Rape comes from lol, hence that's what he believes. Never installed wc3 i bet. I've been there done that. I play NS and he's one hero taht can do that. Go 9-0 first night... 11-2 or something 2nd.. and still lose. Sometimes the other team has better players who use mic. Also when you dominate and kill. Your allies don't' dominate their lane afterwards. Usually with good allies with 9-0 kill, it would snowball and you guys can win. So in essence, you are killing heroes, but once they revive and go back to their lane, they are actually winning your allies, due to their higher skill or heroes combinations.
This happens cuz matchmaking was designed to please newbs, giving them better players to win, and vice versa.
Lost like 10 of my last matches because of this. E.g 15/0/3 lv 25 Invoker. Oh hai 5/17/13 pugna. Thanks for all the feed. I don't think I've ever been matched up on my team with someone who doesn't autoattack and who actually knows how to deny, stack and pull. Yet the enemy team, every time...
Blastoise, do you really think that if you have friends, they all should be pro in dota? Dont be that retarded.
the truth is dota 2 match maker can only work in games like quake live or wolfenstein where you dont get extra power for getting kills
if you match players from different brackets this match maker is just bound to fail in dota
lack of visible rating
i dont understand why it takes so much time to find a game here for example in hon with 1/4 playerbase mm finds game in 2/3minutes each time :O
This is pub, the only thing you can try is to dominate even harder next game, maybe it will be enough, most likely it won't though!
OT: yes I mostly solo queue and I noticed precisely the same. After 600 games i saw the same level of fail as after 100 games, although i fluctuated around 99 percentile and "diamond" games. Funniest part is, the more recent games I win, the worse things follow in next. Like some unknown force wanted u to lose and it's totally beyond control.
my favorites:
-Carries are careless, don't react on ping warnings about smoked enemy and 5 misses, priceless in lategame;
-problems with mean supporters, unupgraded chick whole game until i do it;
-that part of the team I hate - "premade mates" - do their own doto and don't consider other players asking to wait/back/gather, usually ends up suiciding around enemy base and mad pinging the rest ))
-last pick blows every sane mind, fucking up the laning totally;
-enemy team seems a full-focused iG in a booth, compared to my monkeys throwing shit at each other
100 games ago i decided to chill and just accept the fact those people are not meant to be skilled. Luckily i am not pro myself and don't rly have to care if i win.
I agree with 3rd Riech. Games with a mixed skill brackets are sure to fail. You know you're in one, when one team has triple the kills of other team.
Even in even games where there is only 1 noob, already makes the game feel broke. If he gets caught just 2-3 times and does 1-2 mistakes in team battle during the 40 mintues it's game changing. He doesn't even have to feed big time just 0-5 for whole game.
Lol, I feel bad for this guy, noticed the icon, and realized I just played against him, and his teammates were friken retarded... There has to be something wrong, you are in too low of a bracket. I started to think I was playing in High for a little while.
or your geting same teammates and enemys as your skill level just they arent good with all classes, just few of them?
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Ok so apparently matchmaking feels need to pair me with the worst fucking players. It's unreal. Ill completely destroy the early game and get like 10 - 0 roaming winning all the side lanes. But somehow my team regardless of how much advantage i give them loses the game. And this happens frequently idk why. Im starting to think imma just have to stack every game with friends because this is unreal. Anyone else ever notice this happens to them too?