General Discussion

General Discussionhahahahahahahah

hahahahahahahah in General Discussion

    even if only those who voted to support DBR make their profiles public that is still 15,000/200,000 players who have public profiles which means approximately 54% of all matches will have at least one player with a public profile (and therefore the match will be recorded for everyone)

    with every other match being recorded DBR will still be plenty accurate

    (And that is assuming we only have 15K users activate public... if dotabuff makes it obvious that you won't get ANY stats if you don't check public there will be a ton of people who check the public option despite not knowing anything about DBR positive or otherwise)



      Have anything supporting those claims? You just laid out a lot of definitions and I'm not seeing where you got all that information.

      And lets not get stats confused with DBR. DBR and most ELO/Glicko rating systems are based on not only your rating, but the rating of others you are playing with. So yes, if they just redact account profiles, DOTABUFF can still do aggregate statistics of the community, and as long as you set your profile to public, your personal stats.

      Sacred Relics

        I AM FAPPIN SO HARD RIGHT NOW!!!! HON IS WAITING 4 YOU GUYS!!! GO, LEAVE OUR CASUAL GAME! (DBR idea killed Dotabuff, not Valve)


          i think value should build two matching have stats one not .so who want play the next game casual ,go to the pool not have stats ....

          Deep Sea Diver Man

            @lucfe The problem is not the the stats it the fact that dotabuff when around valve into stuff they did not have permission to get into so they got the hammer it there own fault at the end of the day.

            Shampoo My Ass Hair

              DotaBuff kinda fucked up here. Instead of spooking Valve you guys should have made it optional or private from the start. You should have known Valve's MMR-phobia. I don't think you handled this too well.

              Still, talk about kneejerk reactions. They haven't even confirmed it was going public, yet they stop third party sites from organizing info you can get in game?

              I was part of a community where the devs loved third party sites(, great game btw), guess Valve isn't one of them. I mean why does Valve have these crappy hero performance bars but not private MMR? MMR is probably one of the most interesting and relevant stats in the game(regardless of what people think, stop kidding yourselves). Nobody gets flamed for there 1/5 rated venom, so why would people get scorched for universally private MMR? Why haven't they put it in? I mean I'd much have that rather than wincount. Are they too busy renaming OD for the 30th time?

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Deep Sea Diver Man

                Valve does not want MMR/Elo/whatever shown and at the end of the day it there game so they call the shots it has nothing to do with the if they don't have time they said their never showing it.

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                Shampoo My Ass Hair

                  They call the shots but that doesn't mean I can't criticize them. Especially when something that has no downsides and is easy to implement isn't getting implemented due to derp reasons. If they don't want private MMR, then please get rid of hero performance bars too. Not only does my low rated DS hurt my feelings, but they also are confirmed terrible for rating like half the heroes anyway. I'd rather have a wards placed stat than this crap.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Deep Sea Diver Man

                    True the bar pretty useless not sure why it in to be honest, Now the real question is how will this effect the rest of Buff the MMR crap aside I liked the match stuff.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Valve wanted to make it as loud and clear as possible, that League of Legends is the superior competitive game.

                      People wonder why there is more money in playing lol, in casting lol, in streaming lol, than in dota or dota 2. Well, Valve's given you an answer: dota 2 is a casual game.

                      Woof Woof

                        ^ sad but true


                          dotabuff should change its name to dotanerf

                          < qt trap >

                            ^^^ kinda agree that it's what is happening with Dota 2..
                            Just look at LoL, SC2 and WoW, currently the most competitive games, they all have stats.
                            Dota 2 doesn't seem to going to be competitive as DotA anytime soon.. Or ever... It is incredibly hard for new players and teams to get noticed in the current system, especially without the existance of leagues, like in DotA.
                            Too bad i don't like LoL, at least i still have SC2.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              ITT: A game with no stats is a casual game.

                              Nice job showing how you have faulty correlation skills. Single player ratings are fucking retarded on a team game anyways.

                              ∞ regen

                                Agree with troll. Grow up people.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Sad day for Dotabuff. I was really looking up to this getting implemented. I hope they change their minds some day (Valve).


                                    it means i cant download dendi replays starting tomorrow -.-


                                      Sad day for DotA. This was a step in the right direction. Fk you valve


                                        I'm going say this and just leave it here. Dota 2 is still in BETA (sort of), stop acting like its fully released. If anything keep the rating private but keep the stats (items,score, etc) in-game.


                                          "Valve wanted to make it as loud and clear as possible, that League of Legends is the superior competitive game."

                                          "Dota 2 doesn't seem to going to be competitive as DotA anytime soon.. Or ever... It is incredibly hard for new players and teams to get noticed in the current system, especially without the existance of leagues, like in DotA."

