Dook It Up with BaBaDook! Come watch shit tier scrubby plays on my stream that will... | 0 | | was du liebe ne... | |
Have TA/Invo/NP immortals, want to trade for SF or WD immortal Waiting for the response) | 0 | | 312 | |
if you think about picking NP could you fucking not? about to get another game lost bec... | 7 | | Chuffy.feeder | | dadmode |
Anyone else getting 2 sec lag spikes every 10 min? I've never had that before, but since few updates ago it ... | 9 | | Mandalorian | | Mandalorian |
have ta immortal want goldens or wd or extremely rares woooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo
| 15 | | npc | | ф |
Juhis' bet predictions I have started to do bet predictions as a hobby and for f... | 4 | | Lord Mushroom | | npc |
B/T For Meepo Colossal Hi I have the Furion immortal if anyone wants to trade. I... | 1 | | zabhudoo | | Trodlabundin |
(Off Topic)ad spam malwares Hello guys, i'd like to know if any of you guys have been... | 11 | | peruvianlastpic... | | the realm's... |
Anyone willing to gift me mappo immortal? *mooch* *mooch* | 38 | | Giff me Wingman | | Giff me Wingman |
The feeling of having 94% winrate. On 2 accounts. V-God. So good. Much wow. | 79 | | lm ao | | bum farto |
Why don't my winter wyvern games ever show hero healing? The only time they do is when I have mek/arcane boots and... | 3 | | Crudude | | Heathen |
Looking to trade for Invoker Imortal, will trade Meepo/Lesh/Disruptor/NightStalker Let me know if anyone is interested.... | 0 | | redfeast | |
Dotabuff pro is it actually worth it I currently don't have any money to get dotabuff pro but ... | 5 | | Tom Wagner | | jus chillen |
Trading TA immortal for Meepo/Furion/Invoker immortal Basically the title, trading ta immortal for any of the a... | 2 | | Maui Mallard | | Maui Mallard |
[W] INVO IMMORTAL [H] Tinker immo, Spirit breaker immo, meepo immo Tell me if you have the invo immortal and want to trade | 0 | | Des1re | |
I've got natures prophet immortal i want to trade it for invoker immo Please take it away from me!! | 0 | | FastestManAlive | |
I have invoker immortal want to gift trade for ta immortal or wd immortal Title ^^^ | 7 | | Niskara | | Des1re |
I give up on this game! I seriously cannot win! I will support and still do more ... | 26 | | Kurt | | Coconuts Migrate? |
@DD SAMA Shall i play good to beat him?
[img]http://oi62.tinypi... | 9 | | bum farto | | p2d |
Zeus Immortal Someone with a kindly heart giff me pls. I promise I will... | 3 | | BoBy-Ro | | BoBy-Ro |
[US East/West] Looking for fun players MMR doesn't matter, all we're looking for is people to qu... | 7 | | Seoulmate | | jus chillen |
Have meepo immortal, want invoker Have meepo immortal, want invoker | 0 | | Loneshadow | |
Immortal 3 praise gaben. ty for zeus stick | 24 | | MILNOR | | lm ao |
Change: Chronosphere freezes LC's Duel timer I thought it would make sense and be interesting if Facel... | 3 | | Rahknai | | aoijfnrgoiadesnf |
balancing farming and kill participation How do you do it? Games where i farm more, i often dont f... | 5 | | inst: MissMiss... | | arin |