General Discussion

General DiscussionPlatinum bracket

Platinum bracket in General Discussion
tveni tveni

    Why is it 500 points wide? It's double the size of any other bracket and will have a huge number of people because of that. How can a 1900 guy and a 1500 guy both be Platinum? Why not divide it into 2 separate brackets both 250 points wide? This way we get like 25% of the dota population playing in the second best bracket, which is way too much


      its how a bell curve works... the numbers at the higher and lower ends will fluctuate much more rapidly than those in the middle.


        Do you have an understanding of the normal distribution?

        1) You can't do 300ish brackets only, then you end up with 8-9...
        2) The brackets around the median should always be smaller range
        3) Gold and Silver both have more players in it than Platinum. Bronze has less but that makes more sense as you don't want to have every beginner in there but to differentiate between "good" and "bad" beginners. Well you could argue there in other ways too, so doing Bronze for 0-1000 would work too.

        Imo the only option would be to start Diamond earlier (around 1850 or 1900), but then Diamond would lose some of its status, so I personally would disagree with that.

        PS with Bronze its the same as in tests in school.
        You don't want to make them that hard that more than 25% end up with a 5 or 6 (E or F for US), do you?

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          Simply maths.

          Plus they pointed out they might revise the brackets. Don't really worry about them. The exact number will always be more important than the word assigned to it.


            Oh god my brain, it hurts.


              from where u get this?
              i dont see any DBR

              comme la vie

                normal distribution~


                  Fuck that, and fuck pretty math just for your OCD. Split the current Platinum in two, name them and that's it.

                  Sacred Relics

                    Sure Teal, if I'm 1590 and someone is 1591, he's bettere than me, in every aspect of the game.


                      Everyone get a load of this guy, I bet he's the type that says math and sciences are just "theories".

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        I agree with the OP. I remember in Hon is was hard as hell to break the 1600s PSR & again around the 1900. Not sure if guys guys played HON but once u cracked the 1600s into the 1700s the game got easier, then hard again to 1800s. I would assume there's a buildup somewhere between 1800s and the pro levels around the 2200s.

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          Here's what I think they can do.

                          Skill Bracket Rating Range Current Population
                          Diamond 1950+ ~ 1%
                          Platinum 1450-1949 ~ 23%
                          Gold 1200-1449 ~ 31%
                          Silver 900-1199 ~ 33%
                          Bronze 0-900 ~ 12%

                          CRISPY, wait I mean BETTER VERSION
                          Skill Bracket Rating Range Current Population
                          Diamond 1950+ ~ 1%
                          Platinum 1650-1949 ~ 23%
                          Gold 1500-1649 ~ 31%
                          Silver 1200-1499 ~ 33%
                          Bronze 900-1200 ~ 9%
                          Wood 0-900 ~ 5%


                            i have a Percentile of 89% which means that i have more DBR than 89% players in the same bracket?


                              lol this is the kind of attitude I think people who were against DBR wanted to avoid. "Oh I'm a special snowflake cause I'm in the top end of platinum! Wait what's this? Some one with a way lower ranking than me is in platinum too? Wahhhhhhh! Change it! Get those filthy scrubs out of my ranking!"