                                          Are you people dumb? Casual stats for the random people who play a few times a month will have no adverse effects on the competitive scene. People who seriously want to get recognized and picked up for teams will just turn on their DBR, simple as that. Admiral Bulldog was a HoN player that was recognized by Dendi and got into the scene by simply playing the game. If youre genuinely good, youll get recognized. And if you honestly want stupid hurr durr LoL shit like "MY ELO IS BETTER THAN URS, I CANT QUEUE WITH YOU COS IM BETTER" then you should be playing that game isntead. People who genuinely want to get better at the game instead of getting flamed will have the chance to do so. Youll have a bigger playerbase in the long run without this crap.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            An official shoutout to the whiners and noobs of the community. Looks like valve is more interested in protecting the modesty of shitty players than make the game better. Thank you for showing us the direction dota 2 is going to take.
                                            This is a sad fucking day fr a brilliant community like dotabuff.

                                            LEGENDARY DEAGLE MASTER

                                              This just in: having no solo queue visible rating means the game isn't competitive! It hurts my brain how stupid people are allowed to post on Internet.


                                                But protecting the modest players IS making the game better. Community hostility is one of the TOP critiscisms this ENTIRE GENRE suffers from, and once someone finally does something about it, you whine.

                                                Why do you need a number to tell how good you are? Dendi sure as fuck didn't. Nor did Chuan. They went to tournaments and won. Like every other pro team. They weren't "found" they made themselves a name and the sponsors took them BECAUSE they won.

                                                You want stats? Sure. Turn them on and you get them, you get your PERSONAL stats. And that should be enough.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                The Bad Batch

                                                  All who is crying here about Valve's turn.

                                                  Imagine if you all would have a label on your forehead with your penis size.

                                                  I am sure most of you wouldn't be glad to show it to everyone you meet.

                                                  About tracking the progress. I really wanted it as any of you. But Dotabuff failed trying to make a "pay-to-flame" model. If they would just implement the DBR, only as private, I bet Valve wouldn't do anything against it.


                                                    I don't get why shouldn't the stats be shown, it's a bitch move by Valve. (Legal/maybe the have some plans?)

                                                    If you suck and you're Bronze, so be it. If they show that I'm at the bottom tier of players, I'd accept it. Suck it up and try and be better.

                                                    Bakuarzan ツ

                                                      I'm probably Bronze player as I never played game like this before and I don't understand why ppl don't want those stats to be public. I've never been mocked 'couse of my skill or sth, oh wait, I was - in StarCraft when it's visible if you are Bronze or Master player, but I just didn't care. Why should I? We're all grown up (to some point ;) ) and should have our own self esteem NOT based on online game.
                                                      If someone base it on Dota2 tough... Stop playing. Visit psychoanalyst. Do something, because there is something wrong with you and it's not DotaBuff false.


                                                        Extremely disappointing move by valve. I can't imagine that DB had any idea that they would be targeted like this or they wouldn't have put all this effort in. The notion that this is protecting the Dota community is absurd. Flamers will flame regardless. Chess has had ratings for 50+ years, the highlight of going to a chess tourney as a kid wasn't whether i won, it was whether i could improve my rating. A rating gives a way to measure your own progress, if you don't care about it, ignore it, no one is forced to come to DB.


                                                          lol kids crying about this thing. How mad kids, stats prick you know you are the toxic thing from this community. I'm happy about Valve desicion.

                                                          Did you read it right. This companny Copyright 2012 Elo Entertainment LLC. Just want your money. Look for the future of dotabuff.

                                                          DBR AND MORE LAUNCHING FRIDAY
                                                          We'll be launching personal DBR for signed in players on Friday. Additionally, we have a major Dotabuff update planned that includes a host of major new features for the entire community. We'll also be releasing Dotabuff Plus, an optional service for those wishing to support the site. Remember - nothing that is currently available will ever cost money and your personal DBR will always be free! We'll see you Friday for the full launch!

                                                          Cry more kids leave dota and play lol we dont need more trashcans.

                                                          Bakuarzan ツ

                                                            I just want to add that I would understand this move by Valve if they're to implement some rating system in-game. Maybe not very detailed, maybe visible only to player, not to others. But something. I'm not DB fan, I'm stats fan and I want co compete even if I'm total noob (which I'm probably :) )


                                                              2013-01-23 23:03
                                                              The intention of the poll was to gain public insight. We have not announced DBR details, but did/do not plan to release DBR as a public stat

                                                              Yeah 6 dollars per month to see any person rating


                                                                feels good to see all this kids complaining. yet when i check their profiles, they are not rly that good, its funny.


                                                                  If you want to go competitive just go enter the pro scene, The people who are complaining about DBR being dead just wanted to compliment themselves and feed on their already huge ego.

