General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does this "Dotabuff Rating (DBR)" work?

How does this "Dotabuff Rating (DBR)" work? in General Discussion

    How would they calculate it and what would they based it from? THX! I don't care if you will vote for Private or Public, I just need some detailed explanation about this DBR before i vote.


      They haven't mentioned how they do it but it is obviously based on wins and losses as well as the number of games you have played in normal, high and very high skill pools.
      They only use whatever statistics are already public to come up with the number.

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        It has nothing to do with normal very high or high since these are not skill pools. These are simply watch brackets. You could have a noob in a Very high skill bracket. And numerous smurfs due to starting of with lucky win streaks due to a team carrying them. :L I think it will most likely be based off of all stats, KDA ratio --> GPM XPM game impact, etc then they might use something like the Spearmans rank to find the Regression line, to see how much the data agrees with each other to determine how accurate that data is. Last hits and denies are also accounted for i think.
        They will also include win and loss rates as well, and they may use the ELO system from chess.
        Such that with every game each team will have a ranking, and everyone on your team if u win will gain X grade determined by the difference between your teams overall rank and your opponents overall rank.

        These are all the things they could factor it of with.

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          ^ last hits, kda, gpm xpm - fuck yea "support player = bad player" FOR SURE!

          I'll come like a wrecking...

            for god sake read their topics it has been said that it wont be based on KDA..

            HERE TAKE

            The only factors considered in determining the change in your rating is match outcome and skill difference between players. Other factors such as player KDA are not considered. We feel very strongly that including KDA (or other in-game statistics) would lead to a system that encourages individual play (instead of teamwork), is difficult or impossible to balance, is subject to exploiting and would lead player ratings to drift away from the in-game matchmaking.

            SHUT thanks


              hit me up if you want a real player high kdr babie zzzzzzzzzzap


                The way rating works FOR EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ELO BASED GAME

                You start you "career" with the same rating as everyone else, lets say 1500.

                Matchmaking tries to put 10 people with as close as possible rating into 2 evenly distributed teams.

                And the end of the match, everyone loses or gains rating based on his rating vs the average game ratings. So for example with 1500 rating you would gain something like this when winning a game:

                game average 1450 - gain 3 rating
                game average 1500 - gain 5 rating
                game average 1550 - gain 8 rating

                i.e. the harder the game compared to your rating, the more you gain. You also lose rating similar to this. The math is a bit more complex as it takes into account other things like the winning vs losing team average rating, there are penalties if you rating is way off the average rating (example you're 1200 rating teaming with an 1800 in a 1700 average rating game; you gain 0 rating), etc...

                Anyway, the bottom line is that the rating is only based on match result (win/loss) and everyone's current rating when playing that match. So in order to calculate ratings, you only need the results of all of the matches ever played + ids of the people in every match. As far as I understand DotaBuff already has that data for 100.000.000+ matches, and they ran their rating algorithm on all of them, building the rating for every player till today. What they need to continue building their rating is only the match result, but if they dont have access to 100% of the match results, they cannot calculate the correct rating for anyone.

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                  This DBR is fucking horrible. I don't understand why they go through with it when they don't have the needed accessibility to retrieve statistics.

                  Some programmer, got to tell me how the hell I can be a Platinum Player, while my scrub-friend also is a Platinum player, with 51% winrate, a K/d each game of 0.5 or so and completely illiterate to the game?

                  I haven't played a moba in 1,5 years and I am Platinum? Fuck me, I should be Bronze.


                    There are a LOT of people who are inexperienced in a genre like Dota. When I browse through bronze games, it consists mostly of players buying no boots, etc.

                    I'm sure you're not that bad.


                      Tharuler - I was interested in how it is calculated without the actual core data from Valve? I really am not sure I should be 1800+ Platinum, at this point, since it is so long since I played ARTS/MOBA and even longer since I played the original DotA.

                      I thougth it was said that they closed statistics from 3rd parties, so how is my rating calculated, for example? Based on data you already have, new data and if so, how is this retrieved?


                        does it works like RGC?


                          as i asked before (without an answer):

                          Can someone tell me please how DBR is supposed to work? I don't get it:

                          It says that players will be judged by the number of games they won and on the lvl of their opponents. But when I play with 4 complete tools, who don't know the game (feed, push lanes when they are not supposed to etc.) and I gonna lose, I will be downgraded despite how good I played in this game, cause K/D/A and other ingame-stats will not be considered. So how is this ranking fair or better than the actual matchmaking (which is crap)?


                            It is as jams described it.
                            If you play with "complete tools" there is a reason why you were matched with them. Possibly because you are as bad as they compared on a grand scale and not one particular game.
                            Another possibility is, that you "counter-balance" the ONE good player in the enemy team.

                            Considering how "good" you played in ONE single game isn't possible. No one can do that, especially not an algorithm. Even professional players and casters can't measure one persons skill based upon ONE game.

                            That's the reason why they just compare your wins / losses in all your matches against all the other people in the ranking system.
                            Winning against a Na'Vi stack for example gives you way more points than winning against a team full of random people who are 1500 rated. Whether or not you played good or bad in either of those games!


                              Ok, ty. I didn't want to sound cocky, but I'm rated as "silver" and it happenend a few times, that I ended up with ppl who played 0-5 games in general. So they have no knowledge of the game, which is fine (everyone was a beginner once), but then the matchmaking really sucks. I believe there are good players in the "bronze" section, so it would be better to replace me or every other higher rated player with a good player of that section, as a counterpart to balance the team. But thx for the answer!


                                Well if you look at the top players its not neccessarily based on wins. See on heroes it has thing such as "advantage against" it's in the same vein. The top player ONLY plays wisp and very rarely some other supports. Supports can top the ranking


                                  It would be awesome if DB-Crew could show us all how they are measuring this skill. That will sort everything out imo^^


                                    Still not entirely sure how the rating works, number-wise, that is.

                                    I got a subaccount with under 30 games, and already in diamond.

                                    It seems the it is ELO based, which is good, since it makes a faster progress to get you to your "real" rating - but still not entirely sure :s


                                      Its broken, because your team will always affect your gpm/xpm which the rating is mostly based on.


                                        ^You are aware, that the rating doesn't get affected by your gpm and xpm?

                                        I am pretty sure it's only about the win/lose. But if you are worse rated overall than the other team, but still manage to win, you will get more points, then they would get, if they won. And every individual player gets a different amount of mounts, compared to the difference between the game average and his DBR. But as mentioned above, im really not sure about the numbers !! :)

                                        pet rock

                                          I am sure that DBR is off because I just talked with on my friends list who is in the "Very High" Bracket in game for all of his matches. According to DBR he is 90 points worse then me while I play only in the "High" Bracket.


                                            You are aware, that the brackets that are implemented has nothing to do with DBR?
                                            But sure, DBR isn't an 100% clear indication of your skill level. But you could say with sure certainty that a 2000+ player is better than a ~1800 player.

                                            pet rock

                                              Yes SeiRa, I completely understand that. I think that the brackets that Valve has though even through there is no number associated with them are currently more accurate at showing what your still is.

                                              I myself am 1690, while my friend who I talked to who is in "Very High" has a rating of 1600. My friend who has the 1600 rating is also much better then me and I can see that from watching their games. That is why I think that as it is now, DBR is highly inaccurate.