General Discussion

General DiscussionGOAL: 60% WIN RATE

GOAL: 60% WIN RATE in General Discussion

    I have 60% win rate, but I guess that's bad for only having played 50+ games. My goal is 65-70% though.

    Dr. Yeeti

      i have goal 60%+ and i want to try with you if u like


        Sure just add me up..

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          play drow, ns, bh, riki all day.

          Mind Goblin

            how many of these topics are people complaining about the matchmaking just get over the win ratio and play. (granted mine goes up and down so god damn much lol) don't worry so much about the noobs just try and out farm the people in your tier most of the games i see (and i watch alot) people like running around looking for kills when you need to be farming i have seen people out farm heroes with like a difference of say a sven with 4 2 22 had out farmed a drow that was 24 4 14 (give or take) just ward tp and farm with a hero that can win gg good luck and please stop posting about the matchmaking just cos you see people like this guy



              you say that then post a video link that is contradicting everything... That antimage farmed and lost he didn't own the other heroes, also that antimage was just fucking around aka throwing the game... he didnt care for the win or lose...


                Whew! 125-125, 50%!

                If I can get to 210-140 then that would make it 60%!

                Very doable! Join me guys!


                  Your win rate shouldn't matter. You should always move towards around 50%. That isn't a measure of your skill level - that's what brackets are for. If you have an abnormally low or high win rate, it doesn't mean you're good or bad, it just means that the matchmaking system isn't doing its job, because either way you're being put in unfair matches and you obviously don't belong in the bracket that you're in.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    ^not so much, as long as the vast majority of players in the middle brackets are near 50%, then the MM is doing fine. There are very few players at the very top end of MM (2400+), so occasionally lower (but still 2000+DBR and stuff) are thrown into their games, and well, those are the games they lose. Its why people can have 60-70% win rates after hundreds of games, and well yes, it means they are damn good.

                    But for people with below 200 games (or some number like that), win rate isn't that good of an indicator because many players, are already at the diamond bracket in terms of skill level, but have to actually win a lot of games to reach that bracket, in which time they may have a 60%ish win rate or something, which will go down slowly after time to 50% after a lot of games.

                    Fyah Burn

                      win rate doesnt matter ( i have about 80% win with premade with 3 of my friends and deal with one random) i for myself ( in lol and dota2 now aswell) play mostly support AND i know i suck at most carrys, but im a good support ( stacking jungle / ancients from start on ) pulling creeps or stay in lane ( when the lanemate you get is not able to stay under the tower and farm) but still to win you (mostly) need to be a carry or atleast a semicarry wich can go support ( if you see the team doesnt suck) idk on wich server he plays but if he plays on any EU server he probably gets alot of players who refuse to communicate ( i know now you can say "the enemys get bad players / people wich refuse to talk in common tongue" aswell) but thats total bullshit matchmaking is completly luck based UNLESS! you get like 60%+ in your first 10 games and it stays that way. no one can carry a team wich doesnt speak. in lol it was possible i dont see how it can be possible to "hardcarry" a game in dota if 2 out of 3 lanes feed like hell before you hit the 10 min mark).


                        @Fukt Are you saying that you should only have above 50% if you're at the very top


                          No, he's saying that if you are playing at your maximum skill with equivalently skilled players, you will taper off at 50% win rate, which is true, assuming you never get better. A player who holds a 50%< win rate consistently is one who is steadily progressing faster than their peers.


                            just wanted to read one of the first topics I created in Dotabuff 9 months ago.

                            i stopped using my "smurf" account for a few months until just recently

                            but i'm on 57% right now, I think I would have been able to keep it in above 60% if not for the "casual" approach I did last August

                            oh well


                              @BlackXargon lolwut. you only have 140 games, 60% winrate would be so easy to achieve.


                                exactly. and i messed it up by playing casually last August :-/


                                  Me 60% ezy!