                                                                  Not to mention if there was such a thing as an MMR in Dota 2 I would want Valve to do it themselves not some site who tries to milk money out of it

                                                                  DB brought this to themselves. RIP DB

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    I like how everyone that complains has a win rate about ~45 %. It's so fucking cute. :'D


                                                                      Starter of the topic just had a match 1-23 with huskar, farming almost 7k in 40+ mins...this is just pathetic :)))))))) ->
                                                                      I would be ashamed for even having an opinion about dota if i were him...


                                                                        @ultracham : Well said.
                                                                        @mizure: The point here isnt about being good or bad. Its about the will to improve, sumthing that can achieved if we have an idea where we stand in the current skill base. I am nt a pro player like dendi and i have kinda bad stats but that doesnt mean imma go cry in a corner cuz there are other people better than me out there. Hell it gives me all the more reason to improve my skill and performance..


                                                                          Yeeah boys, valve just protected friendly and useful players from flamers like you.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            Right :)
                                                                            The guys quiting or feeding on purpose are very friendly, useful, respectful, get where i'm going with this right? :)))))))



                                                                              Chess is a very good example. How much of the games you play are ELO-rated? 1% maybe? How often do you sit in training hours with a sparring partner and just fool around? Do you want games like this to be ELO-ranked? I doubt it. It's the same with Dota2. Nobody wants to be judged by games they do not play seriously. Its absolutely pointless to rate "-random"-games or even "all random" ones. They want to get ranked, when they had time to prepare and have the concentration to play at their best. That's why SCII suffered a huge player loss some time ago, because nobody wanted to play ranked games just for fun.
                                                                              Ranked only Publics are poison to the widely casual or semi-serious community. Why bother, when you try to build up a pro scene? Because nobody watches replays and streams of a game they dont like to play themselves (+ in the case of Dota you need to play yourself to understand what's going on). And without people to follow the pro matches there is no cash and without cash there is no pro scene.

                                                                              Also Valve wanted to prevent something like LoLBuff, where they charge you for additional stats. DB could have been more modest and just introduce an optional, private rating, with a share button. Simple as that.

                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                              demon slayer slayer

                                                                                Good riddance DBR. If you want recognition go play fucking inhouse games or clan wars, no need to shit up matchmaking even more than it is already.


                                                                                  Never met guys like this. Hmm. Maybe this is because i don't complain about k/d and w/l ratio of random people huh?


                                                                                    Just go here and look at the duration of the matches (MOST of them) ->

                                                                                    If you don't get it, you are a lost case. Sorry.

                                                                                    Sacred Relics

                                                                                      Valve listen, Valve cares, protecting new players will help create a better community, Hon is waiting for those players so proud of their stats (in hon -> Pay to reset your stats, SOOOO COMPETITIVE GUYS), I AM PROUD OF VALVE, in btw, Dotabuff is a good site and I love this, but DBR fucked all..


                                                                                        chill the fuck out fags

                                                                                        valve sucks by doing this , dotabuff guys spent time making their new system to help community

                                                                                        and valve fags fucked up the hard work they did now even tho we will still be able to make our stats visible whatsoever so that won't effect us much


                                                                                        demon slayer slayer

                                                                                          How is showing a trivial number next to your name 'helping community' exactly?


                                                                                            @master dick...argh...sry...stick

                                                                                            how is showing a trivial number next to your name "not helping community"?

                                                                                            demon slayer slayer

                                                                                              Alright, it seems I tried to argue with someone who hasn't even completed elementary school. Keep believing that having some number next to your name will make you any better (or in your case any less shittier).

                                                                                              Dungeon Master

                                                                                                Valve sucks, DBR was a good feature/


                                                                                                  I like it how every single argument in defense of DBR is clearly made by mature person and there is nothing can break their crystal clear valid point of why DBR is good and why valve made a mistake.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    I don't see where is the big deal. People that doesn't want to have a public DBR won't have any stats at all. If we are all here it's because we are interested about our stats, so I'm pretty sure that everyone will finally unable this option even if it's mean that you'll have a public DBR.

                                                                                                    Only trolls care about the DBR of others players and they will harass people in game in the same way they actually did without DBR.

                                                                                                    In addition Dotabuff can still get your stats with the history of others players that allow dotabuff to get their stats.

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      The problem is that DBR is impossible to calculate with private settings on, since it needs to calculate rating won/lost from the rating of the players in the match. If even only 1 player has his stats on private there's no DBR. Basically now we've got the DBRs calculated until now, dotabuff can publish that as a number but can't calculate it further after the patch hits, since 80% of the people will keep the option private due to not caring/not knowing about it.

                                                                                                      The question is whether normal stats like until now can still be counted

                                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!