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12 komentářů
Trabek (Game after 2100)


    Trabek (Game after 2100)

      Am i first?


        Nah your eyes deceive you. Im actually first

        I hear the spirits callin...

          first ARE YOU EVEN TRYING


            Void 4 ?!?!?! 😳🤯😵‍💫😵 "Don't try this at home kids" 😅😂🤣


              This is really sad


                I think timezone void will get nerfed in the next patch (whatever role).

                I think combining him with several heroes who have a 4-5s cd nukes is completely overpowered; he is an incredible combo even with only 1 of those - QoP, Lina, Death prophet, Zeus etc.
                Dazzle with his new ult also pairs quite nicely (shitton of instant attacks and heal).

                The 4x cd concept is too strong imo.


                  tinker support w guardian greaves, locket, glimmer and next

                  ScofieldFake @Neoxa

                    AA, Silence e Jakiro > All

                    Mr. Sweet and Awful

                      "He has distinct timings with Time Dilation that should be utilized constantly, for him to have an impact."

                      sorry but kawaiisocks is such a terrible writer man

                      Mr. Sweet and Awful

                        "He has distinct timings with Time Dilation that should be utilized constantly, for him to have an impact."

                        sorry but what a terrible writer