the game in terms of damage and damage to mana conversion. But this overturned ability is necessary to keep the hero viable in a game where he can no longer protect himself with BKB+Linkens combo.
Indirectly, it also decreases the effectiveness and viability of heroes like Warlock, who are simply not necessary. You can always shut down Enigma’s Black Hole (or any powerful channeling spell) with Rubick or, essentially, any cheap targeted ability or item. So having a BKB-piercing AoE stun is simply not necessary, even though it is very strong in theory.
There is no elegant solution to this problem we can think of, and we are not even sure how much of a problem it is, but perhaps Linkens could become slightly less efficient damage-wise on Universal heroes, while being better when used for its intended purpose.
Finally, there is an elephant in the room. Universal heroes are still a bit too powerful as right-clicking cores. Nerf Void Spirit and
Abaddon, we get
Windranger. Nerf [windranger]? Well, there is
Broodmother. After
Broodmother nerfs, it is now
Lycan and
Snapfire time. Six out of ten most contested heroes of Riyadh Masters are Universal heroes.
Moreover, these nerfed Universal heroes usually get massive stat decreases, resulting in some of the weakest heroes in the game who are more or less unplayable at any skill level above average. The end result is that some Universal heroes are the trendsetters of the patch, dominating the most contest list. While some, like Dazzle, can’t be picked, unless you are intentionally trying to ruin the game for your team.
We feel like the initial 0.6 damage per level was better balanced and perhaps we will see some of the changes reverted at some point. As it stands, many Universal heroes are currently popular not because of their unique properties, but simply because of their stats, robbing them of their own identity. The moment we see Bane carry, we will know the game went too far.
It is very hard to complain about the current meta. There are only three heroes with 80%+ contest rate and only seven with 70%+ popularity. It is definitely not as top heavy as it was during the Major and is generally a lot more diverse.
That said, there are still some concerning trends and in preparation for the International we hope to see some small hero adjustments. Or at least some buffs to the completely ignored eight heroes.
<<< Best old school Dota player
The passage about the linkens sphere is something i haven't thought about. The article was a good read.
@VezirOdSempinga cringe
Legion Commander can go suck a nut
you forgot legion commander? and why u didnt mention carries?
I'd like to know what do u think about future of dota kawai.
I mean, new patch comes, people learn how to ply the top heroes, then the new one comes, then the map changes a bit every year and... I'd like to know until when is this going to happen?? can icefrog never create a fully balanced patch then leave it for some months? instead of all these buffing-nerfing then buffing-nerfing.....
How can you break linkens through BKB?
@Beekay remember they changed BKB from magic immunity to debuff immunity, so you can still cast single target spells on heroes with BKB on (effectively breaking Linkens through BKB)
I think the meta cycle is what makes the game great, RezaShah! We had what could be considered a "perfectly balanced" patch back in '16 i think, the last patch pre 7.00 update was the pinnacle of balance. But was it the pinnacle of game design and game enjoyment? No one can have an objective answer to that.
The game always needs to change: players get better, new ideas emerge, new concepts are introduced etc. I love Dota with all my heart and, honestly, the only thing I consider a misstep by the Dota design team in 10+ years is neutral items, and even that mechanic is now in a much more palatable spot.
So when I say there a problematic concepts it is not: "oh no, they made game bad" it is "oh wow, players have learned to exploit yet another thing, I would love to see it addressed, so that players can start searching once again"
"While some, like Dazzle, can’t be picked, unless you are intentionally trying to ruin the game for your team."
Dazzle is still an easier to play healer support in the lower level brackets than Oracle. LLB Lives Matter.
I think the last patch actually made Oracle better than Dazzle at all skill levels: the fact that you can no longer disarm your teammates or give enemy 100% magic resistance is a huge deal, but it is especially noticeable in lower levels of play. Oracle is no longer potentially harmful to your team.
That said, I think Dazzle might have game against Naga with Shard getting rid of her illusions instantly. Not sure how "worth" it is, but is neat in concept.
Great post, thank you @KawaiiSocks, keep it up! :D
@KawaiiSocks, I'm interested to hear what you think about the change I suggested a couple of blogs ago for universal heroes:
I'd like to see a change to universal heroes where their highest attribute grants 0.8 damage and the other two grant 0.5. That would give them the 1.8 damage from an iron branch rather than the 2.1 they get now.
More importantly though it'd encourage universal heroes to focus on one stat more than the others, bringing them more in line with other heroes.
I think it is a very bad suggestion.
How about the highest stat granting 0.7654 damage, the middle stat giving 0.6754, and the lowest stat giving 0.4289?
That would make the game even less complex than it is now, and more importantly, it'd encourage universal heroes to focus on one stat more than the others, bringing them more in line with other heroes.
@kAWAI you are the best! happy to see you still active here writing these posts. keep the high class work up
subscribe to my petition to remove nullfier from dota
<3 Nullifier
The problem of nerfing nulli is the amount of save items and save abilities that are in game right now. Imagine playing vs 2 glimmers on supps, etherial blade, pavise, etc. It is easier to kill core heroes than supps. It is really imbalanced that supps cant die if they have minimum positioning in fight and (for exaple) glimmer + force stuff. Also try to play vs imbalanced timber aggs without nulli or other dispell. Nulli is not overbuffed. In earlier dota patches it is also gave mute and slow btw.